Recent content by Seunia

  1. Seunia

    FF XIV question:Subscription

    OK. I checked my payment history on mog station and it seems to be fine there. I guess that there was something wrong with the information on my bank account. So in the end, I think it only LOOKED like I paid more. I just wanted to make sure that I can create up to 8 characters for 10 euros...
  2. Seunia

    FF XIV question:Subscription

    I have created only one ID. When I sign in on Lodestone it gives me the option to choose one of the characters. As for the euro pricing, it is the same as dollar pricing converted to euros. :)
  3. Seunia

    FF XIV question:Subscription

    I find the subscription system in Realm Reborn quite confusing. I currently have Entry membership tier activated. That means that I have to pay 10.99 euros each month. Subscription length is 30 days. Max characters per server: 1 (I have one character in Zodiark world, I suppose that...
  4. Seunia

    Play Arts Kai - PROJECT! Final Fantasy

    :excited: If I had money for these I would GRAB THEM ALL!
  5. Seunia

    The best music of Final Fantasy VIII

    Aaahh...I love the piano version of this tune. ^_^ Can't get enough of it.
  6. Seunia

    Which disc of FFVII did you enjoy the most?

    Yeah, I know what you mean. Disc two, I think. That was quite cruel. Good thing the Weapon made that large hole. If Tifa had to stay there I would be SO MAD :rage:
  7. Seunia

    Ultimecia's words (FFVIII SPOILER)

    Here's the Japanese translation of her speech. It surely makes it a lot easier to understand: Thanks to Squall Leonhart for providing the link :joy:
  8. Seunia

    How does NORG talk in Japanese?

    Thanks for this link. :joy: Now I understand Ultimecia's speech better. Especially that "Reflect on your childhood" part.
  9. Seunia

    Favorite town theme in FFVIII?

    I WANT TO CAST TWO VOTES! least :D I love FH, Breezy and Silence and motion. But I chose FH because it is so calming... By the way, the piano version of silence and motion is truly amazing ^_^
  10. Seunia

    Saddest song in FFVIII-XII?

    Unforgettable Sorrow. A tough choice between Ending Theme and this one. But the last minutes of Ending Theme actually sound quite happy and easygoing :)
  11. Seunia

    Your favourite FFX character

    I am a little worried about the remaster. I mean, the landscapes and most of the characters look great. But I'm not sure about Tidus and Yuna. I think that their expressions are less natural and that isn't good because they're main characters. I hope they will look better in the finished...
  12. Seunia

    Which disc of FFVII did you enjoy the most?

    When I was younger, I used to think that disc 2 was the longest of them. I realised it´s not true later on :D But maybe I thought so because many unexpected things happened during disc 2. Even more than in disc 1, I suppose.
  13. Seunia

    The best music of Crisis Core

    For some reason, Genesis gets two great battle themes: SOLDIER battle and The beating black wing. Some of the coolest in the game :) Also I like the way how the regular battle theme changes near the end of the game. It´s so fresh all of a sudden :D
  14. Seunia

    The best music of Final Fantasy VIII

    I remember having "My mind" as an alarm tune on my phone. It was so beautiful to wake up to this piece...I highly recommend it......but just for a few mornings. The song may lose its magical power when you listen to it too often, ya know? :lol:
  15. Seunia

    Your favourite dressphere

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