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  1. Morello

    The General Turks Worship Thread

    I think I read somewhere once that Rude was possibly a mistranslation and it was supposed to be Rudi (which apparently means 'famous wolf!'), but I don't know if that's true. Rude's an inappropriate name for him but maybe that's how he got it, as an ironic nickname. Once you get used to it...
  2. Morello

    The General Turks Worship Thread

    Thank you so much Cam - that picture is wonderful. Reno looks so damn pretty, and I love the way that Rufus' outfit works for any era with only minor tweaking. (I've got him in white in the next chapter). You even remembered that the dress is green, and the bustle is great! <3 :D
  3. Morello

    The General Turks Worship Thread

    Wow those are great! I love the fourth one especially, but they're all good - really atmospheric. I also love the way your cat still hasn't grown into his ears!
  4. Morello

    The General Turks Worship Thread

    That's why I like him! The fictional men I like tend to be the opposite of the kinds of guy I'd go for in real life. There seems to be very little fan art of Nunchaku about. Here are a few I found. I know the Crimson Sun ones have been posted before, but they're so good I'm adding them again...
  5. Morello

    The General Turks Worship Thread

    That's the kind of conversation I need more of in my life! Love that Elena pic - and Two Guns (Having a bit of a Two Guns moment at present). Thank you :D I agree that Two Guns and Reno would both prefer dives in the slums to the partay in general, but I bet they can both dance. All Turks can...
  6. Morello

    The General Turks Worship Thread

    It's ridiculous how excited this news makes me. I can't wait to get hold of him and introduce him to my Reno. I wonder how long it will be before he's available? Maybe there is hope of a BC English release after all. And other Turk figures? Reno without Rude seems as wrong as Rufus without...
  7. Morello

    The General Turks Worship Thread

    Yes! I love the idea of a Turk/Avengers crossover. Either the Turks would have to go to Earth, or the Avengers crew would have to lose some of their powers though - one of the main reasons I like the Turks better than SOLDIER is that they're just un-enhanced people. Who would get on and who...
  8. Morello

    More milking FFVII merchandise

    The Rufus towel! Sometimes the power of my obsession scares me: I know it's crap, but I kind of want it... Still, you can always make your own merchandise. When I took the kids to a ceramics painting place over the holidays I made a Reno's tattoo inspired egg cup because that's how much this...
  9. Morello

    The General Turks Worship Thread

    I keep missing the conversation here, but I should have more time this week. I'm really enjoying this Elena conversation - thanks. I could never avoid her punch in Icicle Inn, and that made me love her as a character. She can deck Cloud - 'nough said. I've been watching the BBC's "Parade's End"...
  10. Morello

    The General Turks Worship Thread

    Mysterious! Either Reno and Rude think Cloud did that to Tifa, which seems unlikely, or they're pissed off because they wanted to rescue her, and Reno kicks Cloud so that Rude can carry her off, because Reno's the ultimate wingman? (I don't know why, but Reno's butterfly earring back makes me...
  11. Morello

    LicoriceAllsorts's Fanfiction

    Just want to add my total support for this thread and to say if you've read Fifty Flavours of Turkish Delight here, then check out the AO3 version too. It's the director's cut, and even more hilarious.
  12. Morello

    The General Turks Worship Thread

    OMG it's like Christmas! Thank you so much! That one that looks like an Egon Schiele painting has always been one of my favourites, and there can never be too much Reno/Axel and Reno/Rod for me :D. These pics are also making me think it's time I thought about writing some Reno/Elena. There are...
  13. Morello

    The General Turks Worship Thread

    I love the snow one - Reno belongs on a board. And that Monkey one makes me laugh - I used to watch Monkey as a child (I can still sing the theme tune all the way through) and that artist has matched all the characters so well!
  14. Morello


    Cameo - you came! Hello and welcome :)
  15. Morello

    The General Turks Worship Thread

    Sorry for the lateness of this post - I've been on holiday. Thank you to all the posters of pictures, and especially to Licorice for posting the doujinshi and for the truly wonderful 50 Shades, which made me laugh all the way through and manages to be so close to the original and yet so original...
  16. Morello

    The General Turks Worship Thread

    My sentiments exactly - although those ages would mean they're still young to me! Just been researching, and according to the timeline on this site, Reeve was born in 1972, making him ten years older than Rufus, so 37 in AC. Pretty close to Tseng's age I should think. I can't find a date for...
  17. Morello

    The General Turks Worship Thread

    I'd love more about all the Turks too, but I'd rather they didn't pin down their ages exactly. It's nice to have a bit of flexibility when writing fanfic. Sometimes I like Rufus and Reno to be roughly the same age, for example, but in my headcanon Reno is really older by a few years. I tend to...
  18. Morello

    The General Turks Worship Thread

    I love this picture so much - thank you for posting it :D Crimson Sun in a genius. Agent Coulson and Tseng would work so well together. I think they'd be friends.
  19. Morello

    The General Turks Worship Thread

    Sorry for the double post, but I wanted to show off the latest results of my search for someone who looks like Reno. He looks like AC Reno mind you, and still looks too young, but his expressions are quite similar. He's a Japanese actor called Ogori Shun. I think he has AC Reno's mouth. Also...
  20. Morello

    The General Turks Worship Thread

    Welcome Bobbie - have fun here! Thank you for posting those pictures Licorice - I love the expressions in four portraits, and the line art Reno and Rude is great. I also love the Midgar: Ambience pictures - so evocative.
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