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  1. Lestat

    I've logged in again

    New phone who dis? :p
  2. Lestat


    I think you know someone who does though
  3. Lestat


    NGL didn't even see this thread on my "new posts" screen XD
  4. Lestat

    TLS Virtual Big Meet Up

    Haha you old :P
  5. Lestat

    Quiton Flynn (Axel's VA) preys on his female fanbase on social media

    I think the fact he's associated to kh should be taken out of scope of this entire thing. What he's done he did himself, sure he used his position as a VA to exploit these women but at the end of the day he's the piece of shit doing these things behind closed doors. In regards to then account...
  6. Lestat

    Mass Effect Series

    Don't ruin my dream of spending the rest of the pandemic going places with my n7 rebreather!
  7. Lestat

    Mass Effect Series Very very tempted
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