What annoys you most as a fan of ff7?


Save your valediction (she/her)
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Lord Noctis

Harbinger of Darkness
Caius Ballad
What most recently annoys me is some guy who insists Cloud wasn't the main character because he doesn't contribute anything at all to the story. I'm dead serious.

Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum
O GOD. It's all because of that scene in the Inn during the game... X_X I LOVE YAOI, but even I didn't see the subtext thar...
OLD MEN HAVE SEX. this is the basis for most CidxVincent fic.


Harbinger O Great Justice
Minor annoyance: The inbetween area that the graphics fall in. It's not quite like the old school Sprites of <6, and it's not up to par with >8 for the in-game models, so it's slightly more tough for people to get into if they haven't played it before.

Major annoyance: The fact that there are SO many subtle mistranslations in key parts of the game. I'd forgotten about it until I did my write-up recently, but the failures of the translation teams in so many aspects of this game really bothers me. For example in Ilfana's recount of the Jenova Original Crisis, it sounds like there's multiple participants people by referring to Jenova as "it" and then as "he" like it's a different person, which is even worsened by the fact that Jenova's a FEMALE. Here's the bit with the original Japanese text & Hito's notes that helped me re-write the event properly for my article.

Hitoshura said:
Yes, the energy that was needed to heal the Planet withered away the land... then the Planet..."

Originally said the energy 'rapidly' withered the land.

"When the Cetra... were preparing to part with the land they loved..."
「だいじょうぶです… セトラたちが…長年親しんだ土地から旅立ちの準備をしていたとき……」

'Part with' kind of sounds to me like they're giving it up to someone/thing else, whereas in Japanese it just said that they were preparing to travel away from it.

"That's when it¹ appeared!"
"It¹ looked like... our... our dead mothers... and our dead brothers. Showing us spectres of their past."

'Showing *us* spectres of *their* past' kind of sounds like the Cetra ('us') being shown the past of Jenova ('their'). I'm not sure about that being the case, and not just showing each Cetra something from their own pasts.

"Who is the person² that appeared at the North Cave? I haven't any idea."

I would think this 'person' is the same as the 'it' mentioned before.

"That's when the one³ who injured the Planet... or the 'crisis from the sky', as we call him³, came."
「それが星を傷つけた者です…… 空から来た厄災!わたしたちは、そう呼んでいます」

The English translation kind of mixed this line up for some reason, along with the pronoun confusion, which makes it vague. It should be "That [it/the person] is the one who injured the planet... the calamity from the skies! That is what we call it."

X :neo:


Pro Adventurer
Well I must say, like some say, the fanboys/girls piss me off for some apparent reason. Maybe because they *and comments* just annoy me. But then again that's none of my business...


"I've seen enough."
Kris; Mantichorus; Sam Vimes; Neku Sakuraba; Koki Kariya; Hazama; CuChulainn; Yu Narukami; Mewtwo; Rival Silver; Suicune; Kanata; Professor Oak; The Brigadier; VIII; The Engineer
Following on from this pairing talk...

the LTD debate annoys me. Especially since it's still going on after a canon position has been explicitly stated.
That ACC is not the type of movie I can recommend to anyone; most will not be satisfied because of the confusing story. I wish ACC was more accessible even to non-FFVII-fans...
That ACC is not the type of movie I can recommend to anyone; most will not be satisfied because of the confusing story. I wish ACC was more accessible even to non-FFVII-fans...

Ah, but... it was my first exposure to any Final Fantasy, and that was when it was only AC and thus even more confusing. I said to myself, "what is this? Who are these people? They're so beautiful, but it's all so weird". And so then I went and played FFVII so I could find out what it was all about. So it worked as a sort of advertisement to lure me into the fandom.


Double Growth
ACC is MUCH better for unfamiliars than normal AC. But yeah, you need a pretty good preface to lead people into it.

"All right, so "Mother" is Jenova, which is an alien that's been subdued and has had her cells placed into people for experiments performed by "Shinra," the requisite evil corporation. The people still around from this corporation aren't really good, but they're not keen on the evil guy coming back either so they kinda help the good guys here, got it?"


"All right, so "Mother" is Jenova, which is an alien that's been subdued and has had her cells placed into people for experiments performed by "Shinra," the requisite evil corporation. The people still around from this corporation aren't really good, but they're not keen on the evil guy coming back either so they kinda help the good guys here, got it?"



If I was someone who just started playing FFVII, I'd still be confused. x.x;;

My first question would be: Is Shinra good, evil or just netural?
Yes, I was very confused... but also intrigued. You cannot overestimate the spellbinding power of something that is very, very pretty to look at. Then, after I got my blue-ray and ACC came out, I was even more transfixed by its visual awesomeness. I mean, you can see their pores! The pebbles in the street! The stitching on the shoes! If that's not love I don't know what is.


alex is dead
Alex, Ashes, Pennywise, Bill Weasley, Jack's Smirking Revenge, Sterling Archer
That ACC is not the type of movie I can recommend to anyone; most will not be satisfied because of the confusing story.
TBH I think 'confusing story' is a misnomer. Its a very simple story that has been told very poorly, which is the only reason why its confusing :/


"I've seen enough."
Kris; Mantichorus; Sam Vimes; Neku Sakuraba; Koki Kariya; Hazama; CuChulainn; Yu Narukami; Mewtwo; Rival Silver; Suicune; Kanata; Professor Oak; The Brigadier; VIII; The Engineer
I know (at least) one person who got into the FF games after watching AC.

Of course, they're quite vocal about how much a good idea it is to redo VII with AC level graphics. -_-


Fiat Lux
AC/C simply doesn't work as a sequel because it's too dependent on the original game for nostalgia value and the audience is supposed to assume too much of WTF is going on. The most accessible sequels work as self-contained pieces of cinema in and of their own right, and don't necessitate the previous instalment, especially if that movie didn't end on a cliffhanger and managed to resolve every plot thread. They can develop and embellish characters/details from the previous movie, but it won't encourage you to watch a 30-minute recap, and a half-assed narration to summarize events of a 50-hour game to ascertain the who, what, where and why. Yes, the movie was marketed predominantly for FFVII fans, but even large parts of that demographic were left scratching their heads at the plot (or absence of one).

AC/C should have veered away from the commercialized, Cloud vs. Sephiroth fanwank and tried to tell its own story within the FFVII universe without the co-dependence on the original game. That way it would have been accessible for all parties.
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