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  1. F

    prog rock recommendations

    While it's debeatable should they to be mentioned, prog rock list is nothing without Pink Floyd. Ummagumma is the the most experimental and then there are the greats of the '70s: Meddle, The Dark Side of The Moon, Wish You Were Here, Animals and The Wall.
  2. F

    What's your album of 2013?

    You can listen the whole album at Rolling Stone's website for free. I bought the CD because of it. Now that I think of it, I used my whole one-week vacation from school sitting on my computer, listening that album.
  3. F

    What's your album of 2013?

    Rush-Vapor Trails Remixed After six years of hiatus due to Neil Peart's personal tragedy Rush released Vapor Trails in 2002. While the album was met with critical acclaim, it was a notable loudness war victim. However after positive feedback that two remixes from Retrospective 3 compliation...
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