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  1. cold_spirit

    cold_spirit's Remake challenge run a.k.a. Rebirth waiting room

    Chapter 10 - Abzu This ended up being the most tightly choreographed boss yet. From taking a few steps forward when the fight starts, to working my way behind Abzu in time for his first recovery, to which side I'm on for the stagger. Every action has a nuanced purpose. However, I'd need a...
  2. cold_spirit

    cold_spirit's Remake challenge run a.k.a. Rebirth waiting room

    Chapter 9 - Hell House One of the best bosses in the game. It's the whole package. Four distinct phases, elemental weaknesses given by visual cues, appendages to break, can temporarily "bind" party members forcing you to switch characters, throws out adds... Could write a whole book on Hell...
  3. cold_spirit

    cold_spirit's Remake challenge run a.k.a. Rebirth waiting room

    Chapter 8 Part 2 - Rude A surprisingly easy fight. Aerith with Synergy and two maxed Magic Ups + Cloud’s Disorder (an ability that gives back ATB) = total devastation. Really happy with how I dodged Rude’s shockwave. It’s pretty well known now that the Sector 6 plate is above the Sector 5...
  4. cold_spirit


    Great montage of Rebirth features with a few instances of new or extended footage. Really makes the wait all the more unbearable.
  5. cold_spirit

    cold_spirit's Remake challenge run a.k.a. Rebirth waiting room

    Chapter 8 Part 1 - Reno I didn't know that Cloud can flip over Reno's attacks in the same way that he and Tifa can flip over Weiss's stab move. Once you get the timing right it makes the fight a lot easier than utilizing Punisher Mode's parry or Counterstance. This was a fun one to learn.
  6. cold_spirit

    cold_spirit's Remake challenge run a.k.a. Rebirth waiting room

    The BIG WEEK has passed. Let's get back to it.
  7. cold_spirit

    FFVII: Ever Crisis Announced

    Since we're on a bit of a griefing streak: The gold ticket drop rate as part of the current Sephiroth event is some grade A bullshit. With the previous event, the Watermelon Challenge, you were guaranteed watermelons after every battle. So even though you had to grind that big, juicy Tonberry...
  8. cold_spirit

    cold_spirit's Remake challenge run a.k.a. Rebirth waiting room

    Might be my last upload for a bit. I have a BIG WEEK ahead of me.
  9. cold_spirit

    cold_spirit's Remake challenge run a.k.a. Rebirth waiting room

    Chapter 7, Airbuster. Love it. All the Shinra mech battles are bangers. This one has a bit of a trick. Don't stagger Airbuster before it moves into position to fire Tankbuster. By preserving the stagger gauge, you can stagger Airbuster immediately after it fires Tankbuster. Doing so will...
  10. cold_spirit

    cold_spirit's Remake challenge run a.k.a. Rebirth waiting room

    Chapter 6 doesn't have a boss, nor a story relevant "capstone fight", but it does have a difficult optional encounter with two Queen Grashtrikes. I really like this chapter because the level design is intricate enough that I can't exactly remember it all, so it feels fresh to play even after...
  11. cold_spirit


    Two new articles from RPGFan. The first is a hands-on impression with screenshots of new materia, and the second is an interview with Rebirth director Naoki Hamaguchi. Lots of goodies inside.
  12. cold_spirit

    cold_spirit's Remake challenge run a.k.a. Rebirth waiting room

    Chapter 5, Crab Warden. One of my favorite bosses. Cloud's Disorder and Tifa's Focused Strike give back ATB when they hit the enemy. Neither ability does much damage, so I think they have this special property for balancing purposes. HOWEVER, with Intergrade, Synergy materia no longer costs ATB...
  13. cold_spirit

    OG FF7 is now playable at 60fps [EDIT: And Widescreen!] on PC via modding

    My word that's an incredible suite of game modifiers. Props to Postscriptthree.
  14. cold_spirit

    What are your favorite 10 games? (and why?)

    Bit late, but this tier maker has been doing the rounds, and I finally sat down to hammer out my Top 10 (and then some). Yes, I'm counting Advent Children as a video game. It takes up the mental space of one in my mind. And the bottom row is more a homage to the games of...
  15. cold_spirit

    FFVII: Ever Crisis Announced

    Unfortunately, I got a bit carried away with the last featured draw, so I doubt I'll build up enough blue crystals for Aerith's outfit now. Lesson learned (but hey, got a good blizzard build now). I have a rule to only spend money on the season pass. With The First Soldier, my rule was to spend...
  16. cold_spirit

    cold_spirit's Remake challenge run a.k.a. Rebirth waiting room

    Chapter 4! Roche! Such a fun series of battles. Though I have to say, the scenario takes some leaps. In the beginning, Jessie says to Cloud that Biggs and Wedge don't know the real reason they're heading plateside (to get a new blasting agent). Following that is a continuous sequence from the...
  17. cold_spirit


    Someone on Twitter made this comparison, I forget who. Really appreciate the dopamine hit it gives me every time I browse my phone's photo gallery. Both styles are so good.
  18. cold_spirit

    cold_spirit's Remake challenge run a.k.a. Rebirth waiting room

    Hmm, "no damage". I foresee instances where a character could get damaged during an ability that finishes the final enemy, requiring a restart, but that option would be lost since the battle ended. So I'd have to reload an early save. Sounds a bit exhausting. No damage is a great challenge if...
  19. cold_spirit

    cold_spirit's Remake challenge run a.k.a. Rebirth waiting room

    Ahhh Chapter 3, the first "side quest hub". I initially thought that these chapters would be some of the most difficult, but then I found out that your party's HP is restored after each completed quest. It's a cake walk. I don't know how to make these beginning chapters difficult. I could use...
  20. cold_spirit


    Really enjoyed this uploader's footage. Found the Fort Condor comment: You can set aerial shortcuts for Cloud and Tifa, but you can't for Barret, Aerith, and Red XIII. The latter surprises me the most. Being a physical fighter, Red XIII not having any aerial game sounds a bit limiting. I...
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