Keveh Kins
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    • Keveh Kins
      Keveh Kins replied to the thread Sonic the Hedgehog.
      Have progressed a bit in Frontiers and it's always funny as fuck when a Sonic game tries to deliver a deep and meaningful story beat...
    • Keveh Kins
      Keveh Kins reacted to ForceStealer's post in the thread Sonic the Hedgehog with Like Like.
      I still don't understand why they didn't continue with Generations' style of game back when it came out, having been the pinnacle of the...
    • Keveh Kins
      Keveh Kins replied to the thread Sonic the Hedgehog.
      I'm like three years late to this, but I've started Sonic Frontiers and so far I'm really liking it. I think it's a great first pass...
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