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  1. Marle

    Things that piss you off

    ^ This. I keep saying, "Next time they score, I'm turning it off." Or "If they don't score by the end of this period, I'm turning it off." And for some strange reason, the channel has not changed... THIS IS TORTURE THAT I DO NOT ENJOY BUT CANNOT STOP WATCHING. :aah:
  2. Marle

    Things that piss you off

    Nothing can express the level of anger and agitation I am experiencing right now. 4-0.... 4-0.... I can't... I don't even...
  3. Marle

    Things that piss you off

    HOCKEY. Sometimes, I start to think it's all fixed. And that is enough to piss me off. After all, hockey has become a cash cow these days. FUCK YOU, BETTMAN. FUCK. YOU.
  4. Marle

    Things that piss you off

    Being sick. Again. With a sore throat. Again. Within two weeks. Hate that the coughing prefers to bother me in the wee AM hours. CANNOT SLEEP EVEN WITH HELP OF MEDICATION. COLD, GO AWAY. COUGH, ROT IN HELL. LEAVE ME ALOOOONE T.T I'm so tired....
  5. Marle

    Last Film You've Seen

    Constantine. Never gets old, even if I've seen it so many times. Fall in love with Keanu's character all the time. *.* And Rachel. SO PRETTY.
  6. Marle

    The Hero & His Princess

    I'm reviving this shit with some pretty amazing fanart spam! :D
  7. Marle

    Final Fantasy XIII-2

    I just want as little of Snow as possible in this game. :)
  8. Marle

    Kitase would consider FFVII-2

    Fixed even more. :awesome:
  9. Marle

    Final Fantasy Versus XIII

    I'd care more about his hair changing colors if SE would get their ass in gear and actually release some new info on this potential badass game. "No plot details, yet. But the lead character's hair and eyes change color according to his mood! Makes you wanna buy it when it comes out, RITE?!"...
  10. Marle

    Faith v. 3.0 (Cloti Club)

    Part of the reason why I love Cloud. :D His awkwardness in such situations is adorable. :3 I JUST NOTICED IT. That's so cute! :lol:
  11. Marle

    Faith v. 3.0 (Cloti Club)

    Aww. It doesn't work? :( I hate when that happens. ON THE BRIGHT SIDE: *O*
  12. Marle

    Can someone change my username?

    Stella Nox Fleuret, please. :D
  13. Marle

    Things that piss you off

    Why Vancouver...? WHY?!
  14. Marle

    The Hero & His Princess

    Yeah, that too. She does look more kid like and whatnot. I guess I was referring to her hair style being pretty much the same except for the bangs replacing her crown. :awesome: I kinda liked her srs princess style, tho. It was a different version of her. I liked seeing her tough because...
  15. Marle

    Monthly Fanfiction Challenge June

    Okay, let's keep it within FF7, then. Makes it more of a challenge, anyways. :D
  16. Marle

    The Legend of Zelda (General)

    It's a different style, for sure. But, I like it. :) Very much like a painting, which is what I believed they aimed for. One thing I adore about the LoZ series is that, despite having similar themes and concepts, the presentation is always so unique and distinguished almost every time. I mean...
  17. Marle

    The Hero & His Princess

    To each their own, I suppose. The only thing canon in MM is Kafei and Anju. :P And possibly Link and Skull Kid. :awesome: Although I'm sure getting his face in between a hot ginger's boobies is a once in a lifetime experience for innocent lil Link. I think TP had a more one-sided Zelink in...
  18. Marle

    Final Fantasy XIII-2

    Okay so, I first saw this and thought: Seriously? Serah? Quite possibly the worst besides Snow character in that entire game and you're maining her?! Totally NOT buying this game... BUT. I'm an open minded and fair person. So, I'm actually gonna give her a try, see if they improve her...
  19. Marle

    The Hero & His Princess

  20. Marle

    Monthly Fanfiction Challenge June

    :O This challenge was like, made for me. Can it be a cross over pairing or a pairing from any FF whatsoever?? Like, even Dissidia? :D
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