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  1. Bobbie

    The General Turks Worship Thread

    Staying alive.
  2. Bobbie

    The General Turks Worship Thread

    I’ve never lumped them together. I do like fic about Veld and Vincent. But Vincent is…a category all his own.
  3. Bobbie

    The General Turks Worship Thread

    Oh. Well, I will randomly shout into the void. For the sake of those irl who are tired of hearing me go on about this shit. Random: Rod is quickly becoming my fave BC Turk. There. Thread still alive. I’m all about resuscitation.
  4. Bobbie

    The General Turks Worship Thread

    It's been so long since I waded these waters that I forgot that I'd actually posted to this thread a few times in 2012. Very disorienting. Just spent the last two days going through all 70 pages. I miss this!
  5. Bobbie

    The General Turks Worship Thread

    We are the GenX of FFVII fans.
  6. Bobbie

    What is the business of post-meteor Shinra?

    I wonder if there will be some kind of international assembly, in which crimes against humanity will be laid against Shinra. The Planet’s version of the Geneva Conventions. Maybe a groundwork placed for laws of war and humanitarian law. It’s assumed that there must have been some law in place if...
  7. Bobbie

    What are you listening to?

    Shuffle by Bombay Bicycle Club
  8. Bobbie

    What is the business of post-meteor Shinra?

    Like Bitcoin? Cryptocurrency? I agree that gold may be the standard immediately post-Lifestream eruption; they mention the topography of the entire planet changed, so I wouldn't be surprised if the global economy tanked. Takes a year after ACC to get the Gaia version of the Internet back up. But...
  9. Bobbie

    The General Turks Worship Thread

    I would love to be part of a live stream. I'd just have to know in advance so my husband won't be pissy for being glued to the computer, and so I can arrange for child care, as I won't be able to hear a thing otherwise (with all three here, it's a'll be a miracle that my husband and I...
  10. Bobbie

    LicoriceAllsorts's Fanfiction

    I'm with you, Fangu. Love Veev.
  11. Bobbie

    What are you listening to?

    Distance--The Last Bison
  12. Bobbie

    The General Turks Worship Thread

    I have a blurb on my hard drive...Knives and Rude undercover at a party/club, with Reno sort of crashing. Just playing around with the characters. I have no intent to publish as I've shamelessly used Lic's characterizations, but it was fun in the making. And mating dances? Now that sounds...
  13. Bobbie

    The General Turks Worship Thread

    Club scene So, at the behest of another, and prompted by a discussion over fic and perceptions of BC Turks, I am curious as to what you might think about our Turks and possible favorite extracurricular activities. Specifically, who do you think might indulge in the club scene? I've always...
  14. Bobbie

    The General Turks Worship Thread

    Has anyone seen this pic before?
  15. Bobbie

    Worst _______ of the compilation.

    I have never played the game and somehow manage to feel your pain.
  16. Bobbie

    Last Film You've Seen

    Expendables 2. Yay, Chuck Norris.
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