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  1. Vivi

    What makes your day

    Rudolph is on TV. YES.
  2. Vivi

    Any Final Fantasy VII remake "might delete things, add elements"

    As long as Genesis isn't mentioned anywhere in the game, I'd be all right with a few changes. Not that it matters, since this will probably never happen.
  3. Vivi

    Pride and Dreams - Angeal Hewley's Fanclub

    I'm always happy whenever I see someone posting in this club. Crimson Sun is a fantastic artist.
  4. Vivi

    Things that piss you off

    Christmas music is already playing at my work.
  5. Vivi

    The Hero & His Princess

    WHY DID I CLICK ALL THE SPOILERS? But I'm so happy that Zelink is canon in Skyward Sword. Now I just need enough money to buy it ;_;.
  6. Vivi

    What makes your day

    I defeated all the Gold Skulltulas. ALL OF THEM. Yay.
  7. Vivi

    Things that piss you off

    I don't know why I thought McDonald's would be a good idea. My stomach hurts so much right now.
  8. Vivi

    Tseng Fan Club

    You are my favorite person right now.
  9. Vivi

    Things that piss you off

    This Thanksgiving was kind of unpleasant for me, and now I'm all bloated from eating so much food.
  10. Vivi

    What makes your day

    I actually got a decent amount of tips today. People from out of town are so much more generous.
  11. Vivi

    Things that piss you off

    I tried opening a car for a minute before I realized it wasn't mine. And there were people watching me.
  12. Vivi

    Happy Birthday, Alex!

    Happy Birthday! :monster:
  13. Vivi

    What makes your day

    Finished my research paper with two hours to spare! Procrastination ftw.
  14. Vivi

    Things that piss you off

    I'm so sorry for your loss. My thoughts are with you and your family.
  15. Vivi

    Things that piss you off

    SWEET JESUS. Fuck my research paper, I have some reading to do. In things that piss me off, I had the worst customers ever today. First, there was a woman who pouted because she had to wait for a few minutes before getting her drink. And then there was the dumbest woman ever. "I only want...
  16. Vivi

    What makes your day

    My dog is actually losing weight, and I just saw him jump on the couch by himself. For a long time, I thought that he couldn't jump anymore because his joints hurt, but it turns out that he's just whines because he's jealous of the puppy. Yay?
  17. Vivi

    Things that piss you off

    I have a research paper due on Monday. Of course I haven't started on it yet.
  18. Vivi

    Discreet Affections - TsengxAerith

    I really like Crimson Sun's work.
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