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  1. Lelouch

    Last Film You've Seen

    Hachiko (A Dog's Story) Seriously, guys, I suggest watching this (if you haven't). It made me cry, but I don't know's even featured on I salute the dog in the story.. IDK about the japanese worshiping it. :awesome:
  2. Lelouch

    What makes your day

    I'm always amused when I hear that song.. inspired, at the same time. MADE ME AWESOME DAY, AGAIN
  3. Lelouch

    What makes your day

    Aww... do you want me to hug you now? I'm sure it will :awesome:
  4. Lelouch

    What makes your day

    Myself for being huggable.. OMG, MY "CRUSH" HUGGED ME, THEN SAID "I LOVE YOU" ..LOL.
  5. Lelouch

    Can someone change my username?

    Dude, don't call my girl a bitch, or I'LL RAEP YOU! :@
  6. Lelouch

    What are you listening to?

    I'm Sorry - Flyleaf
  7. Lelouch

    What makes your day

  8. Lelouch


    Umm, Hi there.. you remind me of Silent Hill. But OH WELL Welcome !! :monster:
  9. Lelouch

    Things that piss you off

    Passing my most awaited, most hoped College Exam...sad thing is, my grandparents can't allow me to study on that specific College.. worst thing is, only chance can let me pass.. now that I have it, I just can't go on =/ FUCK LIFE
  10. Lelouch

    What makes your day

    The moment I woke up.. I logged on to FB, saw Tiffie's posts... *FWACK* DAY MADE!!
  11. Lelouch

    I think you may be sick of new members by now. drama? Welcome, enjoy your stay.
  12. Lelouch

    What makes your day

    Seeing Alice's back... for I awhile, I thought- Wait. :awesome:
  13. Lelouch

    here is another person on the forum

    Welcome, sir. Enjoy your stay :)
  14. Lelouch

    Things that piss you off

    Drama :monster:
  15. Lelouch

    Things that piss you off

    Tell me about it :'( Anyway... timezone pisses me off. Frustration pisses me off. I'M REALLY PISSED OFF, when i have to explain things that are obvious...WTF, IT'S NOT A MIND GAME AT ALL... Friend: OMG, YOU'RE HERE! Me: NO, I'M JUST A PICTURE PRINTED AND FRAMED <_<
  16. Lelouch

    Cissnei's art/sort of crackships

    AWESOME :excited: POST MORE PLEASE? :awesome:
  17. Lelouch

    Can someone change my username?

    Oh my, what a cute lady we have here :awesome: *brings out a rose*
  18. Lelouch

    well then

    ^ i've been seeing this smile lately... i find it scary. Anyway, Cissnei, you're awesome :awesome: Welcome
  19. Lelouch

    Hello Everyone!

    Welcome, Miss... care to have a drink? *offers tea*
  20. Lelouch

    What are you listening to?

    Sorrow - Flyleaf
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