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  1. R

    Plot Changes a Possibility?

    again. I'm not seeing how any of that (particulary "he is nice to cloud") remotely contradicts anything that i've said. edit: .....................yes. unless I'm misremembering, the original game doesn't really give us much insight into zack's emotional state or even even his perspective of...
  2. R

    Plot Changes a Possibility?

    i never said anything remotely of the sort, so you're arguing against a position i haven't taken. zack being significantly less naïve, less morally unambiguous, more devil-may-care, and generally more anti-heroic than is portrayed in crisis core does not contradict his forming genuine bonds...
  3. R

    Plot Changes a Possibility?

    sure, but there's also the fact that he's part of the highest ranking group of special ops super soldiers in a private military that drinks war crimes juice for breakfast, has vaguely unscrupulous plans to immediately become an independent contractor post escape, and the somewhat flippant way he...
  4. R

    Plot Changes a Possibility?

    i would contend that there was nothing in the original game that suggested zack was the standard shounen hero that he is in cc. i'd actually say that he did come off as vaguely assholish, but it's not surprising his characterisation didn't go that way being that it's not as engaging to play a...
  5. R

    E3 2019 Full Trailer with TIFA!

    i don't think it's all that important to begin with, but she's wearing what looks to be a compression sports bra. it's fine. not gonna lie though. the stockings in conjunction with the pleats is giving me schoolgirl uniform vibes, which immediately activates my fight response but also of more...
  6. R

    Remake Voice Actors Announced

    this is the ghost of steve burton punishing me for my past 15 years of shit-chatting from beyond the grave.
  7. R

    Remake Voice Actors Announced

    that's what it already sounds like, which is why I'm sceptical.
  8. R

    Remake Voice Actors Announced

    which is fine. that's not how i ever interpreted his character, but again, it's less about interpretation and more about sound. it would work if they got td jakes to do his lines, but since they didn't, it sounds more like a shoot and a miss in that department. because it doesn't sound natural...
  9. R

    Remake Voice Actors Announced

    i'm not entirely sure what this means, but there's a reason people were taking the piss out of the line from the initial teaser. the cadence of his voice sounds unnatural because it's got the kind of exaggeration you don't really expect to/do not hear outside a pulpit. i mean it's joaks, but...
  10. R


    i think there's a strong possibility sephiroth is repeating zack's (or cloud's mother's?) last words back to him. but i am not convinced it's a different voice or mimicry of any kind, because my many years of being forced to watch teen wolf against my will tell me that is still tyler hoechlin...
  11. R

    E3 2019 Full Trailer with TIFA!

    Tyler Hoechlin is Sephiroth when I tell you i am yelling
  12. R

    E3 2019 Full Trailer with TIFA!

  13. R

    How would you re-write AC/C?

  14. R

    More to Come in June... Tifa & Wall Market?

    though I will be real with you....i did not care for remake leon
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