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  1. N

    Steal me, please! Zidane/Garnet

    Too bad it doesn’t deliver as much as it was hyped up to be and not enough focus. Especially when Garnet selfishly drugs and abandons him to run back to her psycho mother like an idiot (whom she wanted to ESCAPE FROM in the first place) and spends most of the game giving him cold shoulder to...
  2. N

    Final Fantasy IX

    Got any examples? Besides chapter one, I mean.
  3. N

    Final Fantasy IX

    I was trying to be productive, but when people refuse to even read your points to discuss them and strawman you, it’s kind of hard to keep things civil, my patience was really thinning back there. How can you have quality discussion when someone isn’t even going to try and understand what you...
  4. N

    Final Fantasy IX

    Well at least someone is acknowledging Beatrix being a poorly written character and overpowered Mary Sue.
  5. N

    Final Fantasy IX

    The stuff with the black mages was pretty pretentious: Zidane "Are you the one who makes the Mist!?" "It is not produced. Mist is a by-product of the refining process. It is discharged through the roots." "By-product"? It's literally the souls of the inhabitants of Gaia that have been...
  6. N

    Everything Wrong with Final Fantasy IX

    I hate the current obsession with 'entitlement.' There's nothing that's right or wrong anymore because muh entitlement prevents anything from being considered wrong. All opinions are not equal, would you let your child eat glass if they thought “it would taste good”? No? Then you agree that...
  7. N

    Everything Wrong with Final Fantasy IX

    I like to make emphasis on certain words, don’t act like you’ve never done this. Why is mostly everyone on these forums cherry picking everything I do?
  8. N

    Everything Wrong with Final Fantasy IX

    Views do not equal facts, the black mages were a wasted potentially interesting plot that I have made VALID OBSERVATIONS ABOUT. You aren’t even TRYING to pick apart my arguments, you truly are just some trolls who don’t like me picking apart your favourite game, it feels like I’m back on the TV...
  9. N

    Everything Wrong with Final Fantasy IX

    Didn’t really address anything I actually said about the game I see. You never talk about what I actually say about Garnet and etc. You have done nothing to refute the valid statements that I have said about Garnet and the black mages. “Opinion” is just a safeguard by someone who hates...
  10. N

    Everything Wrong with Final Fantasy IX

    Says the guy who refuses to read all my arguments, especially when he only saw the first chapter that only covers the opening Alexandria segment where the game isn’t even going downhill yet. My last comment literally just showed valid statements about the black mages.
  11. N

    Everything Wrong with Final Fantasy IX

    Either you read the facts that I have presented in my commentary or stop acting like such a condescending snob to me. What I said about Garnet WAS objective fact, it is objective fact that she renders the entire beginning of the game pointless as the whole point of that was to get her away from...
  12. N

    Everything Wrong with Final Fantasy IX

    Flaws have to make sense and be believable, Garnet’s weren’t, stop making excuses for her and white knighting her. What “development”? Garnet never learns from her mistakes, she just has long internal monologues. Also, nobody ever calls her out on the mistakes she made or what the cost actually...
  13. N

    Everything Wrong with Final Fantasy IX

    The argument was about majority vs minority though, and thinking that majority automatically equals fact, which is a fallacy. Let’s just drop the whole sales thing already. Oh really? Not even Superman 64? Or Atari E.T. which caused the great video game crash? Those aren’t OBJECTIVELY bad? You...
  14. N

    Everything Wrong with Final Fantasy IX

    Regardless, Sakaguchi is not a good writer. Again, not trolling, I am being completely serious.
  15. N

    Everything Wrong with Final Fantasy IX

    The examples you used didn’t even have IX in the top three. Because I am actually analyzing the script of IX, copy and pasting the script and then reading through it to point out any inconsistencies, plot holes and bad writing as factually as possible. Actually when was the last time you played...
  16. N

    Everything Wrong with Final Fantasy IX

    Sakaguchi didn’t raise any objections to it, unlike Nomura. Honestly Nomura should have been involved in IX, he would have objected to a lot of the things that Sakaguchi wrote in IX.
  17. N

    Everything Wrong with Final Fantasy IX

    You do realize that XV is very clearly an unfinished game, especially with Nomura kicked off the project. Lunafreya at least never got anyone killed due to her stupidity, unlike Garnet. “make sense for her as a character.”? Garnet’s character sucks and is extremely cliché, she is a naïve...
  18. N

    Everything Wrong with Final Fantasy IX

    Nostalgia shills always bring this up like it means something. This is the same guy that nearly tanked his entire company with that awful “The Spirits Within” movie and then went on to make blue dragon and the last story. Sure. His opinion is gospel. Why should it have any bearing on objective...
  19. N

    Everything Wrong with Final Fantasy IX

    Chapter four explains why Garnet is a horrible character: Here is a preview: Luna Freya was just bland.
  20. N

    Everything Wrong with Final Fantasy IX

    Which is why IX is OVERRATED, I don’t care what these rankings say because they are clearly biased, like Rotten Tomatoes. IX wasn’t even in the top three in any of those examples, you also said nothing about the “1001 Video Games to play” book I mentioned before. Also I only quoted TV Tropes...
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