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    • Lex
      Lex replied to the thread I'm back!.
      What was your username? I'm sorry I don't remember you :(
    • Lex
      Lex replied to the thread Buffyverse Discussion (Spoilers).
      As per Lulcielid's post in the catch all RIP thread: This is really shocking. I felt for sure the first member of the cast to go would...
    • Lex
      Lex reacted to Tetsujin's post in the thread Buffy The Vampire Slayer Reboot with Like Like.
      Might be time for another Buffy/Angel rewatch. :mon: Hope the new thing is great, cautiously optimistic.
    • Lex
      Lex replied to the thread FINAL FANTASY VII REBIRTH ANNOUNCED.
      I modded it a bit: Also this game looks INCREDIBLE on PC (took this screenie before I installed the mod)
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    • Lex
      Lex reacted to Wanderer's post in the thread FINAL FANTASY VII REBIRTH ANNOUNCED with Like Like.
      FFVII Rebirth has sold 708k Copies on Steam in 2 weeks: https://vginsights.com/game/final-fantasy-vii-rebirth--1
    • Lex
      Lex replied to the thread Buffy The Vampire Slayer Reboot.
      It's amazing how much time has changed my opinion on this, because fuck Joss Whedon these days :monster: After everything we know now...
    • Lex
      Lex replied to the thread I still remember my password!.
      So is that legitimately you on Discord with no avatar? I thought it was hella sus lmao
    • Lex
      Lex reacted to Mayo Master's post in the thread Orchestra world tour/Distant worlds with Like Like.
      Well, that was a treat. Some tracks really hit me hard - in a good way. Reminiscing on the MIDI music associated with the enjoyment of...
    • Lex
      Lex replied to the thread Dragon Age Series.
      @Fangu I made almost all the same choices as you except
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    • Lex
      Lex reacted to Fangu's post in the thread Dragon Age Series with Like Like.
      Okay so here's a summary of my playthrough: Dwarf - Rogue - Antivan Crow, male he/him FIN The Platinum trophy looks easy though......
    • Lex
      Lex replied to the thread Sonic the Hedgehog.
      I thoroughly enjoyed Sonic x Shadow Generations (I've only fully played the Shadow side so far). It's exceptionally good IMO
    • Lex
      Lex reacted to ForceStealer's post in the thread Sonic the Hedgehog with Like Like.
      I ordered a Cyber Monday-deal SonicxShadow Generations. I'll have to try Frontiers out at some point, too
    • Lex
      Lex reacted to Keveh Kins's post in the thread Sonic the Hedgehog with Like Like.
      I'm like three years late to this, but I've started Sonic Frontiers and so far I'm really liking it. I think it's a great first pass...
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