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  1. Morello

    FFVII Shipping Bingo!

    You now ship Reno with Elena. Their first date was in the train graveyard where they had too much wine and then Elena decided this would be a one time thing only. (Won't keep posting these here, although you do know I'm going to be playing this all afternoon now?) But this one - this could...
  2. Morello

    FFVII Shipping Bingo!

    I just got: NEW! VII shipping bingo You now ship Cloud with Cid. Their first date was the ghost hotel where they cooked spaghetti together and then Cid plucked overgrown hairs from Cloud's arm. I can see them doing this. Why can I see them doing this? Thank you for making this game!
  3. Morello

    FFVII Shipping Bingo!

    I love this idea! Some location suggestions: The Shinra building elevator The chocobo farm The gondola ride (too obvious? Kind of has to be done though, doesn't it?) The ghost hotel The playground in the slums (Shamefully I can't remember the sector!) The old Gongaga reactor The sunken...
  4. Morello

    The Sectors

    I love the sectors and the whole atmosphere of Midgar. There are some clues about life on the plate in OTWTAS: Episode Denzel, in which Denzel's father has been promoted and is moving the family to a new house, going from Sector Seven to Sector Five. In Advent Children Complete there's a sign...
  5. Morello

    The General Turks Worship Thread

    ^ I didn't even realise Special Episode: Denzel was on there for about a year! Reminiscence of Final Fantasy Compilation is on the blu ray ACC disc under special features after the Reminiscence of Final Fantasy and the Reminiscence of Final Fantasy VII. I just watched it again, and they also...
  6. Morello

    The General Turks Worship Thread

    @Licorice They have to have big weapons - look at the size of their HANDS! Perhaps there's a "conceal weapon" materia? I always used to think the rods were pretty pathetic weapons (minus materia and electricity!), but they'd be easy to conceal and lethal at close range. It was interesting...
  7. Morello

    The General Turks Worship Thread

    Okay - it's made. http:// I'm following a policy of PM-ing people to ask permission before adding stories. Cam - I hope you don't mind that I added two of yours already. I've also asked you if you want to be staff, which means you can add...
  8. Morello

    The General Turks Worship Thread

    I've been away for so long with on-going health issues, but I've been stopping by to read often - fascinating discussions here, and thanks to all the posters of pictures too. Cam, have you thought about making a BC community and/or forum on I don't know how active those places...
  9. Morello

    Streaming Before Crisis

    For some reason everything I typed into the chat box has stopped showing up or just has a major delay coming up your end. Still, it was a lot of fun - thanks. I'll keep watching to the end, but I don't think you're getting my comments.
  10. Morello

    Streaming Before Crisis

    I'll be there for some of it. Two of us have got flu and it's teatime, so I'll probably be dropping in and out.
  11. Morello

    The General Turks Worship Thread

    Reno's good and omg that Vincent is pure Turk Vincent!
  12. Morello

    The General Turks Worship Thread

    And I expect it's because they think she must be Rufus' sister :)
  13. Morello

    Streaming Before Crisis

    I'll be there I hope, assuming I can count properly this week!
  14. Morello

    "Advent Children", "Advent Children Complete" and "Case of Denzel" scripts

    Thank you all. @Shademp: I've already seen a few typos I missed so I'll correct them ASAP and think about forewords. Thank you for frontpaging these (is that a verb?) - I'd have no idea how to do that! @Pixel - Thanks. Next time I'll ask what's already out there before launching into things...
  15. Morello

    The General Turks Worship Thread

    I like him. I think the trouble with casting Reno is that he's the one who changes most between the original game and Advent Children. Finding someone who can do seedy and bishie at the same time is pretty much impossible. In my headcanon Reno is a mix of various races. I think an ideal actor...
  16. Morello

    "Advent Children", "Advent Children Complete" and "Case of Denzel" scripts

    "The Case of Denzel" This is the script of the animation included on the "Advent Children Complete" blue ray disc. An official English dub is not available so this script is taken from the English subtitles. The Case of Denzel (At Johnny’s Heaven (or Johonny’s Heaven according to the sign)...
  17. Morello

    "Advent Children", "Advent Children Complete" and "Case of Denzel" scripts

    Advent Children This is the script of the original "Advent Children", not "Advent Children Complete". It's based on the dub, but in "Advent Children" there are many marked differences between the dub and the subtitles so I've included the subtitles as well whenever the differences seem to...
  18. Morello

    "Advent Children", "Advent Children Complete" and "Case of Denzel" scripts

    Advent Children Complete This script is taken from the English dub of "Advent Children Complete". I've added descriptions and occasional references to the English subtitles if there were marked differences between those and the dub. If I'm not sure about my interpretation of an event or a...
  19. Morello

    "Advent Children", "Advent Children Complete" and "Case of Denzel" scripts

    I've been working on writing out the full scripts of "Advent Children" and "Advent Children Complete", as Shademp suggested to me after I wrote out a few scenes. I thought I might as well add the script of the animated version of "Case of Denzel" as well. It's taken longer than I thought, but...
  20. Morello

    The General Turks Worship Thread

    Ooh yes - he's got a great face-shape for Rufus. In that second picture he looks very like AC Rufus. I think Leif Stacey is quite Rufusy but his jaw is too square. In some pictures, and at some angles, he makes a good Rufus though:
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