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  1. N

    Everything Wrong with Final Fantasy IX

    No, VII deserves a lot of it’s praise, because it was really revolutionary, not to mention that a lot of the stuff in VII has aged like wine, especially the commentary on Capitalism and Corporations. Which the Remake is even improving on. IX meanwhile has not aged well. This again? For the...
  2. N

    Everything Wrong with Final Fantasy IX

    I don’t trust mainstream websites, IX doesn’t deserve that high of a rank, in the “1001 games to play before you die” book, it barely gives IX a small article while VII and X had full double pages and even pictures, also what the book said about IX wasn’t that positive, it even said that IX...
  3. N

    Everything Wrong with Final Fantasy IX

    >Has no argument
  4. N

    Final Fantasy IX

    Yes, things like Garnet’s stupidity need to be changed, she ABANDONED Zidane, if the Remake doesn’t at least fix that, I am going to be pissed.
  5. N

    Everything Wrong with Final Fantasy IX

    Not every single line is from another website or person, most of the commentary is my own original writing. I have a life and am not going to waste so much time typing every single word of my own when someone else has already made a perfectly good statement about certain parts of the game that I...
  6. N

    Everything Wrong with Final Fantasy IX

    And Beatrix’s arc is poorly done, did you not read my previous comments on Beatrix? Stop trying to justify things from what is clearly a poorly written version of Cecil and Celes. Cecil’s arc was way better done, with Cecil at the beginning of the game you were shown the conflict with him and...
  7. N

    Everything Wrong with Final Fantasy IX

    I’m doing this because I’m trying to draw more attention to problems like Garnet’s stupidity and the poorly done love story, so that, hopefully, the upcoming IX cartoon, and a potential IX remak will change these things. If that line about Tantalus triggers you that much, I will remove it...
  8. N

    Everything Wrong with Final Fantasy IX

    No, people find FF Fans to be odious and obnoxious because of guys like you who can’t take criticism and properly analyze it. I’m not the one that needs to change. And who says I’m the only “common denominator” here? I’m pretty sure lot’s of other players disliked IX, but aren so open about it...
  9. N

    Everything Wrong with Final Fantasy IX

    No, just that it was after VII and VIII which had some of the highest sales, while IX’s was quite a drop, it was half of VII’s sales. While X’s sales had a huge jump up. As for XV, there was a lot of hype surrounding it, what with it being in development for so long and Versus XIII, the problem...
  10. N

    Everything Wrong with Final Fantasy IX

    First off, READ MY WHOLE FIC before deciding to be an asshole towards me and accusing my criticisms of being “nonsense”, seriously I expected some quality discussion here, but all I got were hostile commenters that are too blinded by their rose-coloured nostalgia glasses of IX to see the points...
  11. N

    Everything Wrong with Final Fantasy IX

    First off, those fans are most likely just a loud vocal minority, IX is one of the least selling FF games mind you. Also this quote sums it up: “I've been here since '04 and FF9 being universally beloved is wholly some 2010's nonsense. People used to ride FF6 and act all contrarian about FF7...
  12. N

    Everything Wrong with Final Fantasy IX

    I’m not trolling, I am being completely serious. I do agree with everyone loosing their minds though. They treat IX as “sacrosanct and perfect” and anyone who raises criticism with it, regardless of how valid it could be, is automatically wrong and a “troll”. No it isn’t. What is wrong with...
  13. N

    Everything Wrong with Final Fantasy IX

    FYI, I have this fic posted on AO3 as well. (but without the game dialogue due to the rules of that site) It’s not really such a noteworthy flaw, I was just asking a question as to why Baku randomly wears a dragon mask to attack his kids, it was even listed as a “Big Lipped Alligator Moment” on...
  14. N

    Everything Wrong with Final Fantasy IX

    “Fantastic” is a big stretch, there are bigger problems with the game besides the final boss, honestly Necron is overrated in being called IX‘s “biggest issue”.
  15. N

    Everything Wrong with Final Fantasy IX

    Because it is one of the few forums that I am able to sign up on (the others like Eyes on Me and TFF have some sort of issue where I am not getting the confirmation email), and this is the general discussion, not the solely FFVII discussion threads. I have also posted this link elsewhere, I am...
  16. N

    Everything Wrong with Final Fantasy IX

    Uh, I’m just making points on how Beatrix is a poorly written character and how the writers failed at properly making her sympathetic, I‘m not being “bigoted”. Why, because I called a character a bitch for committing war crimes and having a bad attitude? Don’t make this Tumblr or Twitter, don’t...
  17. N

    Everything Wrong with Final Fantasy IX

    Part II: My point is, her heelface turn comes out of nowhere. It isn't properly set up beforehand. She's just suddenly morally conflicted. That's why I don't like her. I understand what they were going for, but they didn't do it well. As for Garnet: She ran away from home because she knew her...
  18. N

    Everything Wrong with Final Fantasy IX

    Beatrix’s arc is poorly written, since you didn’t bother to read the chapters where I criticize her (, and...
  19. N

    Everything Wrong with Final Fantasy IX

    Ite certainly wasn’t nice with his second comment, considering he lashed out at me and called me a “hater” just because I criticized IX, even it’s constructive criticism and I want to discuss these things and help improve IX, especially if a Remake comes out, along with the upcoming cartoon.
  20. N

    Everything Wrong with Final Fantasy IX

    Okay “thanks” for your long winded strawman speech, but TV Tropes is not a good website, it’s no secret, they will ban you for most ridiculous reasons and the mods are control freaks, you can see lots of people online talking about how terrible it has become, like this person...
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