FFVII: Ever Crisis Announced


Kaiju Member
-Also from FS II: If Angeal is 16, he was born in 1976; if so, Jenova was discovered before 1977; meaning Genesis is also 16 and Project Jenova G would be started already
Angeal technically doesn't say he's 16, the line (made more vague by the English translation) just has him asking if he looks like he's 16 and/or older.


Pro Adventurer
Sadly we do not have an actual birth date for Sephiroth and Angeal, we can only speculate. Angeal might lie here (lol) or could be another oversight from dev team. (Sephiroth Age source: Crisis Core Ultimania and Ultimania Volume 2 stating Sephiroth Age "Around 25")

俺のほうが若く見える? "

Fan translation:
"I don't look 16?
Check after 20 years.
You might look older than me."

Fan translator notes: "The third line is fairly context dependent and also a question showing the speakers uncertainty or looking for a response. By itself it could be 'I could look younger?' as 若 means young, but 若くcan mean to equal/catch up to/overtake and in that context it can be taken as 'I might look younger (than you)?'


Fan translation:
"As a Soldier, I'm a rookie, but I should be the same age as you."

Fan translator notes:
"変わらない" is the quantifier here, it means 'not different' but the line has no specific indications on an exact numerical value. Actual translation wouldn't be quite as stiff and would probably be with qualifiers such as 'about/around your age'; the word choice is unusual as most times we use 同じ to mean same, but the implications of a word in the negative is highlighting the fact that they aren't that different, possibly a subtle way of him trying to get to know him and thus Sephiroth's audible disgust after the line

But let's always keep Ockham's Razor in mind.
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Kaiju Member
Sadly we do not have an actual birth date for Sephiroth and Angeal, we can only speculate. Angeal might lie here (lol) or could be another oversight from dev team. (Sephiroth Age source: Crisis Core Ultimania and Ultimania Volume 2 stating Sephiroth Age "Around 25")

俺のほうが若く見える? "

Fan translation:
"I don't look 16?
Check after 20 years.
You might look older than me."

Fan translator notes: "The third line is fairly context dependent and also a question showing the speakers uncertainty or looking for a response. By itself it could be 'I could look younger?' as 若 means young, but 若くcan mean to equal/catch up to/overtake and in that context it can be taken as 'I might look younger (than you)?'


Fan translation:
"As a Soldier, I'm a rookie, but I should be the same age as you."

Fan translator notes:
"変わらない" is the quantifier here, it means 'not different' but the line has no specific indications on an exact numerical value. Actual translation wouldn't be quite as stiff and would probably be with qualifiers such as 'about/around your age'; the word choice is unusual as most times we use 同じ to mean same, but the implications of a word in the negative is highlighting the fact that they aren't that different, possibly a subtle way of him trying to get to know him and thus Sephiroth's audible disgust after the line

But let's always keep Ockham's Razor in mind.
Right, my point with Occam's razor, even if the "16には見えないか?" line is simply a case of accidental dev oversight, the way it's phrased still allows for wiggle room of interpreting Angeal as being younger than 16 in that scene (which is in 1992) as a valid interpretation I think (and thus doesn't necessarily contradict 1977 being the year of Jenova's discovery and Sephiroth/Angeal/Genesis's birth year).


Pro Adventurer
Could be a possibility. But I would not rule out this other possibility either. Our smoking gun here is clear: Angeal is being very precise by mentioning "16".

Let's hang on for just a bit longer, until Part 3 comes along and gives us the green light on those dates.


Pro Adventurer
I had a chat with search.brave.com AI for the name, long story short, I do not trust it, it is suggesting "Ultra Rhadore" but I say it's crap. Google translate gives "Welsh - detected" translating as "it's free" but also I do not trust this pattern.

More research:
-Japanese era name
-Nomadic tribal people, South Asia
-Tagalog language

So my idea settles on "The Rhadore Turmoil":
-ブノ Buno = scuffle?
-ド d' = of?
-ラディ = Rhadore?


Btw full script WIP of the First Soldier: FF7EC FS Script EN and JP

@BioTeach awesome!!
-I would just point out that we've got "verified" and "approved" but I would wait for Part 3 to finally get some more insight on the Jenova "discovery" date (AC has it as 1959 on Jenova's helmet but that's an "old compilation" thing)
-Also from FS II: If Angeal is 16, he was born in 1976; if so, Jenova was discovered before 1977; meaning Genesis is also 16 and Project Jenova G would be started already

I am quite curious if there'll be any association of Cetra lineage with him & Da-Chao, especially given the visual elements with Cosmo Canyon & Wutai in Remake/Rebirth.

Also, thanks for the reminder about Buno D'rhad. I totally forgot about that one, because I actually ended up being hard stuck on that fight because my TFS party wasn't well-equipped, so when I came back to it later on and blitzed through it, I forgot all about it.

That's definitely a fight I'll have to go back and check out again, especially since a lot of the times (like with Masamune) the attacks and other things carry a lot of really interesting design details (though that does also require digging through the JP & EN versions of them to get a full picture).

Even from the start, that naming scheme is something that doesn't feel instantly familiar and the JP version (ブノ・ド・ラディ) is clearly a loanword-type name – so it'll take a bit of extra poking around. Especially since "Rhad" pops up as being Welsh/Celtic in origin, it's not really helpful with "Rhadore" being the island name, and most of the island culture & names for Rhadore all have more Hawaiian parallels – and that's stuff that I'm MUCH less familiar with when it comes to mythology and having a good sense of where to dig.

The three-fingered Stigmata hands are interesting, especially as that's part of the separate target element to the boss.

"Requiem of the Damned" みちづれの葬送歌 (Funeral Song of a Traveling Companion)
"Ode of the Damned" みちづれの歌 (Song of the Traveller)

Specifically the visuals for the "Requiem of the Damned" version have a big collection of red energy overhead that fires a beam downwards, whereas the "Ode of the Damned" is similar but it's much weaker & purple. They have a very Meteor-like motif to them, and it gives off that sort of Omega Weapon-type cycle.

That along with the facial designs being especially crazy with the front of its visage being sliced off with a monstrous mouth inside it that's mostly hidden by the lower "lip" and that's tucked up into things underneath the Regi-Pokémon-like facial dots in this weird pattern of 12 with those circling interconnected lines are crazy unique, and are things that I'm keeping in mind, since it's always hard to know which design clues carry weight before doing just... a lot of research. :monster:

Well this is all just SPECTACULAR! Highest of fives & +10000 Internets to you for all of this! :monster:

The specific break downs of the dates as well as the reference to where they're from, as well as how the ones without explicit dates can be placed based on surrounding pre-established context is especially great. The day-by-day breakdowns are a really nice way to get a sense of the way everything flows, since... in all honestly the actual gameplay being released in fragments makes that a bit difficult to keep track of, so those are handy as an overview as well.

Genuinely always the best when conversation summons up someone who's been focused on that particular thing in great detail! :D

X :neo:

The presence of facial dots is a matter of considerable interest. I wonder what is their significance?


Harbinger O Great Justice
So in playing through the new Ever Crisis: Crisis Core chapter about the Nibelheim Incident there's something odd that stood out. In the "Genesis shows up to the reactor when Sephiroth is having a breakdown" scene he mentions Jenova arrived 1999 years ago. Now the "2000 years ago" has always felt like it's been conveyed as a rough scientific/historic estimate and not based on an explicitly known precise year – but is this suggesting that there is now an exact known year when Jenova is stated to have arrived?

X :neo:


Pro Adventurer
You noticed that too, eh? I didn't bring it up because it has to be a huge mistake by the localisation team (like I didn't mention Jenova's brown hair... why brown? Dammit!)
As you said, in any other dialogue it's been conveyed as a rough scientific/historic estimate.

And to be clear here: I'm a big fan of the game design, music, graphics, chibi style, 3D environment, etc., even though it's just a gacha. It gives the fandom loads of news. I only get concerned when they make small errors of inconsistency.
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Kaiju Member
So in playing through the new Ever Crisis: Crisis Core chapter about the Nibelheim Incident there's something odd that stood out. In the "Genesis shows up to the reactor when Sephiroth is having a breakdown" scene he mentions Jenova arrived 1999 years ago. Now the "2000 years ago" has always felt like it's been conveyed as a rough scientific/historic estimate and not based on an explicitly known precise year – but is this suggesting that there is now an exact known year when Jenova is stated to have arrived?

X :neo:
It’s apparently a weird localization change or typo.
TurquoiseHammer (@turquoisehammer.bsky.social)
Could be a possibility. But I would not rule out this other possibility either. Our smoking gun here is clear: Angeal is being very precise by mentioning "16".

Let's hang on for just a bit longer, until Part 3 comes along and gives us the green light on those dates.
But Rebirth already had Sephiroth stating that Jenova was identified as an Ancient in 1977, so it seems pretty evident that the Jenova project/Sephiroth/Genesis/Angeal’s birth year is still meant to be 1977 in the Remake project.


Pro Adventurer
Section 2 – Jenova Project
Q2-1: "What is the time difference between the start of Jenova Project S and Jenova Project G? And out of Genesis, Sephiroth and Angeal, is Genesis the eldest?"
A2-1: "Project S and Project G began at roughly the same time. They were lead by Hojo and Hollander respectively, and the department head Gast has little participation in either project. The order of their births goes Angeal & Genesis > Sephiroth, but it’s fine to think of them as being around the same age. Angeal and Genesis were created at roughly the same time, and were deemed as failed projects when they were babies. Project S took the results from Project G and added further improvements, so Sephiroth’s birth was later than Angeal and Genesis’."

A2-3: "Put simply, it’s a difference between when the Jenova cells were injected into the body, and the concentration and purity of the Jenova cells. Sephiroth was implanted with Jenova cells at the embryonic stage. Angeal was born from an ovum from Gillian, who has Jenova cells, and developed in her womb. Genesis was born from a fertilized egg cell unrelated to Jenova, and at the embryonic stage was implanted with genes from Gillian, who has Jenova cells. In other words, because Sephiroth received Jenova cells with a high level of purity at an early stage of development, he ends up inheriting Jenova’s abilities the best."

(source Crisis Core Ultimania Scenario Q&A)

7/7/1977 Jenova verified as an Ancient (verified, not discovered)
9/13/1977 Jenova Project approved (approved, not started)

Pregnancy lasts about nine months. If Gast found Jenova before July, then the birth date could still be 1977. But if the discovery date is meant to be July itself, then something's not adding up, is it?


Kaiju Member
Section 2 – Jenova Project
Q2-1: "What is the time difference between the start of Jenova Project S and Jenova Project G? And out of Genesis, Sephiroth and Angeal, is Genesis the eldest?"
A2-1: "Project S and Project G began at roughly the same time. They were lead by Hojo and Hollander respectively, and the department head Gast has little participation in either project. The order of their births goes Angeal & Genesis > Sephiroth, but it’s fine to think of them as being around the same age. Angeal and Genesis were created at roughly the same time, and were deemed as failed projects when they were babies. Project S took the results from Project G and added further improvements, so Sephiroth’s birth was later than Angeal and Genesis’."

A2-3: "Put simply, it’s a difference between when the Jenova cells were injected into the body, and the concentration and purity of the Jenova cells. Sephiroth was implanted with Jenova cells at the embryonic stage. Angeal was born from an ovum from Gillian, who has Jenova cells, and developed in her womb. Genesis was born from a fertilized egg cell unrelated to Jenova, and at the embryonic stage was implanted with genes from Gillian, who has Jenova cells. In other words, because Sephiroth received Jenova cells with a high level of purity at an early stage of development, he ends up inheriting Jenova’s abilities the best."

(source Crisis Core Ultimania Scenario Q&A)

7/7/1977 Jenova verified as an Ancient (verified, not discovered)
9/13/1977 Jenova Project approved (approved, not started)

Pregnancy lasts about nine months. If Gast found Jenova before July, then the birth date could still be 1977. But if the discovery date is meant to be July itself, then something's not adding up, is it?
Well the verification date doesn’t have to be the discovery date. But also Gillian and Lucrecia may have conceived Angeal and Sephiroth before the Jenova project started.


Pro Adventurer
Exactly. But as we don't have all these details, it's all just speculation really. Even a cryptic "16" throw it in there by Angeal. As I said before, it'd be better to wait for Part 3 without going down the rabbit hole.


Kaiju Member
Exactly. But as we don't have all these details, it's all just speculation really. Even a cryptic "16" throw it in there by Angeal. As I said before, it'd be better to wait for Part 3 without going down the rabbit hole.
But as I said, Rebirth already explicitly uses 1977 has the Jenova verification date. That already indicates that the remake project isn’t going to have Angeal/Genesis/Sephiroth birth years be before 1977. So there isn’t much need to wait for part 3 or go down any rabbit hole.


Pro Adventurer
Let’s keep in mind that Ever Crisis also had Genesis say that Jenova was excavated from a “1999 year-old rock layer” despite every Crisis Core script saying “2000.” Lol, they might just be bad with numbers

Angeal Genesis and Sephiroth were all definitely born after 1977, I think they probably just wrote “I look 16, don’t I?” because it was a number bigger than Sephiroth’s age, purely to get across the idea that Angeal looks older than he is.
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Pro Adventurer
Yeah, indeed. And FSI CH8 Title Mistake: "Ten years later" when should be 8 years later, yeah they do mistake all the time (FS is set in 1992. Mass SOLDIER desertion is set in year 2000.)

So you are saying they are 14?


Kaiju Member
Let’s keep in mind that Ever Crisis also had Genesis say that Jenova was excavated from a “1999 year-old rock layer” despite every Crisis Core script saying “2000.” Lol, they might just be bad with numbers
That was actually just a really weird localization mistake. The original Japanese of Ever Crisis literally still says 2000 years.

Angeal Genesis and Sephiroth were all definitely born after 1977, I think they probably just wrote “I look 16, don’t I?” because it was a number bigger than Sephiroth’s age, purely to get across the idea that Angeal looks older than he is.
The trio could still be feasibly born at the very end of 1977 like in the November/December range.


Pro Adventurer
The trio could still be feasibly born at the very end of 1977 like in the November/December range.
Genesis maybe, but I find it unlikely to think that they went from a failure of Project G to perfection of Project S in just a month, considering Genesis says that Sephiroth was made using the remains of several failed experiments.

So Genesis and Angeal cooooould be late late 1977, but 1978 for Sephiroth sounds more reasonable to me.


Pro Adventurer
1.5 Anniversary story event is live and it's pretty cool so far.

  • The summons originated during an "era of gods" in the time before humans walked the world, fighting to protect the planet from threats. They departed to make room for mankind, save Odin, who remained to sate his endless thirst for battle.

  • In Wutai, the party helps Yuffie use flowers to decorate a site where her people were massacred by Shinra. She mentions that as a child she used to search for the people who died, and Tifa and Vincent begin to discuss the folklore of the Land of the Dead said to exist beyond Mt. Nibel. Yuffie gives a flower to Vincent and runs off with the others.
  • Vincent warns Tifa that those who seek the Land of the Dead encounter Odin, who guards its gates, but slays those who find him, admitting them into the Land of the Dead. Tifa mentions that there are supposedly gates all over the world, but are only visible to the dead.
  • Odin appears suddenly and challenges them. He determines Vincent to be a worthy foe, but not Tifa, and slashes her.

  • Tifa finds herself on the edge of the Land of the Dead, where monsters disguised as Biggs, Wedge, and Jessie attack her. The real spirits of Biggs, Wedge, and Jessie watch on, helpless to help her.

  • Vincent is displaced into the past of Mt. Nibel, before the mako reactor was built. There he encounters young Sephiroth and Angeal, who were likewise challenged and displaced by Odin.
  • Sephiroth wants to split up and look for Odin, while Angeal wants to help Vincent find Tifa. They decide to stick together. Vincent remarks that Odin sends away those whose time has not yet come, and worries what that might mean for Tifa.
  • Odin appears suddenly and grants the trio the Garments of the Worthy and challenges them to another battle.


Harbinger O Great Justice
The new gameplay stuff makes me curious if the Attack/Tank/Healer/Support diversification was implemented as a way to help add a bit of differentiation to the (possibly still nameless) Weapons-based Turks characters when it comes to Before Crisis – being as that's something that's still out there in the "coming at some point" especially since the Crisis Core content is getting pretty close to wrapping up.

I am still rather curious how they're gonna handle that cast, since TFS has 5 characters, FFVII+CC+DoC is 10 characters, and Before Crisis is another 10 characters. That scale of increase to the roster with all of the just absurd amount of overhead management, on top of all the banners & other things that that'll inflate are pretty significant in the way that the game has sort of just added micromanagement to everyone between all the individual weapons, gear, stat streams, Highwind missions, etc. It'd also potentially explain all of the additional Team slots that they opened up.

With Sephiroth, Tifa, Angeal, & Vincent getting sets for this event, especially with Vincent getting an Ultimate Weapon, it makes me curious if aside from building up Sephiroth's & Angeal's kits for the TFS Chapter 2 stuff, if they're bolstering Vincent's stuff as a gradual build-up to DoC things since he'll have to run it solo like Zack did in CC (aside from both of them just being popular in general). Also, I think that from the little background glimpse in the Odin event, Vincent's Garments of the Worthy definitely seem to be the coolest looking, so probably worth holding out for that one just from a cosmetic appeal perspective (in addition to the fact that it'll likely be absurdly strong gear).

X :neo:


Kaiju Member
The new gameplay stuff makes me curious if the Attack/Tank/Healer/Support diversification was implemented as a way to help add a bit of differentiation to the (possibly still nameless) Weapons-based Turks characters when it comes to Before Crisis – being as that's something that's still out there in the "coming at some point" especially since the Crisis Core content is getting pretty close to wrapping up.

I am still rather curious how they're gonna handle that cast, since TFS has 5 characters, FFVII+CC+DoC is 10 characters, and Before Crisis is another 10 characters. That scale of increase to the roster with all of the just absurd amount of overhead management, on top of all the banners & other things that that'll inflate are pretty significant in the way that the game has sort of just added micromanagement to everyone between all the individual weapons, gear, stat streams, Highwind missions, etc. It'd also potentially explain all of the additional Team slots that they opened up.

With Sephiroth, Tifa, Angeal, & Vincent getting sets for this event, especially with Vincent getting an Ultimate Weapon, it makes me curious if aside from building up Sephiroth's & Angeal's kits for the TFS Chapter 2 stuff, if they're bolstering Vincent's stuff as a gradual build-up to DoC things since he'll have to run it solo like Zack did in CC (aside from both of them just being popular in general). Also, I think that from the little background glimpse in the Odin event, Vincent's Garments of the Worthy definitely seem to be the coolest looking, so probably worth holding out for that one just from a cosmetic appeal perspective (in addition to the fact that it'll likely be absurdly strong gear).

X :neo:
So you're still confident that Ever Crisis won't shut-down its service after finishing its CC, FFVII, TFS stuff? I've seen some people confident that it will shutdown before ever getting to Before Crisis and Dirge of Cerebus content.


Harbinger O Great Justice
So you're still confident that Ever Crisis won't shut-down its service after finishing its CC, FFVII, TFS stuff? I've seen some people confident that it will shutdown before ever getting to Before Crisis and Dirge of Cerberus content.
So – I'm not super confident it'll keep going long enough to actually get to the Compilation content despite the fact that its announcement explicitly stated that the game would cover all of that and more – as the mobile games industry is an especially ruthless & fickle one already (which The First SOLDIER already proved), but even moreso because the entire games industry itself is pretty cooked at the moment.

HOWEVER... I am cautiously optimistic, because it looks like the dev team is doing a LOT of things that I'd expect if they were actively focused on getting to that content in the near future.

When it comes to doing any kind of ongoing game/software development, so long as it's not a 100% certainty that it's being shut down, you're always gonna build towards adding that as a possibility. That includes things like long-term design decisions to build a framework of something that you may end up never using or that ends up being left by the wayside depending on how the growth of that content shifts over time. For something like Live Service or Gacha they're much closer to SAAS Agile development (which is the type of software environments I work with primarily, and why I'm used to looking at small details like this to intuitively try and understand the Product & Design decisions driving them).

A good example is how that every story section of in Ever Crisis can have any of 3 types of content: Story, Combat, & Map... but fairly early on, if it wasn't being used as a Dungeon, there were no maps being build out that allow for gameplay at all – despite that being what could likely have been a MUCH more critically central element of the gameplay with exploration & other things to give players stuff to do. As it stands, most of the maps where we see characters wandering around are exclusively locked to cinematic elements with no player control – despite the fact that EVERY SINGLE OUTFIT IN THE GAME has a chibi model version which basically only appears in those sequences. So, it's not nearly as much of a draw that justifies outfits being more rare than weapons, despite still being set-up that way.

Hell, I only really remember that this is a feature when I randomly drop into the Chocobo Ranch with a different party, since it's basically the ONLY way for you to ever see those things in a meaningful way – because there's really zero motivational structure to get players to go back through the content of the games themselves. That's because all the development effort got funneled into one-off time-locked fomo events linked to banners as a means to pump sales, because that's the sort of thing that gacha games HAVE to rely on because the mobile industry is a lot more ruthlessly unscrupulous – and that's what the investors who control the life & death of those games look at (as we saw with The First SOLDIER), which is

So, anything that isn't locked into that content churn that prints money basically gets sidelined, so when there is something that has the backing to keep linked into the overall story-based content with new maps & things, it's largely coming out of The First SOLDIER because it's new whereas Crisis Core & FFVII are retreading overly familiar ground. That means that as a game, Ever Crisis very much feels like it's sort of desperately clinging to life because with Rebirth coming out on PC, this means that the main playerbase now has access to all the current content for things that basically stop any more of the main FFVII's story from being told past Aerith's death until Part 3 of the Remake Project releases... which the Ever Crisis team would know and have a roadmap explicitly set up to work with.

And for the big overlap of the PC launch of Rebirth into the 1.5 anniversary they ARE actually still making more content for it in a way which points to there being a concerted amount of thought & effort about the game's ongoing future behind-the-scenes. They always planned to cover BC & DoC – and those titles actually have a distinct advantage over FFVII & Crisis Core, which is their obscurity.

Before Crisis is something that non-JP players never had access to, and even a lot of JP players wouldn't have gotten to experience. Dirge of Cerberus existed but unlike Crisis Core Reunion, it's not something that modern players have gotten to return to naturally. The story in Before Crisis is already broken up into discrete chapters exactly like everything with The First SOLDIER has been which suits the development model that they currently have, and gives them a way to continue telling the story. The First SOLDIER also gave us Angeal as a playable character – and I'd expect at some point we're likely to end up getting Genesis as well, since the first TFS cinematic in Ever Crisis is Sephiroth trying to call Genesis, and that would let them have a 3-person team for the TFS missions, and get playable versions of characters who were only ever NPCs before.

This points to how, out of any Compilation content, Before Crisis has got the biggest potential draw in its story being a big unknown (and also hinted at in the Remake Project with Heretic Rayleigh). It's ALSO the biggest gap because it's a lot of new characters that can't build off of that existing fan attachment NEARLY as much as characters that have featured in stories like Crisis Core with Genesis, Sephiroth, & Angeal. It's almost certain that no one's gonna be pulling for banners for Turk (Shotgun) as much as they are for Tifa – and they probably have user data on that comparing who's invested in gear for Glenn, Matt, & Lucia vs the other legacy title characters to try and gauge those expectations. That's a realistic hurdle that you need to understand from a product roadmap perspective & be able to adapt to fit the model of the game in its current state.

So, if you're gonna make that work you need something that brings more interesting elements into the interconnected teamwork of the gameplay of 10 different brand new characters – which is exactly what the 1.5 anniversary did.

The more interesting & unique any of the given characters are, the more reason that players have to invest in getting new stuff for them, which is what drives the entire ecosystem to the point where that investment exists enough that you can play around with more of the gacha dress-up appeal, (despite not being able to lean in on the very thirst-bait-heavy way that most of that gacha market operates). IF Before Crisis is gonna be able to work this is something that the game fundamentally needs first, and the fact that they're very actively laying the groundwork for it means that I'd expect that the Before Crisis content is something that they might attempt to use to build up the player base as in something of a soft reset – because EVERYONE will have a ton of brand new characters who are all starting out fresh.

At the same time, all of the ranked guild missions & things still have a way for all the invested players & whales to continue dominating the leaderboards in a way that fuels that general economy of the larger team multiplayer elements of the game – which is also a lot closer to the mobile game episodic ecosystem that Before Crisis already had. The amplification on pouring out weapons to players also means that the difficulty of boosting weapon rarity & leveling them up is something that they're trying to make more ubiquitous across-the-board which suits things for adding in a boatload of new characters.

Even the current event with the Maelstrom Tower Rampage of Ruin has missions where Levels 51-55 requires Cloud, Levels 56-59 require Tifa, etc. so they're setting up for how to do challenges that require players to integrate with a random new character – which is how you create content that makes it so that one of the Player Turks gets consistently involved, and potentially allows a way to spotlight characters for missions, while allowing the two open slots to be used by legacy characters that the existing players have got tons of high-level equipment for.

The flip-side is that there's basically no reason to really do ANY of those things if they weren't setting up the ground work for Before Crisis stuff as the primary flow of "new" content post-PC Rebirth launch, and a lot of different ways that they'd've approached attempting to stretch out the content if they knew they weren't gonna be able to get to that.

If you want an absolutely INSANELY optimistic prediction: Cissnei is the anomaly here to pay attention to. I'd expect her to get her Rebirth outfit as an alternate launch costume since it's an extant asset, and she's also got a swimsuit in Crisis Core that would link up to the same Watermelon Tonberry event with Zack's board shorts & umbrella. Summer as a launch would be surprising but not impossible and just given that as a convenient pipeline to bring players in from Rebirth into Ever Crisis once the appropriate window for allowing most players to complete the game, I think there's a possibility that's a window that the dev team MIGHT try to hit.

Bringing a bunch of players in with new (to them) content that links into little breadcrumbs that exist in Crisis Core & Rebirth are an important piece of the puzzle to consider, and announcing Before Crisis content would potentially be the sort of refresh & soft reboot that the game needs, and that fills the most important budget window for FFVII-related content, which is all the time until things about Part 3 start being public.

X :neo:


Pro Adventurer
It's unrealistic to think that the game won't at least last through the release of Remake Part 3, which will probably be released in 2027.

The latest Crisis Core story update included Chapters 6, 7, and 8. They're now almost to the end of the game. They could quite literally finish the game in the next story update.

I'd say it's pretty much a shoe-in that after Crisis Core is finished they'll start Before Crisis. The next Episode of The First SOLDIER will also probably start around the 2nd Anniversary and introduce young Genesis. Advent Children will probably be just a few chapters long after they finish FFVII, which is already about to be at the Forgotten Capital. That just leaves Dirge of Cerberus, which I think would make sense to do after Advent Children.

Anyway, really loved this new track that plays during the Odin event when Vincent meets Sephiroth and Angeal:

View attachment bgm_fs2_002.mp3
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