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  1. Lord Dragonis

    An RP Section

    Who knows, isnt it worth trying? It's not like it will kill anyone...will it?
  2. Lord Dragonis

    An RP Section

    I searched RP On the search bar and nothing popped up, So my apologies if this has been suggested I think it would be cool if we had an rp section, Add some more to the forums and what not, umm..yea, thats my two bits...and a few words
  3. Lord Dragonis

    Signature Request

    Thanks so much Masamune, it is awesome
  4. Lord Dragonis

    Signature Request

    Actually, I like my thank yours to much mroe personal, thus I give thank yous when the person has accepted, however you are correct I did not usre any manners in my requesting process and thus I would like to apologize to those who have seen this. In turn I would like to request that someone...
  5. Lord Dragonis

    Signature Request

    Character in Signature: Sephiroth Name on Signature : Lord Dragonis Reborn Color Limitation: No Yellow, Pink, Light Purple Theme: Darkish if possible
  6. Lord Dragonis

    Things that piss you off

    a pinched nerve in your neck making it impossible for you to move your head without causing you lose control of your motor functions, which causes you to fall down and almost faint in pain
  7. Lord Dragonis

    Last Film You've Seen

    The last movie I watched was Watchmen
  8. Lord Dragonis

    The Gunblade

    I am sure I'll be ripped to shreds for posting my opinion, but its never stopped me before, lolz Anyways, I hate this weapon, I honestly think it was one of the dumbest weapons ever put into a game, See, I can understand why very few people use the gunblade in FF8, Cause straight put to use it...
  9. Lord Dragonis

    Things that piss you off

    lolz, I know what you mean there, people who jsut like to capitalize everything is annoying too
  10. Lord Dragonis

    Favourite Final Fantasy character(s)?

    My favourite Character is Sephiroth
  11. Lord Dragonis

    Things that piss you off

    Emos, emos piss me off >.<
  12. Lord Dragonis

    Hello all

    Yes, Yes I did
  13. Lord Dragonis

    Hello all

    Well, figured I might as well give a hello to all whom I dont know and a handshake to those I used to know from ACF, Hello to alllllllll
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