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  1. Dana Scully

    Halo 4

    I'm still not sold on Cortana's new design, but otherwise this looks fucking sweeet.
  2. Dana Scully

    Happy Birthday Masa!

    happy birthday masa!
  3. Dana Scully

    Happy Birthday GLD!

    belayed happy bday dood, hope it was a good one
  4. Dana Scully

    Avengers Assembly

    i fucking love this club /joins /assembles
  5. Dana Scully

    Saying goodbye for a bit

    good luck have fun, hope to see you back
  6. Dana Scully

    In case I don't see you all

    Good luck out there Mumble, hope to see you back soon. <3
  7. Dana Scully

    Game of Thrones

    Maybe he just never smiled at his own kids? Someone (actually it might have been you?) mentioned something like he would never treat Arya like that if she was his daughter and maybe that applies to smiling too. I kinda like the Tywin screentime just because I like his actor and think he does a...
  8. Dana Scully

    Game of Thrones

  9. Dana Scully

    Game of Thrones

  10. Dana Scully

    Incoming N00b

    fuck yeah canada and a firefly fan to boot, me gusta welcome!
  11. Dana Scully


    happy birfday kimble <3
  12. Dana Scully

    Mass Effect Series

    I intend to do a femshep playthrough where I just technically don't romance anyone but my headcanon will be romancing Miranda. because her not being an option for femshep is a fucking travesty that must be remedied in any way possible
  13. Dana Scully

    The Avengers, AoU, Infinity War, & Endgame films

    Just wondering, I could've sworn I read something about SJ doing her own stunts for this film. Can anyone confirm/debunk that?
  14. Dana Scully

    yaccbs' streaming stuff

    starting season 3 now!
  15. Dana Scully

    Game of Thrones

    oh good im not the only one who felt really strange about that so like holy book changes batman i mean practically the entire episode diverged from the books. it makes me uneasy ._. also, i find theon a lot easier to sympathize with in the show than i did in the books. kudos to his actor.
  16. Dana Scully

    Character Battle QF3: Aerith vs Lightning

    annnnnnnnnd cue zee having an aneurism lightning for me, no contest. i really like aerith but lightning was just an instant fave for me.
  17. Dana Scully

    The Avengers, AoU, Infinity War, & Endgame films

    absolutely fucking loved this movie can't wait to see it again, will probably see it 2 more times in theatres yet EDIT: almost forgot, i adored the stark/banner friendship. was one of my favourite parts of the movie, actually
  18. Dana Scully

    Can someone change my username?

    Matsumoto Rangiku pl0x
  19. Dana Scully

    Character Battle QF1: Cloud vs Celes

    Not to pick on you in particular 4nn4, but I have a feeling that this will be the case with pretty much every poll putting an ff7 character against someone from another game. :sadpanda:
  20. Dana Scully

    Character Battle QF1: Cloud vs Celes

    No contest for me, Celes all the way. I love Cloud, but he never left the impression on me that Celes did.
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