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  1. Neutron Ronnie

    So, what do you think the LTD conclusion is? (Round 2)

    666. Am I right in saying that you want to start a new thread because newcomers will not read 400 pages before getting into the debate? But wouldn't that generally hold true for a hundred pages, or less, as well?
  2. Neutron Ronnie

    Return to the Canyon - Red XIII/Nanaki fan club

    I noticed everyone kept bringing it up in their replies. It's a conspiracy, I tell you. :monster: On the other hand, I was equal parts amused and horrified by this. Still, I like it way better than the many bishie versions of human-Nanaki I've seen.
  3. Neutron Ronnie

    Sephiroth Is Selling Cars Now

    Just as long as he doesn't leave Tifa and the kids and start sleeping over at Sephiroth's car showroom or the Northern Crater. :monster: Because that would be total Clephiroth proof. The pic made me lol.
  4. Neutron Ronnie

    Sephiroth Is Selling Cars Now

    How the mighty have fallen. :awesome: Or maybe nuclear-powered super-tanks or WMDs. :wacky:
  5. Neutron Ronnie

    Do we still need a spoiler section for ACC?

    There are Dissidia "spoilers" floating around - well not real spoilers, but freaks may argue them to be such - so I figure being a tightarse about ACC doesn't matter anymore. Besides, if you're going to wander into a FFVII Compilation forum several months after the movie's out, you'd better...
  6. Neutron Ronnie

    Things that piss you off

    My one-year-old T400 regularly going into critical failure for the FOURTH time, after sending it in for repairs three times. This, on top of the whole fiasco of the switchable-GPU drivers missing from the website and the recovery discs for months. Fuck you, Lenovo. Fuck. You.
  7. Neutron Ronnie

    So, what do you think the LTD conclusion is? (Round 2)

    Oh noes... they've finally figured it out and got it right... They've got the Clotis by the balls!
  8. Neutron Ronnie

    So, what do you think the LTD conclusion is? (Round 2)

    I'm amazed you have the time and the patience to tango with such people. You should ask her to prove that Cloud loves Aerith, using quotes only from the movie and game, without taking player responses into account. If she attempts to use player responses or the Aerith-date, you should bring up...
  9. Neutron Ronnie

    What makes your day

    Congratulations! :monster: Capturing a ridiculously high-HP creature with ridiculously low spawn and capture rates, and splitting it to get a ridiculously rare synthesis component. After three days of trying. In a game that suffers framerate drops every time I exhale.
  10. Neutron Ronnie

    The most annoying fandom assumptions that make no sense and won't die.

    So what? Of course it's an awful thing to throw a bishie into a mako pit for the small and forgivable crimes of killing your mother, slicing up your crush, and torching your village. :monster: Did you know that some people actually think that Vincent and Yuffie are an item? They really...
  11. Neutron Ronnie

    Halo series

    Saw them, don't think they're a hoax. Or if they are, tis a fairly well-done one. Did anyone watch the Halo Legends ep? I thought it looked beautiful, though the episode was somewhat predictable...
  12. Neutron Ronnie

    The most annoying fandom assumptions that make no sense and won't die.

    I don't like Lucrecia at all, but the game implies heavily that her strange and unreasonable actions are a direct result of her guilt over Dr Valentine's death; nothing in the Compilation suggests that she was always unstable. And yes, there were others who were not Vincent, but Lucrecia and...
  13. Neutron Ronnie

    The most annoying fandom assumptions that make no sense and won't die.

    I never thought Lucrecia was attracted to Hojo - or did I miss something? Have I been perpetuating an annoying fandom assumption by thinking that Lucrecia went to Hojo because he was not Vincent, and not because she was genuinely attracted to the mad professor? :monster:
  14. Neutron Ronnie

    Return to the Canyon - Red XIII/Nanaki fan club

    Oh no, I realized it was probably Photoshopped, it's just that stuff that usually gets people to squee sometimes has me reaching for a barf bag.
  15. Neutron Ronnie

    Return to the Canyon - Red XIII/Nanaki fan club

    I-I'm nauseated, yet oddly attracted to the picture at the same time. I find it fascinating... Can't... take... eyes... off...
  16. Neutron Ronnie

    The Most Memorable Moments of the Compilation Contest

    Nay, I was just asking out of curiosity... I wrote the write-up so it'd suffice either way, so I wasn't concerned about that. :monster: I was merely curious because if all the write-ups were to be put up exactly as they are, it would appear a little heterogeneous. At any rate, my curiosity...
  17. Neutron Ronnie

    The Most Memorable Moments of the Compilation Contest

    Actually, I'm still curious and looking for answers to the questions I asked at the beginning of my last post.
  18. Neutron Ronnie

    See ya.

    Good luck with relocating and stuff... And come back! :D
  19. Neutron Ronnie

    So, what do you think the LTD conclusion is? (Round 2)

    Holy Judas Priest, you're right, Quex. I didn't think of that!
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