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  1. halfhearted

    Planet's Guardian ~ Aerith Gainsborough

    Count me in! I absolutely love her character. She has such a charming personality that no one can resist. ^_^
  2. halfhearted

    Hope v 2.0 (Zerith club)

    of course! the more the merrier! i love your icon btw, i thought it was ashe at first glance. cloud is way too pretty. :lol:
  3. halfhearted

    Hope v 2.0 (Zerith club)

    included some cute pics of my ot3 ^_^
  4. halfhearted

    T&A; Tifa and Aerith

    here's more t & a
  5. halfhearted

    FFXIII on X-Box 360 and English VA's

    It looks great. I'm impressed with voices so far, except for Vanille's. Something is a bit off with her's and I'm wondering why they chose to give her a British accent.
  6. halfhearted

    Awkward Moments in Video Games *SPOILERS*

    I remember a few awkward scenes in FFX-2 but the one that stood out in my mind was when you had to give Leblanc a massage. I was cringing the whole time. More fun for the guys I guess. :lol:
  7. halfhearted

    Sherlock Holmes

    i think the role of holmes was miscast. it would possibly be better if jude law and robert downey jr switched.
  8. halfhearted

    Hope v 2.0 (Zerith club)

    i'm not quite sure. all i know is they used 3D studio max. it's pretty cool though, i'd never seen remodeled graphics before. more zerith lovin' ^_^
  9. halfhearted

    Hope v 2.0 (Zerith club)

    That's so adorable. I love all of the sky references in cc. They should've included the commentary aerith made in the first trailer. "Like a white cloud drifting through azure skies. As we peered through the rafters of a heavenless Midgar. We made a promise. And that was the last time we spoke."...
  10. halfhearted

    Hope v 2.0 (Zerith club)

    I found a zerith vid with an interesting take on aerith's death.
  11. halfhearted


    To be honest throughout season 5 I didn't see much chemistry between the actors that played Sawyer and Juliet. But the season finale pretty much changed my view of the couple, as well as putting an end to any prospects of Sawyer and Kate ever getting back together.
  12. halfhearted


    Joining! Aside from his heroic qualities and bright, optimisitc disposition, I can't help but like Zack for practically being sex on legs. :awesome:
  13. halfhearted

    Least favourite Final Fantasy character(s)

    I didn't mind Tidus's personality at all, it was his voice that I couldn't stand.
  14. halfhearted

    Asian Dramas

    I feel the same way. It wasn't your typical japansese drama with its storyteller format but I was very much entertained by the lovable characters that seem to grow on you as the series progresses. Megumi was a pretty flat, boring character despite being the love interest for both protagonists...
  15. halfhearted

    Asian Dramas

    One Litre of Tears was the very first drama I watched. It had a very touching, emotional storyline. Nodame Cantible is one of my absolute favorites! I didn't think I'd be that interested in a music based drama but I was pleasantly surprised. Music, lots of comedy and a bit of romance, I...
  16. halfhearted

    T&A; Tifa and Aerith

    Count me in :joy:
  17. halfhearted

    Hope v 2.0 (Zerith club)

    I was hoping, but not expecting, that Zack would have short appearance in CoL. It would have been nice to witness their bittersweet reunion. (Maiden never sat right with me even when I was a Cloud & Aerith shipper:shifty:) I know this is going to sound kind of stupid but... does the use of...
  18. halfhearted

    Hope v 2.0 (Zerith club)

    that's a really cute picture Tennyo ^_^ i wanted to share one of my favorite zerith vids
  19. halfhearted

    Hope v 2.0 (Zerith club)

    i'd love to join. they're both such courageous, kind hearted characters and together make such a sweet couple. good fanart of these two is pretty hard to come by! but i'm sure you guys have seen these before...
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