Rinoa sort of helps Squall come out of his shell and his walls and he becomes less anti-social because of it and even if Rinoa and Squall break up in the future I can sort of see them still being friends. TBH I don't see non- KH Squall *I'm not calling him Leon* and Cloud getting along. Cloud...
Firion/ Light because it's so cute when Cecil teases him about being shy about speaking to her about the rose. Plus Firion sees the rose as a important symbol to him while some of Lightning's moves has roses included when she fights.
@ I Am Not Me
Thanks for explaining everything and clearing everything up. You're really cool.
I'm really sorry for misunderstanding everybody here and if it looked like I was being mean to you all Cloti's here for shipping in Cloti I didn't mean to.
I take everything back and I'm really...
I was explaining to you all that A) I came in here emotions first and not thinking right and B) I don't really want to stay here all year and debate in Cloti VS Clerith things.
And that's cool, that's awesome. Thank You for that. I'm happy about it. :lol:
Again of course BB's arguments are going to be anti-Cloti. He ships Clerith and it would be hard not to throw down Cloti. He has never called you guys liars for shipping Cloti like you have called BB a liar for shipping Clerith.
It's a debate.
And there's a huge, huge, huge difference between...
Because A) He's never been called a liar for his opinion. And of course he's going to downplay Cloti. He is a Clerith afterall. It would be very hard to not downplay Cloti and still try and argue that in your eyes that Clerith was canon and meant to be.
And B) He's never really mocked you for...
I can't seem to edit the post above, but what I meant by the "liars make baby Jesus cry " bit is I think most of you are calling BB's work and anything pro- Clerith dishonest, is solely because it's Clerith and not Cloti. It's not your preferred ship, so it gets shot down or mocked with a ton of...
We are both pissed off in a thread about fictional pairings, welcome to the boat.
Junko and BB are being called dishonest and "that they making up junk " just because they ship Cloud with Aerith. It's rude. How would you feel if somebody said that since you ship Cloti you are being dishonest ...
Hiya for the past two weeks maybe longer I have been reading through this thread and I honestly can't believe how everybody here is treating Junko and Blankbeat, guests who have polity came in and just wanted a friendly debate only to be called liars just because they don't ship Cloti and see...