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  1. LadyVedder

    New kid on the block

    Sure thing =)
  2. LadyVedder

    What makes your day

    Getting an email from someone I haven't spoken to in over a half of a year. That made my day today for sure :lol:
  3. LadyVedder

    What are you listening to?

    B.Y.O.B. System of a Down
  4. LadyVedder

    What are you listening to?

    Kings and Queens 30 Seconds to Mars
  5. LadyVedder

    Things that piss you off

    When I make a really good sandwich, sit the plate down to go to the kitchen to get a drink and come back and find my cat munching away on it. Gah!!! I love my cat, I do... but man!
  6. LadyVedder

    New kid on the block

    Haha that made me laugh, FORUMITE!!! I feel so... special *stary eyes* Dunno if I should or not but yeah... =) Thanks guys!!!
  7. LadyVedder

    What are you listening to?

    Gay Bar Electic Six ^_^
  8. LadyVedder

    New kid on the block

    Dawh ty you all so much >.< Can I squeeze everyone into a very uncomfortable group hug?? Eh? Eh?? Hehe, nah but seriously, you guys are great!
  9. LadyVedder

    New kid on the block

    Thank you sir! It's great to be here ^_^
  10. LadyVedder

    New kid on the block

    o.O zombies??? ~takes out a sawed off shotgun~ where >.> <.< haha Thanks!!!
  11. LadyVedder

    New kid on the block

    Allrighty haha, uhh... how the hell am I? Welp! I'm in a hella great mood honestly =D How about yourself Pennywise?
  12. LadyVedder

    Feathers in the Maelstrom

    I have a feeling my dear frind will soon kick me in the behind for sharing this with everyone, but honestly it's one of the best fanfic's I've ever had the pleasure of reading. Sadly, it is incomplete but what she has there is well worth the time and effort it takes to read. Link -...
  13. LadyVedder

    New kid on the block

    If by moves you mean totally fail? Sure... haha Nah, I'm actually a decent roleplayer (cough) just not under this name ;) Thankies for the welcome Tobi
  14. LadyVedder

    What are you listening to?

    System of a Down - Chop Suey
  15. LadyVedder

    New kid on the block

    Ah yeah, totally... that's it ;) ~snickers~ But awh, seriously thanks everyone for such a warm welcome. Makes me all fuzzy wuzzy. Gah... must refrain from fangirl squeeing tho... or at least till I see Vincent >.> then all bets are off.
  16. LadyVedder

    Characters you want in Dissidia

    Noctis... mmm :joy: But yeah, he's about the only one that comes to mind after it was released that Tifa will be in the next one. Life would be good =)
  17. LadyVedder

    New kid on the block

    Thankies Zee ^_^ ps : Love the siggy
  18. LadyVedder

    New kid on the block

    Dawh, ty so much ^_^ You guys are so kind. If I had virtual cookies, you so be loaded down with them right now. Chocolate chip ftw
  19. LadyVedder

    What games are you currently playing?

    Fable II waiting on Fable III to be released along with Fall Out New Vegas & The Sims 3 for the 360 (although I'm not going to hold my breath, I couldn't stand the Sims 3 for the pc)
  20. LadyVedder

    Last Film You've Seen

    The last film I viewed... I don't even remember. That's sad, haha. I'm guessing it was some strange horror movie.. yup! Now that I think of it, it was! But for the life of me I don't know the title of it :(
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