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  1. I Am Not Me

    Oh, hai there.

    Hullo there, TLS! I don't know if anyone remembers me but I was here during my teen days. I got back into gaming recently and finished Rebirth on my PS5. FFVII has gone so far since then. I'll be around to soak in some nostalgia! Just introducing myself again because feels like I'm practically a...
  2. I Am Not Me

    I just became legal and no one made a thread about it.

    :hugesadpanda: (But I think people were just trying to avoid naked confrontation. :reptar:) Hello, forum. I'm back-ish.
  3. I Am Not Me

    WTF? I can't read what I'm typing either.

    I can't read wat I';m typing. Seriously.
  4. I Am Not Me

    I'm back.

    I'm pretty sure no one cares about why I've gone and what happened to my adventures through the mystical RL world... but I'm back! :reptar: ...well, back to posting anyway. I was just lurking these past few weeks or so. :awesome: So hi thar, everyone. Oh yeah, and welcome to the new people...
  5. I Am Not Me

    For the Soiled Cuffs of Balthier

    Balthier = the leading man = a.k.a. Ffamran mied Bunansa He pwns all the other leading men. He's made of complete win. He defines the word "awesome". The word "awesome" does not justify his epic self. He's Balthier. And he fiddles with his shirt cuffs. :awesome: He has the most epic...
  6. I Am Not Me


    :monster: Bai bai TLS! Just thought I should tell everyone. :awesomonster: Edit: I'll be gone for a few. IDK when I'll be back, but I'll probably be lurking around at odd times. :shifty: Edit2: :reptar:
  7. I Am Not Me

    Planet's Guardian ~ Aerith Gainsborough

    Aerith Gainsborough ♥ ~ the beautiful angel-like figure men fall for ~ ♥ literally Express your love for the one and only Aerith Gainsborough in this fanclub dedicated to her beautiful and dynamic character! ♥ You know you want to. :awesome: Share fanarts, fanfics...
  8. I Am Not Me

    I has a glitch?

    My notification says I have 1 Unread Visitor Message, but I actually don't. Everytime you click on that notification, you automatically go to the unread message/s, right? Well, I keep clicking mine and there's no new message. And when a new message comes, it says 2 Unread... but 1 remains...
  9. I Am Not Me

    Effeminate Characters

    This. Point thar. :monster: What's with the effeminate looking Final Fantasy characters? Plus that, some of the male characters act girly as well! Sometimes, when I'm unfamiliar with a character, I tend to get confused by the gender. I don't think I'm alone in this. :awesome: I'm not...
  10. I Am Not Me

    T&A; Tifa and Aerith

    Lookit, finally, a club for the awesome heroines of FFVII, Tifa Lockhart & Aerith Gainsborough This club is dedicated to Tifa and Aerith as individual characters, as the friends that they are, and as the lovers that some people might want them to be. If you love Tifa, welcome. If you love...
  11. I Am Not Me

    I am new, therefore I am introducing myself

    Hello everyone! 8D I am...not me. :loopy: But anyway~ I'm obviously new here, but I'm more new to the FF7 fandom. I just started getting into FF7 a few months ago. So if I ask n00bish questions, please don't hurt me. D: ANYHOW! Let's all get along~ :mudkip: Thank you~
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