Cars 2

Charles Xavier

Pro Adventurer
Pixar's just released their first trailer for 'Cars 2', scheduled for release next year. Thoughts so far?

I swear I heard Michael Caine in there! :joy:


Pro Adventurer
I had no idea they'd release a sequel tbh...
Although I'm glad they did, really enjoyed watching the first one.

Oh and I lol'd when Mator said "Average intelligence".
The pixar movie I didnt reallly give a shit about gets a sequel with a plotline I dont really give a shit about.
I never really liked the characters so I got no reason to watch the sequel, even if they amped up the action (which wasnt the problem with the first one in the first place)

Why they chose to make a sequel of their worst liked/reviewed movie is beyond me.


Satsu, BRIAN BLESSED, MIGHTY AND WISE Junpei Iori: Ace Detective, Maccaffrickstonson von Lichtenstafford Frabenschnaben, Polite Krogan, Robert Baratheon
Pixar Ideas Guy said:
Hey guys, I have this great idea for another of our Pixar sequels. I know our previous movies are kinda tame and stuff, so let's do what we did with Toy Story 3, and make everything as hardcore as possible, y'know what I mean? If we can put mafia into Toy Story, we can put guns and missiles into Cars, fuck yeah! Explosions and spies and everything! Just the stuff that the family's missing out on in Hollywood these days!


Higher Further Faster
Cars had humor where you had to understand the source material in order to appreciate it. I understood a lot of the things the humor of the first movie was based on and the things they were making fun of, and actually find it rather clever.

However, this seems waaaayyyyy different than the first movie. I'm assuming it will be some parody on spy movie tech instead of NASCAR and rednecks, but still it seems like such a huge leap. But I'll reserve judgment for later.

Why they chose to make a sequel of their worst liked/reviewed movie is beyond me.

Because it was successful and is still successful. There are cartoons on Disney channel and a ton of merchandise in stores. My nephew is quite the fan of everything Cars related. So much so that he has memorized the locations of all the Cars toys in certain stores and demands to go over to see them whenever out shopping. :P

Cars is just the movie that people seem to be the most vocal about hating. Cars is no less clever than, say, The Incredibles, and I found that movie to be rather boring because I'm just not hardcore into the source material. :/
Because it was successful and is still successful. There are cartoons on Disney channel and a ton of merchandise in stores. My nephew is quite the fan of everything Cars related. So much so that he has memorized the locations of all the Cars toys in certain stores and demands to go over to see them whenever out shopping. :P

First of all, this isnt Disney. This is Pixar. And yes those are different. John Lasseter has heavy influence on Disney Animation, and when it comes to actual Pixar movies, they can do whatever the fuck they want. They have always been about making great movies with a solid story, character development, and writing. They arnt into making sequels.
The Toy Stories are different since it was the movie that got them their start, but making a sequel to their worst rated/liked movie just doesnt make sense.
Cars was a self-indulgent pet project that got out of hand. The only people who are probly looking forward to this (with exceptions of course, I'm talking about the majority) are children. If they decided to make a whole new movie, or even a sequel to Incredibles or Wall-E, EVERYONE would be looking forward to it. Children and adults alike.
It's not a money grab.

Cars is just the movie that people seem to be the most vocal about hating. Cars is no less clever than, say, The Incredibles, and I found that movie to be rather boring because I'm just not hardcore into the source material. :/
There is more cleverness in the argument between Helen and Bob about being "special" than everything in Cars combined.


unsavory tart
Why they chose to make a sequel of their worst liked/reviewed movie is beyond me.
Eh, by our standards, but we aren't the only demographic they are thinking about it.

Kids love Cars. Like, fanatic about it beyond what I've seen their love of things like Monsters, Incredibles, or Up. From what I heard from other people, it seems to hold true.

I'm willing to bet the merchandise/toys that Cars sold is far above any other pixar movie.


Satsu, BRIAN BLESSED, MIGHTY AND WISE Junpei Iori: Ace Detective, Maccaffrickstonson von Lichtenstafford Frabenschnaben, Polite Krogan, Robert Baratheon
Kids love Cars. Like, fanatic about it beyond what I've seen their love of things like Monsters, Incredibles, or Up. From what I heard from other people, it seems to hold true.

Being the manchild I am, I do trawl Toys R' Us every now and then and there's still a big market for toy cars and the little toy roadsters on miniature stunt tracks I used to muck around with when I was a kid. I think the Cars series plays right into that, which I think is the reason why the merchandise is so popular.


alex is dead
Alex, Ashes, Pennywise, Bill Weasley, Jack's Smirking Revenge, Sterling Archer
I love the way Pixar have gone to their back catalogue and decided that the best course of action was to make a sequel for their ONLY mediocre movie :/

Can't help but think that they've dropped the ball with this one. But at least its already a good head and shoulders above Yogi Bear 3D or whatever.


Higher Further Faster
First of all, this isnt Disney. This is Pixar. And yes those are different. John Lasseter has heavy influence on Disney Animation, and when it comes to actual Pixar movies, they can do whatever the fuck they want.

I never said they were the exact same. I just said that there were Cars cartoons on the Disney Channel. :monster:

Why were there cartoons on the Disney Channel? Because Cars is popular enough with that demographic to warrant them, it seems.

A lot of pull or not, I can't imagine them doing something like that unless there was an actual niche for that. They still play them, too. Just a few weeks ago I was watching Disney Channel with my nephew and they were on.

They have always been about making great movies with a solid story, character development, and writing. They arnt into making sequels.
The Toy Stories are different since it was the movie that got them their start, but making a sequel to their worst rated/liked movie just doesnt make sense.

It doesn't make sense to you because you didn't like it, and I'm sure reviewers didn't like because I'm sure most movie reviewers probably aren't into the types of things Cars is based on. But just because you and they didn't like it, doesn't mean it wasn't successful. Because the truth is it made Pixar a lot of money, and is still making them money. Being Pixar's first big movie doesn't give Toy Story special status to have sequels while all other Pixar movies are for some reason forbidden to have any.

Cars was a self-indulgent pet project that got out of hand.

That made a lot of money.

The only people who are probly looking forward to this (with exceptions of course, I'm talking about the majority) are children.

Probably more people than just children. I don't think you quite understand the target demographic of these movies. And even if it is being aimed solely at children, I don't see how that is a bad thing. Isn't Pixar allowed to make a film for just kids every once in a while?

If they decided to make a whole new movie, or even a sequel to Incredibles or Wall-E, EVERYONE would be looking forward to it. Children and adults alike.

As popular as Pixar movies are I've never been in an environment where everyone was excited about it. I know I usually am, but unless you've got kids to bring to it it's something you wait for DVD for.

It's not a money grab.

I think it's rather naive to say that the idea of all the money Pixar movies usually make is not a factor whenever they do a new movie. It is a business that needs to find a way to fund future projects and also pay their workers enough to have lives and send their kids to college and what not.

There is more cleverness in the argument between Helen and Bob about being "special" than everything in Cars combined.

Not really. I mean there were things about that movie that were cute, and a few things I laughed at, but I can't say I know many people who would name The Incredibles as part of their list of the best Pixar movies. But I'm assuming you probably fall more under the target demographic for that movie than the one for Cars.

I get that you didn't like Cars, and that's fine, everyone is entitled like and dislike whatever movies they want. But it has a niche demographic that enjoyed the first movie very much, and that will spend money on the new movie, and the toys that will come from it. Because this is what Pixar does, and they do it very well; they know how to speak to the target audience for each movie that they make.

I was once even reading an article in Game Informer about casual gamers and it said the top selling game in either 2009 or 2008 was a game based on Cars. It outsold every high-profile game released that year.

It makes perfect sense to make a sequel to Cars. As much as you don't like it, it is successful. Pixar knows this. They wouldn't make a sequel to a movie that tanked and didn't make them any money. That would really be a movie that no one liked. :monster:

And don't get me wrong, I don't think Cars is their best film nor is it close to being my personal favorite, but it has a huge niche.

Being the manchild I am, I do trawl Toys R' Us every now and then and there's still a big market for toy cars and the little toy roadsters on miniature stunt tracks I used to muck around with when I was a kid. I think the Cars series plays right into that, which I think is the reason why the merchandise is so popular.

There's more than that, though. As much as little boys love cars, a lot of little boys want the specific Cars characters.

When my nephew wants to go see them in stores, he doesn't ask to go look at just regular cars or trucks, he asks to go see Lightning McQueen and Mater. :monster:
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Yeah, I mean, I didn't really like Cars either but it totally makes sense to make a sequel.

I don't see what's so wrong about a company making a fun blockbuster type movie. It doesn't really reflect that negatively on their track record. You can't really expect everything they churn out to be critically acclaimed masterpieces.

Even then, the worst Pixar movie is still probably of equal quality to an average Dreamworks film. And that comes from someone who generally enjoys Dreamworks. At least when they get it right.


Higher Further Faster
Yeah I find most Dreamworks movies to be rather meh, but still enjoyable when I catch one on TV or am watching with my nephew.

Also, just yesterday I learned of this:

Cars Land
By appropriating twelve acres from what's left of Disneyland's original parking lot, DCA will add a new land based on the Pixar film, Cars. (Isn't there something at least a bit ironic there?) The featured attraction will be Radiator Springs Racers The buzz is that the E-ticket attraction will use a ride system similar to the one at Test Track in Walt Disney World's Epcot. Since that attraction is reminiscent of slot cars, adapting it for a racing ride sounds like a great idea. Look for hairpin turns, banked curves, and plenty of peel-outs. Cars Land will also offer two other, smaller rides based on the film's characters, Luigi and Mater, as well as a Flo's Cafe restaurant. Cars Land will debut in 2012.

Seems like such an odd thing to do for a movie that apparently no one likes.
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