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  1. Dana Scully

    Final Fantasy XIII-2

    If you liked Hope, then cool, good on you. But he was easily the worst character for me and if it's true he's gotten significant development then I am going to throw my hands in the air and shout hallelujah. If you wanna be dramatic and ragequit the thread over it then suit yourself. @artwork...
  2. Dana Scully

    Final Fantasy XIII-2

    That's okay, this means that Fang is available for Lightning. :awesome:
  3. Dana Scully

    What makes your day

    You really don't, tbh. :monster: In all my time repairing comps I have never once bothered with either of those and I've never had any issue with static. Just make sure you ground yourself on a metal part of the case before you start and don't go rubbing your socks on the carpet while you're...
  4. Dana Scully

    Final Fantasy XIII-2

    thank you jesus for this blessing of character development because I dunno if I could take another game of Hope's whining
  5. Dana Scully

    What makes your day

    Not only cleaned my room up so that it's sparkling but also tore my computer apart and gave it the most thorough cleaning it's ever had - which it really needed. My heatsink was so coated in dust it was like peeling lint of a dryer lintscreen, there were dustbunnies inside my processor case, I...
  6. Dana Scully

    Things that piss you off

    once again I have no internet and tv ahahahahah fuck. at least this time i got through to tech support in 15 mintues rather than NEVER and they're looking into it
  7. Dana Scully

    What makes your day

  8. Dana Scully

    What makes your day

    88% on my 2nd astronomy exam and I think my 2nd psychology exam went okay too and I've only got one class tomorrow then long weekend yaaay.
  9. Dana Scully

    TLS Awards 2011 Discussion Thread

    I apologize if this comes across as a strange question but do you by any chance read RA Salvatore books? >.>
  10. Dana Scully

    Can someone change my username?

    Samantha Carter, please
  11. Dana Scully

    Final Fantasy VI Discussion Thread

    >: that sucks. You should give it another shot, right from the beginning. It's totally worth beating it. :)
  12. Dana Scully

    Final Fantasy VI Discussion Thread

    For the part I assume you're referring to personally I just levelled my 4 favourites throughout the game and then split them up when necessary because they were so overpowered they could pretty well solo everything. :monster:
  13. Dana Scully

    What makes your day

    ^ You always come up with the best imagery, Octo. xD @topic: first snowfall of the year. :3
  14. Dana Scully


    I remember in the ComicCon interview Amy Hennig said that she deliberately keeps parts of the Nate and Elena relationship vague because she feels the player should be allowed to fill it in themselves. So as much as I would love for more insight into them as well I doubt we'll ever get it. >...
  15. Dana Scully


    lmao XD I realized what I was supposed to do right away but I still had to run around for like 5 minutes to find the right proper spot. Also, I think my favourite part was
  16. Dana Scully

    Things that piss you off

  17. Dana Scully

    What makes your day

    I got all As/A+s on my first round of midterms (98% on my World Religions exam fuck yes), my piano teacher was gushing over my Gnoissienne no 3, and my parents are getting us tickets for two symphonies: Mozart and Schubert and the motherfucking music of motherfucking Harry Potter and it's going...
  18. Dana Scully


    happy birthday 8} may it be full of awesome and cake and all that good shit
  19. Dana Scully

    Hey there!

    hola :monster:
  20. Dana Scully


    I may have skipped my anthropology class to play it, as well as completely neglected all studying/homework >.> Also I just have to say how much I fucking love the fisticuffs in this game, when you're on a roll throwing punches and counterattacks and breaking holds it feels very smooth and...
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