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    • Suzaku
      Suzaku replied to the thread FFVII: Ever Crisis Announced.
      One last countdown video: This showcases the new Reprieve ability, which nullifies a single fatal attack and grants a small amount of...
    • Suzaku
      Suzaku replied to the thread FFVII: Ever Crisis Announced.
      Bumping with two more Vincent teasers: Limit Breaks: Berserk Dance, Beast Flare, Chaos Rampage. All three use his Galian Beast...
    • Suzaku
      Suzaku replied to the thread FFVII: Ever Crisis Announced.
    • Suzaku
      Suzaku replied to the thread Sentai and the Rebirth Cast.
      There are very standard tropes dictating how a cast of characters interacts and what archetypes they conform to as the size of the group...
    • Suzaku
      Suzaku reacted to SS2Link's post in the thread FFVII: Ever Crisis Announced with Like Like.
      New Crisis Core chapter (Chapter 3) added a lot of cool things. Was nice to see Zack interact with Scarlet—I always felt like the...
    • Suzaku
      Suzaku replied to the thread FFVII: Ever Crisis Announced.
      New season pass wallpaper: Path of a Hero. Young Sephiroth watches and tries to catch a falling white feather, while his older self has...
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    • Suzaku
      Suzaku replied to the thread FFVII: Ever Crisis Announced.
      Interesting thing about Vincent is they said he's specifically based on the Advent Children / Dirge of Cerberus design rather than...
      • 1717021719726.png
    • Suzaku
      Suzaku replied to the thread FFVII: Ever Crisis Announced.
      Someone kindly uploaded all the original TFS tracks so far (actually, 2-3 may be missing). Here's the full playlist:
    • Suzaku
      Suzaku replied to the thread FFVII: Ever Crisis Announced.
      Just finished up the new chapters. They're both pretty short but very eventful. Chapter 7 has Team Glenn landing on Rosen's island...
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