I've just utilised the massive dragon cheese and the random bird at the cliff cheese to go from lvl 40 to lvl 90 in a day XD
Some say it's cheating but realistically bosses can still two hit ko me XD
Would be immense.
Lute hero, in unreal engine 5!
I always thought that emotions like hate etc were a part of who we are so the concept of the lifestream bringing death and rebirth would just mean that whenever your reborn you may already have those qualities inside you but it doesn't necessarily define your being.
He once posted here a batshit theory based on shadows in a single second frame and a really bad ms Paint job trying to show outlines proving Jessie was still alive.
Just out of curiosity but when the fuck did jairus become Voldemort with all this "he who must not be named" references XD
Did I miss a mass avada kevada or summin?