So you're still confident that Ever Crisis won't shut-down its service after finishing its CC, FFVII, TFS stuff? I've seen some people confident that it will shutdown before ever getting to Before Crisis and Dirge of Cerebus content.
The new Avatar should still have Korra as a past life to draw upon, since she's basically the new Wan/number 1. Also seems kinda dishonest to say that Korra fucked it up, when it's literally Unalaq and Vaatu's fault for destroying the past-lives connection, Korra's responsible for reviving Raava...
That was actually just a really weird localization mistake. The original Japanese of Ever Crisis literally still says 2000 years.
The trio could still be feasibly born at the very end of 1977 like in the November/December range.
But as I said, Rebirth already explicitly uses 1977 has the Jenova verification date. That already indicates that the remake project isn’t going to have Angeal/Genesis/Sephiroth birth years be before 1977. So there isn’t much need to wait for part 3 or go down any rabbit hole.
Well the verification date doesn’t have to be the discovery date. But also Gillian and Lucrecia may have conceived Angeal and Sephiroth before the Jenova project started.
It’s apparently a weird localization change or typo.
TurquoiseHammer (
But Rebirth already had Sephiroth stating that Jenova was identified as an Ancient in 1977, so it seems pretty evident that the Jenova project/Sephiroth/Genesis/Angeal’s birth year is still meant...
Right, my point with Occam's razor, even if the "16には見えないか?" line is simply a case of accidental dev oversight, the way it's phrased still allows for wiggle room of interpreting Angeal as being younger than 16 in that scene (which is in 1992) as a valid interpretation I think (and thus doesn't...
Angeal technically doesn't say he's 16, the line (made more vague by the English translation) just has him asking if he looks like he's 16 and/or older.
I should have been more clear, yeah I don't disagree that the first two lines are pretty explicitly plural in Japanese.
My point was that the last line, be it translated and phrased like hito's "Oh, does every girl live with their parents" or Turq's "Oh, but girls that age always live with...
This is how TurquoiseHammer re-translated those lines for the Shinra Archaeology Cut mod, which also shows how plural subjects/nouns can be used abstractly to still be talking about one person/family. So I would say the original Japanese lines are still ambiguous in how they can be interpreted.
IIRC the original Japanese doesn't suggest that Zack has plural "girls' places" to crash at, but rather that Japanese as a language doesn't really have specific explicit modifier to indicate whether something is plural like English does, and that instead with Japanese something being plural is...
Yeah, the 4th disc has the image of the letter itself. But the text of the letter can still be read in the normal gameplay of Discs 1-3 when visiting Gongaga right?
Interesting, I wonder how much the qualifiers of "apparently" and "but it seems a bit suspicious" were meant to intentionally suggest that the one-sided claim isn't actually a truthful claim?
Either way, it's definitely not something SE decided was a true claim (heck even in the OG, Zack's...