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  1. Cookie Monster


  2. Cookie Monster

    New here =)

    Welcome to the boards. :monster:
  3. Cookie Monster

    Vote on New Staff

    Congrats to the winners, and welcome to Elitist Bastards Central. :monster:
  4. Cookie Monster

    Elder Scrolls Online

    Video detailing character creation: jbzY9Ey3T3A
  5. Cookie Monster

    Batman: Arkham Origins

  6. Cookie Monster

    cute animals appreciation club

    World's puffiest bunny: :monster:
  7. Cookie Monster

    Watch Dogs

    Watch Dogs release date pushed back to 2014. :explain:
  8. Cookie Monster

    Mass Effect Series

    Next Mass Effect said to have no connection to Commander Shepard.
  9. Cookie Monster

    Vote on New Staff

    We removed Mako and Tifabelle, for lack of activity.
  10. Cookie Monster

    The Avengers, AoU, Infinity War, & Endgame films

    Joseph Gordon Levitt and Paul Rudd Reported as Ant Man Front Runners.
  11. Cookie Monster

    BB Codes

    Consider yourself reminded. :monster:
  12. Cookie Monster

    Report Bugs

    Nope, nothing on my end.
  13. Cookie Monster


    hb an' shit. :awesomonster:
  14. Cookie Monster

    Replacing Inactive Staff Members. With Votes.

    I forgot to second the nomination of Avec and the return of Force.
  15. Cookie Monster

    Replacing Inactive Staff Members. With Votes.

    Fangu, you've come a long way since then, and you're still awesome. Being around these forums as long as I have, it's been a pleasure seeing you n00bs grow and become principled ingredients of the community. I tip my hat to you, and the others that have joined and stayed over the last two...
  16. Cookie Monster

    Replacing Inactive Staff Members. With Votes.

    The Goat With a Thousand Young. Make it so.
  17. Cookie Monster

    Can someone change my username?

    Sorted. :monster: Sorry for the wait.
  18. Cookie Monster


    Aaron's taking women to dinner?
  19. Cookie Monster

    The plan!

    So, can I slum this section?
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