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  1. LadyVedder

    What makes your day

    What makes my day is the simple things in life that tend to surprise me when I'm feeling blue. Yesterday it was a strawberry sundae with nuts, haha. Today it was having a heart-to-heart conversation with a friend of mine. Tomorrow? Who knows... just have to wait and see =)
  2. LadyVedder

    New kid on the block

    Sweet, sounds like a plan Tifabelle ^_^
  3. LadyVedder

    New kid on the block

    Thank you kindly ^_^ I'm sure I'll be around as long as I'm welcome (haha) Great to be here =)
  4. LadyVedder

    New kid on the block

    Hey guys & gals, Just wanted to do my cherry post and say I'm new (as if that didn't come off as a surprise :awesome: ) And well? I just wanted to throw this out there cuz I'll be around lurking and possibly replying to some threads here and there. That is if you don't get sick of me...
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