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  1. Captain Spectacular

    Harry Potter and the Chitter of Chatting

    I honestly struggle to find a thread I want to post in on this forum. Need better threads plox.
  2. Captain Spectacular

    Highlights of 2010 so far

    Orphaned Land - Never Ending Way of ORwarriOR is the best album to me so far this year. Blind Guardian and Kamelot albums are coming out soon. Should be good.
  3. Captain Spectacular

    What annoys you most as a fan of ff7?

    The thing that annoys me most as a fan of FF7 is how overrated it is.
  4. Captain Spectacular

    Captain Spectacular

    I must rise, I must find a way... For this... Mako must surely pay. My fellow humans... I, Captain Spectacular, hereby give my word.
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