VII Moments We Can't Wait to See Remade

I'm really looking forward to the scene where Rude declares his undying love for Reno. That's definitely a thing that happened, right?

- Cid running
- Tseng dying sexily in the temple of the Ancients
- the scene between Cloud, Tifa and Aerith in Don Corneo's dungeon
- finding out what Esther actually looks like
- Barret and Dyne (makes me cry)
- Vincent bursting out of his coffin
- Cloud riding Mr Dolphin
- Train Man!!!!
- the whole of Rufus' Inaugural Parade, + the marching mini-game I'm so hopeless at
- Watching chocobos mate

Mayo Master

Pro Adventurer
Thanks for the video!

In addition to what has been listed so far, I personally hope that the whole Corel/Gold Saucer/Desert Prison sequence has a reboot for the Remake. In my opinion, that's one of the most clunky pieces of narrative in the entire game. It relied heavily on cartoon logic (for instance, just how Cait Sith joins the party), which could be excused back then but would be jarring now. I'd rather have it entirely scrapped and rebuilt from the ground up.

- Watching chocobos mate

Let alone that, watching the chocobo dance that gives you the Choco/Mog summon would already be something to behold.

Castiel Strife

Pro Adventurer
I would love to help out on these videos one day.

The moments mentioned were the same ones I would mention. Climbing the pole at Wall Market will be very interesting. For something later on in the game, I really wonder how they’ll do Red XIII dressed up as a sailor. I also wonder how the boss fight with the red wall dragon (right before Aerith’s...moment..) will be handled. Since it isn’t turn-based now, that’s going to be an interesting fight and I’m not sure if they’ll still be able to keep the dragon basically stationary the way it was in the original.

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
In addition to what has been listed so far, I personally hope that the whole Corel/Gold Saucer/Desert Prison sequence has a reboot for the Remake. In my opinion, that's one of the most clunky pieces of narrative in the entire game. It relied heavily on cartoon logic (for instance, just how Cait Sith joins the party), which could be excused back then but would be jarring now.

Probably have the accusation about Cloud's party being responsible for the murders happen while they're talking to Cait Sith, so he gets thrown into the prison with them on the assumption he's part of their crew (without having clumsily forced himself into the party over Cloud's half-hearted objections). Then it makes a little more sense that he leaves the prison with them and continues tagging along.

I also wonder how the boss fight with the red wall dragon (right before Aerith’s...moment..) will be handled. Since it isn’t turn-based now, that’s going to be an interesting fight and I’m not sure if they’ll still be able to keep the dragon basically stationary the way it was in the original.
Are you talking about the Demon's Gate boss? That's a separate boss from the Red Dragon, though both are encountered in the Temple of the Ancients.

As for how Demon's Gate will likely be handled in an action RPG format, just look up any of the Daemon Wall battles from FFXV. It will work out just fine. :monster:

Castiel Strife

Pro Adventurer
Are you talking about the Demon's Gate boss? That's a separate boss from the Red Dragon, though both are encountered in the Temple of the Ancients.

As for how Demon's Gate will likely be handled in an action RPG format, just look up any of the Daemon Wall battles from FFXV. It will work out just fine. :monster:

Yeah, that’s the one. I knew there were two separate dragons but I couldn’t remember the name of Demon’s Gate, so I’ve always just called him the red wall dragon or the wall dragon whenever I’ve forgotten his name even if he looks more orange than red.

Mayo Master

Pro Adventurer
Probably have the accusation about Cloud's party being responsible for the murders happen while they're talking to Cait Sith, so he gets thrown into the prison with them on the assumption he's part of their crew (without having clumsily forced himself into the party over Cloud's half-hearted objections). Then it makes a little more sense that he leaves the prison with them and continues tagging along.
In my view, having Cloud's party framed because the Gold Saucer's security mistake Barret for Dyne gets very wonky from the moment you'd realize that a giant casino ought to be equipped with some video surveillance...
I'd believe it would make more sense if Cloud's party was hired by Dio to hunt down Dyne, as an example - Cait Sith could be joining in to "help with the investigation" as a Gold Saucer representative.
All in all, there could be many other ways to go about this segment that would be far more plausible and believable than how it's been laid out in the OG.

Mayo Master

Pro Adventurer
@Mayo Master
But neither the rest of the party nor the player is supposed to know for sure it wasn't Barret until meeting up with him. You're supposed to wonder "Yeah, I could kind of see him losing his shit on some Shin-Ra guards."
Maybe, but the other characters in game should know, and shouldn't have any reason to go after him.
As a general rule, I think it's smarter that characters act sensibly (or according to their own motivations) regardless of whether the audience can figure it out right away or not. I don't think that delaying the moment where the audience realizes how a character thinks or acts is detrimental either (hell, the OG has plenty of moments where the player realizes "ooh, that's why this character behaved like this back then", which was pretty cool). Delaying the moment that the audience realizes something doesn't make sense (aka "fridge logic") doesn't solve the fact that it doesn't make sense, however.

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
@Mayo Master
Maybe the cameras got shot out during the craziness. It doesn't really matter to me. Changing this up too much could be detrimental to not only the delivery for the player, but also Barret's characterization.

Half the point here is supposed to be that it very easily could have been Barret, because he has that same anger in him, and sees himself in Dyne's choices -- blood-stained hands and all.


Save your valediction (she/her)
The Seven Moments I'm Most Excited to Be Remade (in no particular order):

1. Mr. Dolphin. This is going to be so much more hilarious in contrast to the supr srs business the trailers have been leaning into.

2. Fort Condor. Even if this amazing minigame doesn't get a proper expansion/campaign, this part of the OG boasts the worst graphics and a kick-ass song that is let down by the dated PSX samples. I have a hard time seeing how it could be worse, so I'm looking forward to whatever it looks like.

3. WEAPON fights. I haven't played FFXV but the screenshots of giant boss monsters have me hyped. These days, giant superbosses take literal days of grinding to defeat, so I don't think I'll try my hand at Ruby or Emerald, but Ultima and Diamond WEAPONs will be a ride for sure.

4. Waterfall. This is probably stupid, but I remember walking across a stony bridge next to a waterfall on the world map, between Costa del Sol and Corel. The graphics were so simple, it only suggested the beautiful scene, but in real life I've always found waterfalls so amazing, that my imagination took off and I was overwhelmed by the beauty of FFVII's world.

5. The Submarine Game. Another "meh" minigame that can only be improved by new graphics and a more high-octane design.

6. Shinra HQ. This is easily my favorite multi-part dungeon of the game, full of puzzles and mazes and great battles (random and bosses alike), and the story twists and turns as you make allies and meet enemies, as you infiltrate, topple, and stage a thrilling escape. Seeing this adventure in a more dynamic way than just top-down is something I'm really looking forward to. In an average playthrough, this section of the game is also where you start dealing 100+ damage consistently -- I don't imagine that will translate 1-to-1 in the remake, so I'm excited to see how the new gameplay will reflect that "tier" of power.

7. Returning to Nibelheim. Creeeeeepy. I can't wait! In terms of expanding... I am of two minds about this. On the one hand, in the OG this section feels all too brief, and without resolution. Then again... not everything needs to be wrapped up in a bow, and the OG does a good job of calling Cloud's story into question without bringing it so much to the forefront that it spoils the twists to come. The sequence has great replay value (Tifa backs up Cloud's assertions but why? Is she afraid that her memories are false?) I'm interested to see what they do with this part of their journey.


Fancy, I love your voice. It's so.. Fancy.

I'm curious as to how they are going to handle the This Guy Are Sick scene. They'll probably just erase it entirely, but you never know. I mean, people IRL jumble words sometimes, so it could be a fun character building moment between the two. Kind of dark humor, considering the scene, but this is a dark game. Dark yet cartoonish, and I hope they don't forgo its original cartoonishness too much.

Also, Chocobo racing, the summons (are they still gonna do the cutscenes with the lack of ATB system?), and the flashback of Barrett and Dyne. Also, literally every scene in the game. :monster: The backgrounds in this game were so breathtaking. I want to see all these settings in modern graphics.


Tash for Short
Sailor Moon, Mini Moon, Hotaru, Cardcaptor Sakura, Meilin, Xion, Kairi, Aqua, Tifa, Aerith, Yuffie, Elena, Misty, May, Dawn, Casey, Fiona, Ellie
Despite the Remake being disappointing for me, I kinda like to see a couple of things for the Remake.

1: Cloud's comment about Barret having to wear a Sailor's uniform that made him look like a Teddy Bear wearing a Marshmallow.

2: Reno's reaction(assuming he remains looking like he does in the Compilation) when he finds out about Rude's crush on Tifa and Elena having a crush on Tseng.


Lv. 25 Adventurer
1) Hojo's attempt at getting Nanaki and Aerith to mate. I wanna see how the scene plays out and what Hojo says.
2) Don Corneo's mansion. Everything there, basically.
3) The Cave of the GI. I was absolutely terrified of this as a kid, so I can only imagine how scary that ghostly face of GI Nattak will look.
4) Yuffie's quest in Wutai.
5) Proud Clod's appearance.
6) Everything Gold Saucer related.
7) Jenova!
8) Sneaking around the Shinra building and the massacre that takes place a bit later

I'm going to have to do another playthrough of VII soon so I can remember all the cool stuff I want to see in Remake.


Author of FFVII: Lifestream & FFVII: Reflections
Nice vid, Fancy, you nailed a lot of good moments, and you have a lovely voice, too. :)

A few moments I'm looking forward to aside from what's already been mentioned are:

- Sneaking up the stairs of Shinra HQ and all the hilarious dialogue that ensues between Barret and Tifa.
- Cloud telling everyone to mosey and Cid getting on him to say it like a man
- Cloud climbing up the stairs at Junon and seeing the Highwind for the first time
- Tifa's escape from Junon onto the Highwind after bodyslamming Scarlet (no way she should settle for slapping since she's a trained martial artist)
- The rise of the Weapons out of the North Crater after Cloud gives Sephiroth the Black Materia
- The Shinra No. 26 rocket going into space and Cid realizing Shera was right after the oxygen tank blows out on him
- Cloud and Tifa's scene under the Highwind before everyone returns for the final battle
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