[CHAPTER 5] Let's ALL Play Final Fantasy VI!


The first checkpoint is right after Terra leaves Arvis' house. Doesn't matter much but you can get Mog's equipment and if you leave the chests they'll have better stuff in the later on.

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
I'm sure a slave collar is something completely different, and not really suitable for this topic, Mako xD

A slave collar is a perfectly suitable topic for this thread. A slave collar on Terra, however, is suitable for any conversation.


Double Growth
Doesn't matter much but you can get Mog's equipment and if you leave the chests they'll have better stuff in the later on.

I hate when games do this. It seems to reward people who suck at RPGs (that is, don't hunt for treasure). Why would I ever come across a chest and NOT open it excepting prior knowledge? >_>
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Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
When you could cross temporally farm it for awesome!

But that only applies to Chrono Trigger.
When you could cross temporally farm it for awesome!

But that only applies to Chrono Trigger.

Ya, this was the one game where it actually made sense.

The only version of FFVI I have atm is my SNES copy with no SNES, and The Eternal Crystals rom. Will get one soon.


I also randomly found an elixer in one of the pots at the house, if anyone missed that :monster:

edit:...it may have been the clock :P
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I hate when games do this. It seems to reward people who suck at RPGs (that is, don't hunt for treasure). Why would I ever come across a chest and NOT open it excepting prior knowledge? >_>

I hate this in FFXII, like 4 chests, which you guaranteed to pass like 20 times in the first hours may or may not end up holding the Zodiac Spear.
Yoshida's great. And Yoshida, Matsuno, and Sakimoto working together can do no wrong.

I hate this in FFXII, like 4 chests, which you guaranteed to pass like 20 times in the first hours may or may not end up holding the Zodiac Spear.

I think one of the chests is even in plain view during a cutscene early in the game which is absurd because if you open it (and who wouldn't after being shown it in a cutscene) then tough luck, the odds for the Zodiac Spear go from 100% to 1/1000. :awesome:

I was unaware that the content of some of the chests in FFVI would change depending on when you opened them. I don't understand how the developers expect people to stumble upon benefits like that.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
I think its awesome.

Tricks like that and shit add replay value and make the RPG experience cool because it makes you PAY THE FUCK ATTENTION and know what you're doing before you dive in half cocked. I like my games like I like my women.

To beat me up, slap me around, insult me, and make me work for my pleasure. :awesome:

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
I think its awesome.

Tricks like that and shit add replay value and make the RPG experience cool because it makes you PAY THE FUCK ATTENTION and know what you're doing before you dive in half cocked.

I agree with Force. Shit's stupid.

I don't care how much fucking attention you pay, you're never going to derive that knowledge from the game itself.

Mako said:
I like my games like I like my women.

To beat me up, slap me around, insult me, and make me work for my pleasure. :awesome:

I should introduce you to my ex. Have fun being miserable.


AI Researcher
The problem is there's nothing to pay attention to. Those chest don't look any different, there's nothing to hint that there's something special about them. You need someone to tell you not to do these things, or to just randomly decide 'hey, I'm not going to open any treasure chests in case one might be a better item later on' when you start.

Kai Schulen

... ... ...▼
Trainer Red
I just got through the caves and saved at the adventure house. I had to reload from the second save point to farm potions because Megalodoths and their snowstorms are fucking cheap. :@ But at least I got my mythril knife. :monster:

I echo everybody's sentiments on just how memorable the opening scene is.
The scene where Terra interacts with the esper has always been eerie to me. With sprites, it's rather difficult to tell what's the expressions on everybody's face but not being able to see their emotions allows the player to use their imagination to decide how this scene comes across to them -- I've always liked that about old school sprite games.

Also, I've noticed that there's a moogle named Cosmog. Lul. :awesome:

Cat Rage Room

Great Old One

Hey guys! A few things I wanted to address. First off, to those who are ahead or behind the playthrough, you're always free to comment and discuss any of the checkpoints at any time. So if you're just starting, haven't started yet, or decided that I can just fuck off with arbitrarily limiting how far you can get in the game, feel free to jump in. Don't be shy! Second, if don't want to fiddle around the topic pages to look for checkpoints, I've added a handy dandy table of contents on the first post so that you can just click at any checkpoint I've made so far!

Anyway, on with the checkpoint.


Finally got to Figaro, eh? As one of the leading world superpowers in the world of FFVI, Figaro (Kingdom) Castle is one of my favorite locations in the series. A technological desert castle? Ain't that a bitch!? Final Fantasy is known for its crazy concepts, but there's something so deceptively simple and cool about a castle in the desert that can move around underground. That's fuckin' baller as hell! Which brings me to another cool cat, Edgar Roni Figaro. This guy is cool as hell as well and is one of the reasons why FFVI has some of the most swagger in the entire series. Almost all of the male characters ooze cool. They're cool in their own way, and Edgar and Toolset adds to that.

I have some gameplay tips for you guys! When Edgar joins your team, the most optimal way to use him is to put him in the back row and never use his equipped weapon, ever. The way the damage for Tools is calculated, it ignores Row and makes using his physical weapon obsolete 99% percent of the time.

I think its still pertinent to give him new weapons because I'm not sure whether or not Tools damage calculation takes his weapon into account, but even then, put him in the back row.

However I also want to add that the game is relatively easy enough for you to do whatever the fuck you want; you are losing nothing if you want Edgar to slash away with his sword from time to time for the sake of variety.


This guy. I totally love it how he starts off so humble and lowly. Little does anyone know. To those commenting, no spoilers please, we still have new players on board! This checkpoint lasts until you meet a certain muscle bound oaf. You'll know what I'm talkin' bout when you get there.

So, I guess my questions are pretty simple since the game is still in its beginning stages. What do you think of the events so far? How you hangin'? Also bonus question; Soraya Saga, a designer and scriptwriter for Square at the time, designed the Figaro brothers. She used a lot of the concepts for Edgar/Sabin for another duo of badass brothers for another Square game. Can you guess who they are? Answers in spoiler tags, please, because the answer is a spoiler for that particular game!
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Lord Noctis

Harbinger of Darkness
Caius Ballad
Ah Figaro. In all honesty I've never understood this castle. How does it work? How did they design it? Who came up with it? In the end this is overshadowed by just how interesting and cool the concept is. It shows the sort of simple but imaginative creativity that Square is really lacking these days.

Of course Edgar just makes the place even better, and is a well thought out character in his own right. It really says something about him that in a game full of amazing characters he is easily able to stand out.

Of course then theres Kefka. I love how he can seem so comical and threatening at the same time during his first appearances. I never would have pegged him as the big bad when I first played this game. Unlike Sephiroth who is clearly the villian from his first appearances, Kefka gradually works his way up to that position, becoming more dangeorus and threatening over time.

And yes, Edgar is flipping us off, and he's doing it with style.

Dark and Divine

Pro Adventurer
I got to say that, in my first playthrough, something there in Figaro was surprising, amusing and quite cool at the same time: Kefka's laugh.

I knew a few things about Kefka beforehand, but I didn't knew about his laugh.

I already was amused with
the "Sand in my boots" line and such
, but when he turned his face to the camera and unleashed his laugh, it was something completely unexpected.

I had no reaction for a few seconds, but then I started to laugh hard.

And then I thought: "That guy laughed...on the Snes! That guy has a laugh! On the Snes! And it's so fucking cool!!!!"

Seriously, I was already quite keen of Kefka's character because of what I knew about him before playing the game and because of his initial moments in Figaro, but that laugh made me like him even more and was like a prelude to the things to come that made Kefka one of my favourite characters/villains ever.



Oh, and Edgar was also cool and I loved to have him on my party. And there's an event
involving Edgar, Terra and Locke
during a battle that I thought it was quite funny...
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