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  1. SirVival

    Least Favourite Area?

    Rune edge!!! I would go through 100 Mt. Nibels everyday of the year for one Cave of the Gi. Oh how I despised that place and it always felt like one of those filler-caves to me. I can almost hear how it got developed: "We should add something to this Cosmo Canyon sequence, otherwise it's too...
  2. SirVival

    Least Favourite Area?

    Well now that you mention it, no. There are many great things about it, for example the Mako Reactor, that I find it hard Not to like it. The enemies there were quite annoying, I give you that.
  3. SirVival

    Favourite Area?

    I never did it as I was occupied with other things at the time (like FFIX :P). LV 72 was all I managed, after that - fuck it. There had been another similar rumour about just reaching the LV 99 before the end of Disc 1, so I changed the place of grinding after 70+ . In wutai area it was so much...
  4. SirVival

    Favourite Area?

    Hmm. Anybody remember ledge/cliff kind of thing just north of Kalm? I never understood why there was even a possibility to "climb" there, it was just empty space. Back in the days, when nobody had never even heard of Internet we used to have this Final Fantasy Group. Just three small boys...
  5. SirVival

    Least Favourite Area?

    I really used to like this place but only in a story-telling way. Everything else just makes me physically sick, especially the desert. I remember being a 8-year-old kid and having such big problems finding the Dyne. I still remember that feeling of nausea every time I pick my old spanish...
  6. SirVival

    Final Fantasy VII PC Re-Release Thread

    I could write 50 page essay of pure complains, but now that's just waste of time... I can't believe I wasted my money on this shit. Square-Enix , I'm through with you.
  7. SirVival

    Dancing Mad just got 6 times more epic

    This performance was overall clumsy. The orchestrationalisation was out of balance and strange in unnatural ways, not to mention many mistakes. No matter how hard I try to forgive, this version does not do honour to the original potential the actual score has. However I respect the effort.
  8. SirVival

    Your favourite FFX character

    I also vote for Lulu. Because of the boobs.
  9. SirVival

    How to remake FFVII?

    Hello everyone. Didn't find a thread like this from the search. Let's imagine for a little while we would be in such a happy position that we would not only agree to remake Final Fantasy 7, but we actually could affect the way it would be done. I know some of you don't want to see a remake and I...
  10. SirVival

    A Heretic among the Faithful.

    Oh god, I still remember the day I got to be in touch with this game. I was at my friends' house, where I usually went to play games. NES,SNES,PS1,PC , they had everything - just name it. I was 9 years old and for some reason we were allowed to be in his big brothers room, which was kind of...
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