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  1. Vivi

    Sporking FFVII Badfic!!

    She claims loyalty to the games, yet she can't spell major characters' names. lol THERE CAN ONLY BE ONE MARY SUE IN JULIA-VERSE
  2. Vivi

    The General Turks Worship Thread

    I know this should go in the Tserith club, but this this artist is one of my favorites, so I don't care.
  3. Vivi

    The General Turks Worship Thread

    Well, there goes my evening. The only thing I really know about these books is from this tumblr:
  4. Vivi

    Happy Birthday Vivi!

    YAAAAAAAY people remembering my birthday YAAAAAAAAAAY Thanks everyone!
  5. Vivi


    Happy Birthday!
  6. Vivi

    Happy Birthday Zee // Leora

    Happy Birthday!
  7. Vivi

    Red's Art

    Don't mind me, I'm just stalking your deviantart.
  8. Vivi

    The General Turks Worship Thread

    I'm just going to tell myself that Aerith was an extraordinarily tall 7-year-old in this picture.
  9. Vivi

    The General Turks Worship Thread

    Aww...I'm sorry, but I really like Tifa/Rude as a pairing. I always felt like Tifa needs to be with someone who makes her a first priority, not someone who is all 'oh I feel all sad and junk right now, so I'll care about you later. Maybe'. (Hopefully this doesn't offend any Cloti shippers)...
  10. Vivi

    Sporking FFVII Badfic!!

    I finally got caught up reading this. And it makes me sad. The whole plot point of them living with Hojo doesn't even make sense anymore. I mean, they're like 25 in this story, right? And super rich. I just don't get it. And it's really terrible that even in her fantasy life, she still has to...
  11. Vivi

    The General Turks Worship Thread

    I've been trying to find things that haven't already been posted in here, but sorry if there are any repeats. I have terrible memory :monster: I really like this one: And then there's always
  12. Vivi

    Discreet Affections - TsengxAerith

    Bumping again!
  13. Vivi

    Putting the bullshit behind us

    I completely missed the shitstorm that just occurred, so I don't have any input on that. But in regards to the newer people feeling excluded, I can definitely see how they feel that way. I think I've mentioned this a few months ago, but I don't think that anyone has been downright hostile to...
  14. Vivi

    You have one day.

    An NPC in Icicle Inn, because I would want to go snowboarding without having to deal with the saving the world shit.
  15. Vivi

    Discreet Affections - TsengxAerith

    Hey, this club needs to be bumped! With this:
  16. Vivi

    The General Turks Worship Thread

    You guys. YOU GUYS. I was derping around tumblr and found the artist's gallery for these Tseng pictures. They are right here. Knowing me, this is probably incredibly old news, but I'm so excited that I just don't care. :monster: EDIT: Wait...I think i might have just found someone who...
  17. Vivi

    FF7 Headcanons and Discussion

    I like to think of him as a husband/father too! I do think that he actually is 25-ish, and only looks like he's much older because CC portrayed in Zack's eyes. but this is my own weird headcanon Angeal's always seemed like the most level-headed of the bunch, so I like to believe that he lead a...
  18. Vivi

    The General Turks Worship Thread

    Sorry if anyone's posted these before, but I have always loved CrimsonSun's work.
  19. Vivi

    The General Turks Worship Thread

    Oh how I've missed this club! I'll try to find something nice to post later.
  20. Vivi

    Discreet Affections - TsengxAerith

    This made my whole day. Mostly because it led me to a whole new collection of Tserith art. Like this one.
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