I'll also try to describe the albums that made my top 10 as I haven't much to do anyways.
1. Gorguts - Colored Sands: the long awaited comeback album from Death Metal visionaries Gorguts did not dissapoint at all. So many interesting layers and textures, atmospheric yet brutal.... Yet it doesn't sound like their two predeccors. A fantastic addition to their already amazing discography. This is a band that keeps evolving.
2. Atlantean Kodex - The White Goddess: No this is some glorious Epic Heavy Metal. Think Viking era Bathory with some early Manowar and Solstice influences, yet they manage a sound of their on. Glorious uplifting songs with some beautiful folk influences and interesting themes.... an album I couldn't live without in bad times... it's really the most beautifully uplifting 2013 metal album without falling in the cheesy category at all.
3. Procession - To Reap Heavens Apart: Now this is some serious great Epic Doom Metal in the veins of Candlemass. Amazingly well written songs with riffs heavier than thou and the vocals have improved greatly from their last album. Mandatory for epic Doom Metal fans.
4. Tribulation - The Formulas Of Death: Now this is a completely different beast from their last album, which was killer straight forward Old School Death Metal. On this album they got some serious ambition. Songs that usually last over 6 minutes, throwing in strange influences in a while, (even Reggae and folk!) yet composing the songs so masterfully making this one of 2013's most fantastic metal albums.
5. Defeated Sanity - Passages Into Deformity: Possibly the most brutal Death Metal band going right now, on this album their songriting really has refined while being as brutal as they ever were. Some really amazing musicianship going on over here yet it never loses any of it's power.
6. Cultes des Ghoules - Henbane: Now this is some deranged old school Black Metal. Crushing riffs all the time with some of the most possessed vocals I've heard in a while. In a scene poisoned with stupid trendy bands with indie faggots flirting with postrock and sounding fucking innocent and sweet, this is a breath of fresh air.
7. Grave Miasma - Odori Sepulcrorum: Filthy Death Metal that sounds like it's recorded in a cave, which is a good thing. The atmosphere is deadly, and their riffs very interesting. As this is how Death Metal anno 2013 could sound like, I have high hopes for the genre.
8. Jex Thoth - Blood Moon Rise: Less Doom Metal and more psychedlic rock on her new album, but it doesn't matter. Her song writing has greatly improved and her beautiful vocals are as atmospheric as ever. Less heavy than her previous efforts, but... it's the atmosphere she creates that makes her stand out in the 'Occult Rock' trend.
9. In Solitude - Sister: Now hat do e have here; I loved their last album which was a nice mix of Mercyful Fate and NWOBHM. On this record, they seem to have listened to a lot of Gothic Rock. The record is still Heavy Metal, only with some interesting Goth rock influences. The songwriting is fantastic, and the songs really get under my skin after a couple of listens.
10. Aosoth - IV - An Arrow In Heart: Now this is some killer Black Metal. There's obviously a mid carreer era Deathspell Omega influence in their sound, but they create a killer atmosphere with some of the finest Black Metal riffs I heard in a while. A mandatory 2013 Black Metal release for fans of the genre.