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  1. Kamui

    Strike in the Night - Lightning Fanclub

    Yeah you do Tenny. XD @ Looney
  2. Kamui

    Strike in the Night - Lightning Fanclub

    Same reaction here to that. I almost teared up. Almost. Make sure to have After that, just keep trying until it works. Anyone care to share their favorite Lightning quote?
  3. Kamui

    Strike in the Night - Lightning Fanclub

    Yesterday Thankfully I have never had a similar experience for all of my injuries. I may do a picture of it just for fun.
  4. Kamui

    Strike in the Night - Lightning Fanclub

    Very cool! Anyone have a diagram of how the gunblade switches shapes? I was looking at the action figure I just got and rewatching scenes as best as I could, but no such luck. Help?
  5. Kamui

    Strike in the Night - Lightning Fanclub

    Wow totally amazing picture Glaurung! No worries about the magical girl thing, it actually reminded me of I just finished that chapter myself Raquelborn! So awesome! And I am so putting up the first one, just because the caption should be: "Your head asplode now." Thanks for providing those! ^_^
  6. Kamui

    Can someone change my username?

    Could someone please change mine to Kamui? Please?
  7. Kamui

    Strike in the Night - Lightning Fanclub

    Thanks for the linkage! I was thinking of doing an AMV since I'm on Spring Break. Thoughts on a song? Otherwise I'm going with either Vi ar dom Tuffaste by Nanne Gronvall or Lithium Flower from Ghost in the Shell, but I want to take requests first. Also there was this pic that made me break out...
  8. Kamui

    Strike in the Night - Lightning Fanclub

    I'm not a great artist but the request is served. SE Members has a bunch of cool wallpapers up too. If you want I can post them up here too. Also I may see if GameStop will finally sell me the promo posters. I wanted to buy the CC ones but did they give them to me? Nooo... Maybe this time...
  9. Kamui

    Strike in the Night - Lightning Fanclub

    I know that FFXIII just came out yesterday, but I thought that there should be a fanclub for the leading lady, Lightning. So come and celebrate the awesome new hero of the Final Fantasy family! Rules: Obey all forum rules No flaming Please use spoiler tags as needed since this is a new...
  10. Kamui

    ChaosBringers, Reborn!

    So basically now that I've finally seen ACC, I would just like to say that So according to you two I'm now related to Sephiroth rather than Yuna? XD *runs out to by silver dye* I think there's a YouTube video of me somewhere in my old Vincent outfit... I need to get to work on a new one, but...
  11. Kamui

    ChaosBringers, Reborn!

    Ah the Stoic Woobie. Though I think Vincent is more Stoic Woobie Destroyer of Worlds. Just until the end of DoC though. That said though I went back and reread Case of Nanaki, Any speculation on what they talk about? On a completely unrelated note, you'd think the people of Edge would learn...
  12. Kamui

    ChaosBringers, Reborn!

    Geez Manti you make me sound like someone who wants to ruin children's dreams... Oh wait... XD I just got my new pendant a week ago, it's much bigger then the last one so I think it should hold. My mom was also kind enough to get me a Vincent dogtag. Unfortunately it's suffering from coating...
  13. Kamui

    ChaosBringers, Reborn!

    The necklace is pewter... it would totally melt if I tried anything hotter than ice... But I have a new one on the way... hopefully... *crosses fingers* And for my next hair dye, black and I will do a black suit Turk!Vincent... I got a new tie so it works now... Very nice fic Big Brother!!!!
  14. Kamui

    ChaosBringers, Reborn!

    Well the three of us and I'm not sure where Smaddy went. So do we wanna draw lots or how do we decide who gets what gift? Also, I had a BSOD moment the other day when the middle head of my Cerberus pendant broke off... I'm still trying to recover and a new one's on the way... Mom suggested I...
  15. Kamui

    Distant Worlds Chicago

    Sorry about that Animexcel! My obliviousness prevails again. DX Anyway, I didn't get the manual signed because I didn't have a manual with my copy. I got it used and I didn't want to cause too much trouble for the other people waiting in line. That and I had to use the restroom. The new...
  16. Kamui

    ChaosBringers, Reborn!

    Alright then!!! I've got no objection to either the online or offline. And agreed, seeing as how sending something like a plushie would be difficult, I propose that at least part of it has to be a handmade present. So if you get someone a keychain, you should handmake the card. There's just...
  17. Kamui

    Distant Worlds Chicago

    My Squall cosplay I wore for the concert. My autographed copy of FFVII. I'll edit the post with new pics or make a new post with the pictures off of the camera (not my computer camera) including my shot with Mr. Uematsu. As to why I didn't get a shirt, I can only guess that they'd packed...
  18. Kamui

    ChaosBringers, Reborn!

    Hey there people!!! Okay so I'm back from Chicago and all excited!!! In the spirit of the holidays, I was thinking a fanfic/art swap/competition is in order, the prompt obviously being Vincent (with or without others) and the holidays. Make it fun and creative, and we can post it all here. So...
  19. Kamui

    Distant Worlds Chicago

    I know there was a thread created by ForceStealer for the Baltimore concert but this one is for the Chicago one that took place on 12/12/09. I had the thrill of being front row at the concert and I'm gonna give a review of it plus put up all the announcements they gave at the concert. Review...
  20. Kamui

    ChaosBringers, Reborn!

    Goddamnit why do all the best conversations happen when I'm not around?!?!?! Well I think in VII, Vincent learned the error of his ways, "Too much hope is the opposite of despair, an overpowering love may consume you in the end." At least in that sometimes, the best thing for a person is often...
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