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  1. G

    The one true angel

    Ok this is an issue I have with CC, we all know that Sephiroth is stronger than Genesis because of his higher concentration of J-cells, where Genesis's only come from Gillian cells. That all makes sense, so therefore Angeal who had the 2nd highest concentration of J-cells should be...
  2. G

    The one true angel

    Ooooh Yeah a new Sephiroth Fanclub without added religious elements . . . because that just scared me. (Anyone see the uncyclopedia articles about some crazy chick called Sephiroth's slave. Twas HEE-larious). Anyway if this is the place for decent character discussions then count me in...
  3. G

    Favorite FFVII Fanart

    Seeing as we are talking about fanart and I am a fanart whore, I thought I would share some Japanese Vincent x Sephiroth goodness (Don't worry its not yaoi or BL, though the subtext is all there). This is one of fave websites Here is a taster What is better...
  4. G

    Sephiroth: What the fuck happened?

    Re: Sephiroth: What the fucked happened? Hi everyone. 1st time post here. Anyway one thing I don't understand about Sephiroth is that he honestly had no idea about teh experiments that made him? In CC he seems really well informed about Project G, and often explains stuff to Zack about...
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