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  1. S and G

    TLS Presents: “Case of Nanaki” Audiobook

    I REALLY enjoyed this. Great job, guys
  2. S and G

    FF7 - The Web Series - Now on Kickstarter

    It was. I wrote a detailed letter back in March that was sent recorded delivery to SE Europe and SE North America. There was a positive response from the European end but only from a PR manager who notified us that it was being passed up the chain. Despite what misinformation has been given...
  3. S and G

    FF7 - The Web Series - Now on Kickstarter

    The problem has never been the talent. I have been saying this since day one, even more so after certain things came to light, but Team 2X were the first people brought on who actually had any experience on something like this. Wow, I didn't realise that. Crikey
  4. S and G

    FF7 - The Web Series - Now on Kickstarter

    The figure was just made up for reasons best known to the person who did it. Other than the initial money to create the trailer, money plugged into Facebook advertising campaigns, personally-paid expenses such as the website domain, me travelling to Luton, setting up the LLC, individuals buying...
  5. S and G

    FF7 - The Web Series - Now on Kickstarter

    $30,000 is one of those random figures a certain individual has pulled out the air and used to hilight how difficult production costs are. It actually cost the original creator somewhere in the region of 1,100 euros (~$1,400). Also, I was slightly angered by Mr. Ite's almost-complete exclusion...
  6. S and G

    FF7 - The Web Series - Now on Kickstarter

    I've kept my mouth shut on several things regarding the web series out of respect for my former colleagues, but I'm sorry to admit that I'm in no way surprised that the management have not generated the kind of support they had hoped for. The talent on this project is incredible and it is a...
  7. S and G

    The dynamics of Deepground and SOLDIER

    I'm afraid I'm going to have to step in here. It is, in fact, you who is wrong on the above matter, Orah. Firstly, according the the official timeline, Angeal's death takes place Autumn [ ν ] – εуλ 0001. Dirge of Cerberus (the single player game) commences at an undisclosed time in [ ν ] –...
  8. S and G

    FULL Legend and Reno Episode Scripts

    Forgot how good a character the Legend is
  9. S and G

    FULL Legend and Reno Episode Scripts

    Despite having worked on and off on this very topic for a while, I have found links to completed translations of the Special Episodes of Reno and Legend respectively. Full credit goes to the original translator. You will also find HcloudXIII's English-subbed videos for the Special Episode of...
  10. S and G

    When fanon bleeds into canon

    Rufus is in Midgar (at least by the last of the four years) as he is clearly shown to be in prison having a face-to-face chat with Tseng while Tseng is confirmed to be in Midgar. On top of that, President Shinra states that he is being held at the Turks' HQ which is in the Shinra Building...
  11. S and G

    FFVII: The Web Series Recruitment

    Hello everyone, If you're not aware at this time, I am currently working as production manager and screenplay co-writer for the forthcoming Final Fantasy VII: The Web Series. In the last couple of months, we have recruited some incredible talent from various industries and high-profile...
  12. S and G

    FF7 Web Series - What would you like to see?

    Some big news today folks about our forthcoming website and podcast, an awesome competition and our excitement to welcome Mega Ran aka Random (creator of the hip hop FFVII remix album, Black Materia) to the team. Check it out here.
  13. S and G

    FF7 Web Series - What would you like to see?

    We are thrilled to welcome TLS' very own site director, Prince Lex, to our editorial team. He will be a massive asset to our project.
  14. S and G

    FFVII: The Web Series Merchandise

    Folks, this thread is just to bring your attention to our fantastic range of Final Fantasy VII: The Web Series merchandise available to purchase over at RedBubble including many of the holiday destination poster designs that recently caught many of your eyes. Created by several renowned artists...
  15. S and G

    FF7 Web Series - What would you like to see?

    So......... We have been extremely busy of late. Our Kickstarter video is currently in production (including a guest appearance from everyone's favourite TLS audiobook narrator, Pixel), Ite and I are slaving away at the screenplay, our official website will soon be launched, we have the...
  16. S and G

    Unofficial FFVII Novelisation ebook

    I hope to. It obviously takes a lot of time. I'm currently working on the Web Series at the moment so this has taken a back seat for the next couple of months.
  17. S and G

    Final Fantasy VII Abridged Series

    I think episode 8 is the poorest one so far. Didn't laugh much. Hope ep 9 picks up again.
  18. S and G

    FF7 Web Series - What would you like to see?

    Eyes on Final Fantasy have published an interview they did recently with myself, the director and our marketing director. It may be an interesting read for anyone unfamiliar with the project. Unfortunately, it has been significantly edited by the interviewer so, despite my best efforts, there...
  19. S and G

    FF7 Web Series - What would you like to see?

    So, I'm going to announce this here as it will shortly be up on our Facebook page anyway. Right, some of you may be wondering what the standard of this project is going to be like. Some of you may have your doubts about whether or not a non-profit fan-made incarnation will be anything other...
  20. S and G

    Biggs, Wedge, Jessie: Who Are They?

    Funny you should say that, Pixel. That character model was the one used for Wedge's brother, Kwedge, in the unused files.
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