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  1. Sublime


    No way haha, I probably know them. Small world
  2. Sublime


    Yup, the good old days haha. I'm from Skye :)
  3. Sublime


    Because that's my name, V! EDIT: Maybe you're not the V I'm thinking of? Scotland you say?
  4. Sublime


    Hey Ghost, how's things?
  5. Sublime


    This feels like home :)
  6. Sublime


    Rare and collectable users?
  7. Sublime


    Saw this xkcd and thought of here. Thought it would be ironic to bring back this thread from the dead by returning once more to say hello again after....six years!?? Wtf.
  8. Sublime

    Star Wars: Episode 7, 8... and BEYOND!

    This makes me so excited. I'm so glad to see them going back to basics.
  9. Sublime

    Did anyone find the trailer narrative clever and well done?

    This. I think the text was good but I'm just not a fan of voiceovers in this kind of thing. If it had just been text interspersed throughout the trailer it would have been so much better IMO. I mean, I can read and I trust the directors to make the trailer itself dramatic enough without...
  10. Sublime

    Theory: Opening cinematic

    I can see how Midgar might go from being gritty to changing into a clean city with high rise buildings etc. but I don't really see it happening in reverse. There aren't any remains of these tall buildings in the Midgar we know from the OG and indeed from other shots of Midgar in the...
  11. Sublime

    Visual Breakdown of FFVII Remake E3 2015 Trailer

    Erm well, as much as it was a trailer for an entire game it was kind of alluding to the opening scene especially with the intro to Bombing Run so yeah... that's not really anything particularly noteworthy. @ S and G - Maybe seeing as the article is becoming more and more inflated it might be a...
  12. Sublime


    In the absence of moar trailers, here's my favourite trailer for the original game which I remember being on a demo disc back in the day: EDIT: There are absolutely no horrible overly dramatic voice-overs in it.
  13. Sublime

    Article Writing: SEO (Very Important)

    IMO, although Facebook automatically pulls the title etc. from the link, posts always get more attention when they've got a personal introductory comment. Otherwise the posts become just what you said, linkspam, and people are less likely to stop and look. Especially seeing as Facebook itself...
  14. Sublime

    Interviews with Nomura

    I've just read the original dialogue with Big Bro again. I don't find anything sleazy about it at all. I'm still not sure if s/he is an actual transexual or just a man who likes to cross-dress but having read the dialogue again I don't feel that there was any fun being poked at either. I think...
  15. Sublime

    Interviews with Nomura

    I don't think transgender people have changed at all, rather the perception and acceptance of them. While the original game placed Big Bro there for a bit of humour which these days might be seen as inappropriate, it doesn't mean to say Big Bro can't still be in the remake. The roles would...
  16. Sublime

    Which Cloud's face are you hoping for?

    I vote for his orgasm face. No?
  17. Sublime

    Visual Breakdown of FFVII Remake E3 2015 Trailer

    I was bored so I tried to capture it: I can't actually remember what the 7th Heaven logo looks like.
  18. Sublime

    Squarea 51

    I'm not familiar with current production timescales but I take it there's no chance of it being finished in time for the 20th anniversary? i.e January 2017... Baring in mind it is theoretically possible that they've already made some headway with it.
  19. Sublime

    Cids swearing

    If they did allow swearing in particular in the way he speaks to Shera I think SE would have to have one or more of the other characters pointedly tell him off for it or defend her in some way for it to be acceptable.
  20. Sublime

    Member Spotlight #35: Ask Matthewtheman anything

    You did see the news about the Smiler at Alton Towers right? :p I'd still ride it though. That's what she said.
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