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  1. Marle

    The Sexiest Music Thread ;D

    RAMMSTEIN <3 HOW DID I FORGET THIS?! 3UfwRNE_kys And for spanish (don't let the soft tone fool you; these lyrics are naughty ;D) 4cc_mBOEqwQ AND HERE'S SOME HOT CANADIAN <3 8U4C-zYrFUg :awesome:
  2. Marle

    Locked Heart // Tifa Lockhart

    Tifa fanart! ^_^
  3. Marle

    Devotion 2.0 - CloudxAerith

    Yeah, it's a pet peeve for me when characters from FF7 are made OOC just to fit into a shipping. So I try to make it as realistic as possible. :P Means a lot when I hear that, so thanks! ^_^ I FOUND A PRETTY FANART. Love it, it's so cute. <3 Awwwwwwwwwwww. :3
  4. Marle

    The Sexiest Music Thread ;D

    Dayum. Must have been some pretty epic sex. :monster: ONE MORE: 2wHSRlU0TOc GAH. <3
  5. Marle

    The Sexiest Music Thread ;D

    There's a sad one, but it makes me...well, sad. So how about sexy? I have tons of this! >D I'll start! Tear You Apart by She Wants Revenge ixw_bLVUL34 Closer by NIN PTFwQP86BRs Digital Bath by Deftones VZF9vXeX_nQ :D Who's next?
  6. Marle

    post the saddest songs ever

    Disney songs have a bad habit of making me cry. Bawled like a baby for Toy Story. Here's a few that get to me that haven't been mentioned. :) 8QiZM8-Ta8s s-5l_Xh3Mwg tyvA6lFdiWc oi8XTvhwF1U apDgpe2hJlI :'(
  7. Marle

    30 Days of FF Themes [Music]

    Dunno if this counts as a town but... CtPzScXRxhE I love this music so, so, so much. Also, does Temple of the Ancients count as a town? :awesome: V63FTqDevmA ^_^
  8. Marle

    Devotion 2.0 - CloudxAerith

    DOUBLE POST BUT WHATEVER. I promised Zee a Clerith one-shot. And I don't know where else to post it but here. :) It's crappy, I think. But uhm, I hope you like it anyways. <3 And I hope I did Clerith some form of justice. :P [/FONT] I hope you like it, gaiz. It's my first Clerith, be gentle. D:
  9. Marle

    Devotion 2.0 - CloudxAerith

    Agreed that the last one is probably my favorite. :D
  10. Marle

    Devotion 2.0 - CloudxAerith

    So lately there's been an influx of Clerith art on pixiv but all of it has been bad. Until I stumbled upon this little gem. :D Thought I'd share,
  11. Marle

    30 Days of FF Themes [Music]

    Her theme is so epic, it should be allowed to be applied to more than just one day. :monster: Just sayin'.
  12. Marle

    Things Aerith is not

    inorite? She totally bumped uglies with Zack and SE is just hiding it, those little rascals. :awesome:
  13. Marle

    30 Days of FF Themes [Music]

    Said it perfectly. Terra's theme is a song I could listen to for ages and never get tired of.
  14. Marle

    Things Tifa is not (Common Tifa misconceptions)

    I whole heartedly loved the improvement they did to it all in AC/C. It was probably one of the better things SE has ever done since...well, ever. The improvement that was made to Cloud drew me back into the fandom, actually. Also, it helped me get into CloTi again. AC Cloud is null and void in...
  15. Marle

    Things Aerith is not

    To that, this is all I can post: :applause:
  16. Marle

    The Love Triangle Debate thread of KNEEL BEFORE ZOD OR SUFFER HIS WRATH (ignore the opening posts at your peril) (Round 6)

    I said that I'm open to the possibility that she may have, indeed, loved Cloud more than Zack. But I'm more of a believer that she was in love with both men. It can't be debated that she didn't love one or the other, but it can be debated how much she loved each. That was all I pointed out...
  17. Marle

    Things Tifa is not (Common Tifa misconceptions)

    Red is far from emo. I can't agree there. I found his story about his dad so tragic and heart warming. He hated him at first; loathed him. Thought that he had abandoned him and his mother. That he was a coward. And then, he finds out his father was a hero all along; that he died protecting him...
  18. Marle

    Lesbians thread.

    DISNEY :excited: That post has so much win in it, not even funny.
  19. Marle

    Things Tifa is not (Common Tifa misconceptions)

    You know, I never saw it that way before. That's a very interesting perspective. I quite like it, actually. It makes a ton of sense. It's a very refreshing perspective from the whole "Cloud left because he was unhappy" one. I never understood why he wanted to die alone and not with those who...
  20. Marle

    Things Tifa is not (Common Tifa misconceptions)

    I used to label him as emo before, but I don't find it appropriate anymore. I just didn't like his negative attitude. It had nothing to even do with his guilt over Zack and Aerith's death, really. Just the fact that he abandoned his family while he experienced the disease and gave everyone the...
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