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  1. Kai Schulen

    FFVII Remake Orchestra -- anyone going?

    I've managed to wrangle my friend into going (and she's bringing along her boyfriend) so.... But I'm still curious if anyone's going to any of the other concerts, maybe TLS can use this to meet up?
  2. Kai Schulen

    Buster sword - honorific name or belittle one ?

    I mean, considering it's a JRPG...they probably just picked "Buster" because it sounds so cool in Japanese. (and it does.)
  3. Kai Schulen

    Jessie, Biggs, and Wedge's Roles in the Remake Thread

    And yet this particular topic has continued on for more than 2 pages with everyone nitpicking everything. Jesus christ on a pogo stick everybody. Again, I ask: how is it important to figure out how did Cloud get to know AVALANCHE when there is a variety of easy answers that can satisfy...
  4. Kai Schulen

    Jessie, Biggs, and Wedge's Roles in the Remake Thread

    We're overthinking and grasping at straws over how Cloud was introduced to the AVALANCHE trio and the only thing I have to say is this: Sometimes the best answer is the easiest answer. Or something. Whatever. I know it doesn't wholly apply but it's in the spirit of "keep it short and sweet."...
  5. Kai Schulen

    Jessie, Biggs, and Wedge's Roles in the Remake Thread

    I've always assumed that Tifa told Cloud their names and that's how he knows them. He just says "I'm not interested in your names" to keep up his badass facade.
  6. Kai Schulen

    FFVII Remake Orchestra -- anyone going?

    Like the title says. I'm thinking of going to the one in NY on October 3rd, 8 PM. (I'm like 80% sure about it, but very uncertain about which seating tickets I want to grab) and was wondering if any TLSers were going to go. ...and maybe meet up for it. maybe. kinda. sorta. I dunno, I'm like...
  7. Kai Schulen

    Jessie, Biggs, and Wedge's Roles in the Remake Thread

    Optional it may be, but Wedge does say lots of meaningful things to/about Cloud: he notices that despite Cloud's persona, he's quite lonely, offers to be there and listen to Cloud whenever he wants to vent, he kinda wants Cloud's approval, and he shows the most hurt reactions when Cloud picks...
  8. Kai Schulen

    Jessie, Biggs, and Wedge's Roles in the Remake Thread

    ...And the cycle of conflict continues. .....but honestly, I really do think that Wedge and Cloud had more meaningful interactions than Jessie and Cloud did, and I think it's cute. If Wedge was a girl, (or a very attractive guy) people might actually ship CloudxWedge lolololol
  9. Kai Schulen

    Jessie, Biggs, and Wedge's Roles in the Remake Thread

    All 3 members of the AVALANCHE trio were glad/surprised to see Cloud in their final moments, because the last time that they saw Cloud was when they launched an attack on the Sector 5 Mako Reactor -- they probably thought that Cloud either died in the fall or that he left AVALANCHE and went back...
  10. Kai Schulen

    Jessie, Biggs, and Wedge's Roles in the Remake Thread

    A love confession from Jessie when she's dying is a bit...I don't know how else to say it, but it would be a downgrade from her death in OG. What I liked most about her death in the OG is that when you talk to her for the last time, and Cloud picks the "Don't say 'last'" option she says this...
  11. Kai Schulen

    Jessie, Biggs, and Wedge's Roles in the Remake Thread

    The cycle of conflict continues. *quietly hums the Dissidia theme*
  12. Kai Schulen


    I mean, I can understand the outrage if the Remake had an online PVP element with limited one-time prizes for the best ranking PVPers, but since it's a 1 player JRPG, well... I find it hard to get angry over that. It's a few summons + equipment and it's 101% likely that said summons and...
  13. Kai Schulen


    Honestly, this is no different from getting a Happy Meal from McDonald's to get a limited edition Pokemon cards or YGO cards, but with less real life RNG involved. Or, are we going to rag on Nintendo and Konami for that too? I mean, where was the outrage over Dissidia and their Cup Noodle DLC...
  14. Kai Schulen

    FFVII Remake delayed to April 10th Worldwide

    Shit, I should have contacted customer support about the "consented to delay" button too. I guess I'll bring that up with customer support when they get back to me lololorz
  15. Kai Schulen

    FFVII Remake delayed to April 10th Worldwide

    Yeah, I just reached out to Customer Service too, gotta wait to hear back from them. Don't wanna lose my order or get double charged. @_@ Just checked again, went to the "Manage" option, and nope, still no box. I wonder if the option's not there because I already paid off my preorder or if...
  16. Kai Schulen

    Hopes for Remake & Rebirth (story/content)

    Barret with a British accent is... huh, wow. I kinda want to hear Barret with a Brit accent.
  17. Kai Schulen

    Jessie, Biggs, and Wedge's Roles in the Remake Thread

    My only 2 gil on this is that if SE makes Jessie a LI that's as legitimate as Tifa and Aerith, well....then it just feels it cheapens the relationship between Cloud, Tifa and Aerith as a whole, y'know? To me, one of the most appealing thing about Clerith is that it's tragic in that Aerith dies...
  18. Kai Schulen

    FFVII Remake delayed to April 10th Worldwide

    Weird, just checked my order page and I didn't see that button. Should I be worried?? Also, did anyone get this email: Cause I just triple checked to make sure that I did choose to opt-in, my orders page to make sure that I did have my preorder validated and paid off, and my bank account to...
  19. Kai Schulen

    Final Fantasy: Brave Exvius

    I was interested, because Tactics, but apparently it's a reskin of another gumi game. No thanks, I'd rather not.
  20. Kai Schulen

    Aerith revival

    You mean...I could've had my fantasy where Cloud and Aya meet face to face come true?! GODDAMNIT
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