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  1. SirVival

    The Forgotten city (close off area)

    Really? If nostalgia doesn't count as a reason, then I guess you're right. Interesting thread. I always found this giant fish extremely irritating and it did serve some kind of purpose on many of the Aeris-resurrection theories. I guess the main reason why I hate it though is because it's a...
  2. SirVival

    The seven most difficult boss battles in the Final Fantasy series

    The firebomb and Salikawoods, it's all coming back to me now...! I don't remember why I fought it, I guess it was blocking the way or something? It sounds like I should give this game another try, eventhough just thinking about it makes me puke a little -_- It's probably the only FF in which I...
  3. SirVival

    The seven most difficult boss battles in the Final Fantasy series

    Interesting thread! I'm not going to tackle any of the bosses from I to VI, because I hardly remember anything from those. Back in my childhood I ran often from random encounters and usually I was normal or under leveled, which I still think of as a good thing. I loved to play a final fantasy...
  4. SirVival

    The Love Triangle Debate: Another Turn in the Cycle

    Wow, I have no idea what's going on in this thread. I've definitely stumbled on the darker side of . I need to get out of here before it's too late.
  5. SirVival

    What if Aerith and Sephiroth were stepsiblings?

    I think I genuinely hate you. I appreciate your effort of trying to bring live to this forum, I really do (threads started by you are probably over one hundred). But please, every time when your brain starts to fart I want to vomit until I choke. EDIT: My apology for the user jazzflower92: I...
  6. SirVival

    Final Fantasy VII Ambient Album

    You have my thanks, sorry for not taking a closer look at the posting times.
  7. SirVival

    Final Fantasy VII Abridged Series

    those videos are just retarded Edit: Well, what do you know. I gave them another chance and found myself slightly amused.
  8. SirVival

    wt is your favourite character in FF7?

    Probably Don Corleo. His hips get me every time.
  9. SirVival

    Translation Train Wreck: Final Fantasy VII in Spain

    I loved the shit out of the spanish version. I mentioned it already in another thread, but when I first got in touch with FF7 as a kid, it was exactly the spanish version of the game. I bough it around 1998-99 and it was a platinum version. Unluckily I loaned it around 6 or 7 years ago to an...
  10. SirVival

    Final Fantasy VII Ambient Album

    I have the same problem, I'm 85% sure I heard this for the first time last summer or even earlier.
  11. SirVival

    The Sectors

    That's a good remark. I remember reading that the people living in the plate are the "middle-class", while the poor are living in the slums. I need to find source for this, but I wonder if there is some truth to that. *5 mins later.* Oh here it is. "The only Sector that can be explored above...
  12. SirVival

    Cloud VS Zack in a fight.

    I think the real question is: Can Zack beat Link? edit: dem bombs
  13. SirVival

    The Sectors

    So I was researching this a little bit via google. It seems the very early events of the game indeed include parts from Sector 4, eventhough the player is never shown the common life in sector 4. Well, that still leaves sectors 2 & 3. Are these even...
  14. SirVival

    The Sectors

    I was always wondering what were the never-seen sectors like? Anybody have any ideas or facts to share about this? As far as I remember, sectors 2 - 4 were hardly mentioned in the whole OG. It always left me wondering how was the life there, man how i wish they had expanded the Midgar experience!
  15. SirVival

    Saddest death in the compilation?

    I would like to take my vote back and vote for Hojo. I acted drastically and voted for Aerith, because I've cried on several occasions for her death. But the death of Hojo, oh the words are not enough.
  16. SirVival

    Sephiroth Memes

    I cannot unsee that picture with Cloud impaling his own leg with buster sword
  17. SirVival

    Sephiroth Was Never A Hero To Begin With

    Hojo loved his son. Just play the OG
  18. SirVival

    The Love Triangle Debate thread of KNEEL BEFORE ZOD OR SUFFER HIS WRATH (ignore the opening posts at your peril) (Round 6)

    I still feel offended everytime I think Aerith would not end up with Cloud. How dare you make me feel offended.
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