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  1. rimavelle

    Death Stranding -A Hideo Kojima Game-

    Spoilers for this game gonna be wild. Either gonna be so ridiculous we won't believe in them, or so weird they won't even make sense outside of the game. Can't wait for the 2hr+ videos explaining what have I just played.
  2. rimavelle

    Favorite FFVII Fanart

    I've seen many Cloud birthday arts but this one is especially cute. by avocado2502
  3. rimavelle

    Favorite FFVII Fanart

    I bow to that. Amazing.
  4. rimavelle

    FFVIIR at Gamescom 2019

    Stream here I go.
  5. rimavelle

    Favorite FFVII Fanart

    It's me again. Sorry for spamming but I've heard someone here likes JESSIE @Jairus Run like you stole it from the Shinra Guards by me I've always thought Jessie was really happy, optimistic person, and not only when looking at Cloud, so decided to show her daily activities beside blowing up...
  6. rimavelle

    FFVIIR at Gamescom 2019

    On one hand, I'm sad because normally I can tell myself E3 is on the other side of the world so it doesn't hurt so much I can't go there, but this time it's super close. On the other, I don't think I'm desperate enough to spend the money to play demo of a game that's coming out in less than a...
  7. rimavelle

    Favorite FFVII Fanart

    @Jairus That Tifa one, damn. Also it seems I contributed to the bigger pull of zombie Aeriths than I thought. @Ryvius forget phone wallpaper, I want in on the wall! Cutie Aerith after all your zombie ones.
  8. rimavelle

    Hello everyone

    Oh, already noticed you in other threads, but lets make it official! Hello~ Nice to have you here!
  9. rimavelle

    FFVIIR Official Concept Art & Twitter Whatnots

    It's weird thing with those concept arts because often they dont even resemble what we got in the game. Like the train station building one, totaly different interior. I wonder why they do that. Its not like 3d modelers can just decide to change whole ceiling or move things across the street...
  10. rimavelle

    Favorite FFVII Fanart

    I felt you may like me mentioning Jessie ; p And yes, ofc I will! I both have fun and hate it at times, depending how good am I doing. Like with that previous art - Tifa's hands had me biting my stylus but in the end I was so proud I would show it to everyone. : D Also - are you making more of...
  11. rimavelle

    Favorite FFVII Fanart

    Oh man. That looks like big deal. I plan few more ffvii fanarts and then... maybe
  12. rimavelle

    Favorite FFVII Fanart

    Thank you! Yup. Good ol Photoshop. Adding the details was the funniest part. Now I'm working on piece with Jessie .
  13. rimavelle

    Unpopular Final Fantasy opinions

    It's... I'm saving this one.
  14. rimavelle

    What games are you currently playing?

    Spyro: Reignited Trilogy. It plays and looks like I remembered original to look with my nostalgia glasses. 10/10!
  15. rimavelle

    Unpopular Final Fantasy opinions

    ^ This. I don't know how people not get that it was done on purpose. Also people b. about it upset the voice actor : / My unpopular opinions: FFXIII is not much more linear than FFX. Lightning Returns is awesome and fixed all XIII problems. Paradigms are awesome. Crisis Core made Zack's death...
  16. rimavelle

    Hopes for Remake & Rebirth (story/content)

    Cloud's father noticed Cloud wasn't like other kids. He had blond hair, where all other kids had brown, his hairstyle was ridiculous and defying gravity, always in the same shape. Father knew what that meant, he heard the stories - his son was destined to be the JRPG Hero. All stories said the...
  17. rimavelle

    Favorite FFVII Fanart

    Love~ I imagined it as Tifa's way to profit off unwanted attention (I can picture mob of Tifa's adorators filling entire Sector 7), where she does something like kissing the glass before serving the drink. She knows they are desperate like that : p
  18. rimavelle

    Favorite FFVII Fanart

    It's me again! Blame @Pandemonium xD But this time, THIS TIME, I'm proud. Like, really proud. Like, 3 days-can't-look-at-this-anymore proud. Was sitting here, sweating to oblivion and looking at my trusty fan, when idea was created. And 3 days, band-aid on nose, countless coffees and many swear...
  19. rimavelle

    What games are you currently playing?

    You know that period before game/movie comes out and people make crazy theories based on few leaked images and frame-by-frame analysis of the trailers (so like us here, haha)? Yeah. That's the lore/story of Bloodborne. Everything is hidden in item description and one-liners but DAMN is it...
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