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  1. Marle

    30 days of FF meme (Spoilers)

    Wakka's was pretty badass. Defying gravity. But Cloud wins. He's been defying it since 1997 :monster:
  2. Marle

    Final Fantasy XII

    FF12 had Balthier. Win. :awesome:
  3. Marle

    Old n00b

    Nero! :D Hi hi! Nice to see you over here, too. :) Awww, you're so cute. It's not your fault the place is a bit on the slow side. If anything, you're one of the most active there. :) No need to apologize! ^_^ Wooo! Vancouver! Canucks fan? :D Hehe, Sue Sylvester. My Vaanelo friend. ;D It's...
  4. Marle

    Planet's Guardian ~ Aerith Gainsborough

    Can I join? :) Love this girl <3 I bring bribes. Aerith fanart is always just so beautiful. :D
  5. Marle

    Faith v. 3.0 (Cloti Club)

    8D I wanna join! OTP, baby. I brings presents. Apologies for repeats. :)
  6. Marle

    Monthly Fanfiction Challenge April 2011

    Sounds like a challenge. I'm in for just about anything. :)
  7. Marle

    Old n00b

    Thanks! :D Ooh, more peeps from Cloti. I thought everyone there died or something...but it's good to know y'all just moved to a different and more active forum. :monster:
  8. Marle

    Monthly Fanfiction Challenge April 2011

    Oh, I adore writing! :D Ava Chanel on I'll definitely be participating in any future challenges. Count me in!
  9. Marle

    30 days of FF meme (Spoilers)

    True. Don't know why I had a silly preconceived notion that it was Vaan. SE lied to me. Balthier is so much cooler. :D
  10. Marle

    Old n00b

    Yup. Subway is pretty good and most bus services downtown are pretty frequent. If you are referring to the YRT, trust me, I know. But the TTC sucks when it isn't downtown or subways. YRT is much worse, though. Oh! Hi hi! :D Nice to see someone familiar. I command thee to go back and liven it...
  11. Marle

    Old n00b

    Moving to Toronto? Then you already know all about it's craziness. And it's terrible bus service. And it's crappy hockey team. And did I mention the bus service sucks? Because it does. I wish more Canadian cities had hockey teams, trust me. :( Think they're moving Atlanta somewhere up here...
  12. Marle

    30 days of FF meme (Spoilers)

    I c what you did thar. And I agree. :awesome:
  13. Marle

    Old n00b

    Another Zelda fan? :D I like you already, Zee. :glomp: I just want a Canadian team to win, okay? It's been too long...:( Except Ottawa. Disappointment? Did I mention I'm from Toronto? You don't know true disappointment unless you're stuck with the Leafs. :aah: But yay for more Canadians! :D
  14. Marle

    30 days of FF meme (Spoilers)

    Oh, this is fun. :D Day 01: FF7. Pretty obvious. Don't care if it's overrated and hated on because of it's crazy fandom; I LOVE it. :D Even if it means I'm nuts. Day 02: Hmm...Toughie. If I had to choose, it would be FF8 but not because it sucked. But because compared to the rest, it...
  15. Marle

    Old n00b

    Thanks for the welcomes. :) Woo, fellow Canadians! I hail from T-dot. What about you? :D Canucks...totally rooting for them this year! Ahem. I mean, uh. FF7 is teh awesome!1 :awesome:
  16. Marle

    Old n00b

    Guess I couldn't stay away... Hiya to everyone on these forums! :D If anyone bothers to visit ye olde CloTi forum, I go by Ijin Hime over there. But err...the place is a bit dead (sadly) and I miss the FF7 fandom. TLS has such awesome translations and I visit often for news and stuff. Figured I...
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