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  1. Marle

    Things that piss you off

    OMG I FORGOT YOU LIVE IN TORONTO. HAI BUDDY. :D HOW DO YOU LIKE IT? DOESN'T THIS CITY SUCK MONSTER ASS? AND THE TTC, AIN'T IT GARBAGE? I can go on forever actually. We're friends now by default. I pick a few classes but I'm technically enrolled in the nursing program. The classes I get to pick...
  2. Marle

    TLS Awards 2011 Discussion Thread

    Tiff/Dac/Roth It works for me. ;D hey tiff, how u doin bby? :creepyweirdo:
  3. Marle

    Things that piss you off

    Sometimes, I think all my professors get together and convene on how to make my life miserable. I mean, how else can they decide to give me a: a) 40% paper- 15 pages, 15 references b) 40% Kinesiology final c) Oral presentation P/F d) Globalization Presentation 35% And it all takes place...
  4. Marle

    TLS Awards 2011 Discussion Thread

    for the man who's pretty much locked in to win hottest d00d award, this is quite surprising. :geek:
  5. Marle

    What makes your day

    Yeah, I think they just killed something precious to me and yet, it's so awful it made my day. logic. what logic?
  6. Marle

    What makes your day

    Wap9bLn-Jhk i...i dont even...what. what is? no words. should i laugh or should i cry?
  7. Marle

    TLS Awards 2011 Discussion Thread

    All the cussing in this thread has given me a lady boner. Please, do continue.
  8. Marle

    TLS Awards 2011 Discussion Thread

    i've gotta work harder to make that list someday
  9. Marle

    The Love Triangle Debate thread of KNEEL BEFORE ZOD OR SUFFER HIS WRATH (ignore the opening posts at your peril) (Round 6)

    Going back to an issue that was brought up about a page or so ago. I don't see the 'not enough time' point as a good one to make against clerith. :T Okay, sure, their moments weren't on a scale as grand as the LS sequence or the HA HW scene but they were still critical moments that defined...
  10. Marle

    Devotion 2.0 - CloudxAerith

    Fanarts time =) apologies for repeats
  11. Marle

    A belated Hello

    Hi there! :D Agreed that I've seen your posts around and they're pretty awesome so, the intro was a nice tidbit. :3 Do post around a lot! Quality posts are always appreciated ^_^
  12. Marle

    Hello, Hello, Hello

    omgosh more new people! :D Hello and welcome! Post lots, k? i expect lots of posting, yes. >D and omfg a miss a fan come here and let me love you NAO
  13. Marle

    Hello, hello

    HAAAAAAAAAAIIII. Post on the forum lots and I mean, everywhere! ;D
  14. Marle

    What makes your day

    i am laughing so hard everything hurts WF-7jPXvPEA If you like Zelda, watch this shit. XD
  15. Marle

    TLS Awards 2011 Discussion Thread

    this turned me on hnnng :L it felt like an order which is even more hot
  16. Marle

    What makes your day

    I just...I died when the little girl tells her dad he's ugly. XD And when the last kid gasps and says: SNEAKY MOM! after she tells him she ate all the reeses pieces. I cant even. There's tears in my eyes. XD And I got to watch this in my KINE class the other week. Oh man. Almost makes up...
  17. Marle

    What makes your day

    I should never have kids. Because I would do this to them. I'd probably do it on X-Mas, too. Really, I should just never reproduce. xD _YQpbzQ6gzs I'm still laughing. xD
  18. Marle

    Things that piss you off

    i miss my mom and i wish alzheimer's never existed. i hate that fucking illness with a fierce passion because i watched it eat away at the only woman in my life who matters. i hate what its done to her, i hate seeing her the way she is and i hate that i can barely even remember the woman who...
  19. Marle

    tumblr thread :0

    I have followed you all :D
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