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  1. Kittie

    Saddest death in the compilation?

    I went with Zack's death, simply because I nearly cried when I saw it happen. It was just so violent and heart-wrenching. Before that point, I can't recall a single time when I almost shed tears over a game until the mass slaughter of Burmecians in FFIX. I was crying like a baby when I played...
  2. Kittie

    FF Couple Tournament Round 4: Zidane/Garnet vs Tidus/Yuna

    I can actually vote with a free and clear conscience on this one. Zidane/Garnet yet again.
  3. Kittie

    FF Couple Tournament Round 4: Locke/Celes vs Balthier/Fran

    I'm rather fond of both of these pairings, but I had to go with Locke/Celes this time. I still love Balthier/Fran, though.
  4. Kittie

    The Love Triangle Debate thread of KNEEL BEFORE ZOD OR SUFFER HIS WRATH (ignore the opening posts at your peril) (Round 6)

    I agree with you, Danseru. If Aerith had lived, then I believe it’s very much possible that she could’ve ended up with Cloud in the game. If that had indeed been the case, I’d give both Aerith and Tifa a 50/50 chance of ending up with him. Aerith was more open and upfront in...
  5. Kittie


    Welcome to the forums, Aminee Starlight! :joy:
  6. Kittie

    More VII PlayArts (DoC Vincent, Yuffie, Rufus)

    I just came across this upload on YouTube: SE, you tease, you...Giving me unnecessary fangirl feels. :monster: But all joking aside, I'm so glad that we finally get to see the new Yuffie in color, and it looks like she's coming with a buttload of...
  7. Kittie

    FF Couple Tournament Round 3: Zack/Aerith vs Zidane/Garnet

    As much as I like Zack/Aerith, and that's a lot, Zidane/Garnet still have my vote. Looking at it objectively, they're undoubtedly my favorite couple in the series. I just love the development of their relationship, and how it progresses through the game. Now that I'm actually thinking about it...
  8. Kittie

    FF Couple Tournament Round 3: Cecil/Rosa vs Tidus/Yuna

    I like Tidus and Yuna and the tragedy behind their story, but FFX has never really clicked for me as some of the other FF games did. I don't know why, but it never really did, so my vote went to Cecil and Rosa. I actually like how they were already in a relationship before the game even began...
  9. Kittie

    FF Couple Tournament Round 3: Cloud/Tifa vs Tseng/Elena

    This is a hard choice to make, especially since I like both, but I went with Cloud and Tifa on this one. I love the idea of Tseng and Elena, I really do, but Cloud and Tifa have been through a lot together and, in spite of everything, they manage to get through their problems, even though both...
  10. Kittie

    Happy Birthday Mei!

    Wishing you a very happy birthday, Mei! I hope it's fabulous! :)
  11. Kittie

    The Love Triangle Debate thread of KNEEL BEFORE ZOD OR SUFFER HIS WRATH (ignore the opening posts at your peril) (Round 6)

    I also agree. Aerith's date is the one which hints that there's something not quite right about Cloud, while Tifa's is simply her failure to confess her feelings. I like all of the dates, especially the Barret date, but Aerith's makes the most sense with the game's storyline. And, yes, Tifa...
  12. Kittie

    What are you listening to?

    VAST [Touched] Lovely song. I really wish I could see them play live.
  13. Kittie

    The Love Triangle Debate thread of KNEEL BEFORE ZOD OR SUFFER HIS WRATH (ignore the opening posts at your peril) (Round 6)

    All right, BB, I will be civil with you on this: the point I made is that you’re generalizing Clotis as a whole. You didn’t say some or certain or a group or anything of that nature. You said Clotis. That is, in logic, considered a hasty generalization. You have no exact numbers to...
  14. Kittie

    The Love Triangle Debate thread of KNEEL BEFORE ZOD OR SUFFER HIS WRATH (ignore the opening posts at your peril) (Round 6)

    For your first point, Seventh Heaven has been finished and furnished at the start of ACC. The children have a nice room, comfortable beds, and, yes, even furniture. There is no reason whatsoever for Cloud not to have the same, if his souped-up monstrosity of a bike he’s in possession of says...
  15. Kittie

    The Love Triangle Debate thread of KNEEL BEFORE ZOD OR SUFFER HIS WRATH (ignore the opening posts at your peril) (Round 6)

    I will say that I'm glad that you find that this argument about Barret being/not being part of the Seventh Heaven family doesn't prove Cloud having a relationship with Aerith. Thank you for clarifying that. That being said, however, I still fail to see the importance in proving/disproving...
  16. Kittie

    The Love Triangle Debate thread of KNEEL BEFORE ZOD OR SUFFER HIS WRATH (ignore the opening posts at your peril) (Round 6)

    I believe that jazzflower92 and I Am Not Me have already summed up the Barret being/not being part of the Seventh Heaven family argument rather well. I also fail to understand this point, as to how Barret’s presence somehow magically disproves Cloud and Tifa from having a romantic...
  17. Kittie

    FF Couple Tournament Round 1: Zidane/Garnet vs Zidane/Kuja

    I never thought Kuja was a girl, either. I imagine that it must be that girlish figure of his, which makes for all of that unnecessary confusion. :monster: Anyway, yes, Zidane/Garnet. Without question. They're probably my top FF pairing, canon or otherwise. Love 'em!
  18. Kittie

    FF Couple Tournament Round 1: Sephiroth/Aerith vs Zack/Aerith

    Oh, this match-up just breaks my heart; I love both pairings. I have a lot of nostalgia with AeriSeph. As for Zerith...I just have many feels for that pairing. Crisis Core's ending...:sigh: This was a very hard choice for me, but I went with AeriSeph this time. It's a guilty pleasure of mine...
  19. Kittie

    FF Couple Tournament Round 1: Cloud/Tifa vs Cloud/Aerith

    I agree; these two pairings should not have met so soon. I think I would've gone with Clerith, too, if it had been up against a certain canon pairing, like in FFVIII. Against Zidane/Garnet, however, that would be a completely different story, certainly. :monster:
  20. Kittie

    The Love Triangle Debate thread of KNEEL BEFORE ZOD OR SUFFER HIS WRATH (ignore the opening posts at your peril) (Round 6)

    ^ This. I confess I also have a soft spot for AeriSeph :sephball::aeriball:, too, and it doesn't hurt me that such isn't canon, even though I'm beyond elated that such was once taken into consideration before that Zack fellow came into the picture. :zackball: Taking a step back from shipping...
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