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  1. Marle


    YAY. Gaiz, no scaring away the new clerith fan, k? :D Welcome! ^_^ Everyone here is friendly and the atmosphere is pretty chill so do take part in discussions besides the LTD. :D It'll let you get to know people past the which-ship-are-you-cloti-or-clerith crap. :)
  2. Marle

    What makes your day

    Day off from work. Who knew I'd miss sleeping in so much?
  3. Marle

    Can someone change my username?

    Alright, I'm done with Altair. Princess Zelda, please. :D
  4. Marle

    The Love Triangle Debate thread of KNEEL BEFORE ZOD OR SUFFER HIS WRATH (ignore the opening posts at your peril) (Round 6)

    Couldn't have said it better myself. Tifa's date was cute and all but significance to plot doesn't really exist. Plus, Aerith's death was just around the corner so getting her date just seems so fitting. It adds to her character, players get attached and we're led to believe that her and Cloud...
  5. Marle

    The Dragoon & The Brawler

    OMG IT EXISTS. I'm shocked. Thanks for the pics! :D They're pretty cute. After I'm done writing up a Zelink oneshot for my baby, I'll get to work on something Kain/Tifa for this club. :D
  6. Marle

    The Dragoon & The Brawler

    Honestly, anything will be wonderful, Octo. :) I'm pretty sure I'll love whatever it is you wanna draw. PS; I love that alt for Kain. It's so drool worthy. :D VIVI. THAT PIC. I love Kain fanart. He's always so masculine and pretty at the same time. <3 I should draw/write something, too. By the...
  7. Marle

    Faith v. 3.0 (Cloti Club)

    So, um, yeah. Double post but I guess I don't really care. So I'm a crazy writer and come up with the strangest, most awkward ideas ever. I was watching Dirty Dancing and decided to write a FF7 fanfic about it, that's how cray cray I am. Yes, you read that right. A dirty dancing retelling...
  8. Marle

    The Dragoon & The Brawler

    :O YAY. Members! ^_^ Octo, fanart by you would be epic. <3 I think there's a few images of Kain in his alt outfits from Duodecim. I'll try to find some. Or you can draw him in casual clothes if you like. I wouldn't be against any of it. :)
  9. Marle

    The Dragoon & The Brawler

    That's right. I did it. This pairing needs some more lovin'! Kain Highwind and Tifa Lockhart from Duodecim, ladies and gents. Join if you agree. :D And fanart, of any kind, is most welcome. Also, suggestions for a new name would also be nice. :)
  10. Marle

    The Hero & His Princess

    But of course you can! :D Just bring pretty fanart to share as a initiation process. :3
  11. Marle

    What makes your day

    Knowing that in 23 days, I will be in Holguin, Cuba. Bikinis, tans, summer dresses, hot weather. Excuse me while I'm perma happy for the next few weeks. :D
  12. Marle

    Things that piss you off

    Oh, I am so mad. SO MAD. So, after ages and much, much searching, I FINALLY found a copy of Wind Waker for gamecube. Used and dirt cheap on ebay. Ava = :joy: Canada Post goes on strike and Ava = :sigh: After weeks, I finally get the package in the mail, tear it open and see my copy of Wind...
  13. Marle

    What games are you currently playing?

    ^^ If it weren't so damn pricey, I'd consider buying it. :T
  14. Marle

    Faith v. 3.0 (Cloti Club)

  15. Marle

    The Legend of Zelda (General)

    SO STOKED. <3 Although, I hear it's release may get postponed? Anyone know if that's a rumor? Because if it isn't, I may sink into depression. D: I've been waiting for this game for what feels like forever.
  16. Marle

    What games are you currently playing?

    A Link to the Past via 3DS :D Ah, classics <3 Never get old.
  17. Marle

    What makes your day

    Beating God of War 2, AT LAST. :D
  18. Marle

    Devotion 2.0 - CloudxAerith

    Ya know, that fanart is actually very pretty...if Cloud didn't look so girly, I'd like it even more :T
  19. Marle

    Things that piss you off

    Having a racist manager. No, I'm not Russian but that does not mean I am not a hard worker, you stuck up bitch. D< RAGE!
  20. Marle

    tumblr thread :0

    YAY <3 I followed back :)
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