[CHAPTER 5] Let's ALL Play Final Fantasy VI!

Cat Rage Room

Great Old One
What does this book say about it?

-202 Completion of Figaro Castle. At this time the facilities for such things as subterranean movement had not yet been installed.
-84 The mechanization of Figaro Castle proceeds.
-74 Figaro's first submerge attempt. It's results are a serious failure. Victims rank in the hundreds.
-68 Large-scale technological innovation proceeds with mass hirings for engineers. After three attempts, the castle finally achieves a successful submersion.
Hereafter the castle takes the appellation phantom mechanical castle, but it was not said that another failure would be sufficient to strip the label of small nation from it.

NOTE: The label of 'small nation' only applied to Figaro at that time in history. In the present, Figaro is one of the four world superpowers of; The Empire, Figaro, Doma, and Jidoor.


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu

Trufact: Those fans are entirely decorative. Don't do a damn thing, not even circulate air.

Yes, Edgar put spinners on his castle. That's how mad he is.


Because he's the Goddamn Batman.

As for the Badass Bros, Zidane and Kuja!

Bart and Sigurd, no?
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We have come to terms
slave collar
I thought we were playing FFVI, not Return of the Jedi? :huh:

Ed: Also, if you want, I can try and post FFVI-related scans from my Amano art book? No idea HOW I'm going to do that, since I don't have a scanner, and refuse to deface it ._.

Also - Edgar is a bad ass mofo. TOOOOOOLS
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Double Growth
When the castle goes under, wasn't that where Kefka said "Son of a submariner?" I'm playing the GBA version and he said son of something else I'm not remembering. DId they change it or am I thinking of a different part?

Dark and Divine

Pro Adventurer
When the castle goes under, wasn't that where Kefka said "Son of a submariner?" I'm playing the GBA version and he said son of something else I'm not remembering. DId they change it or am I thinking of a different part?

They changed that line in the GBA, the same way they also changed some of the dialogue.


Double Growth
I knew they retranslated it and all - that's why I wanted to play the GBA version, to see the new translation. But I thought that was one of THOSE lines. Especially considering they jsut made it "son of" something else, which is likely not what was in Japanese anyway, why not keep it?


slave collar
I thought we were playing FFVI, not Return of the Jedi? :huh:

I thought we were playing FFVI, not Farscape, :monster:.

Also - Edgar is a bad ass mofo. TOOOOOOLS

From my last half-assed attempt at a playthrough, I've always thought Edgar's tools are very much overpowered and completely unrelated to his actual stats. Repeater crossbow ftw.

Also, if people who haven't played FFVI yet think Kefka's a badass already... :awesome:.

Really, there's a shitton of content in FFVI, lots of small detail things too, which is why it's (as far as I know) the best RPG in this particular style to date. Of course, I haven't played any of the Chrono games to date, nor ever finished any of the pre-VI games except II, so my opinion may be void.


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
1. Play Chrono Trigger. NAO.

2. 'Two' two or Four when it was Two?


We have come to terms
Chrono Trigger is, IN MY OPINION, at least as good as FFVI.

If not slightly better.

Chrono Cross, while good, doesn't compare to CT. It's like...FFIV, in this comparison (which was really good btw).


AI Researcher
I pasted the check point (up to the point where
you have to select which character you want to play as, I picked Mash and am up to the part where Kefka poisons Doma Castle
). But I made screenshots up to the checkpoint just because :monster:


One thing I'm liking is all the variations for the sprites. I wasn't really expecting there to be so many. Though this is just the beginning, so maybe I'll have seen all the variations for these characters now :monster:


It struck me as a bit strange to have this rather length conversation with your backs turned towards the big magical enemy robot standing right there :awesome:


When I saw that pub sign, I was wondering if that something they might have changed for the English game. Or did FFVI get by without changing any reference to alcohol?


Is there something special about that turtle, or is it just there and you can never reach it? :monster:


Also my cheaty stats :awesome:

Cat Rage Room

Great Old One
If you're playing the game for the first time, it's probably best to play the gameplay as intended. I hate to tell you to start over, but if you're cheating you're missing half the fun!


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Aww, all you had to do was use the Vanish-Doom trick, if you wanted an easy time! :awesome:


AI Researcher
Yeah, my cheating wasn't intentional, it was like that when I got it :awesome: I think someone just multiplied the EXP/gil you get from enemies. There was one enemy, a bird in the mountains, which gave a more reasonable amount of EXP/gil so I guess they missed that one :monster:

I found another one, but I haven't tried it out yet.


AI Researcher
While I'm going to be starting again, which are those chests you're supposed to leave alone for better items, exactly?


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
The chests in the training house in Narshe.

Oh, and Pub was changed into a pictograph of a glass and food, IIRC.


Double Growth
Still says pub on the GBA one though :P

Hito, sorry if this is a stupid question, but your Japanese really is that good that you can play in a reasonable amount of time? I know you're an excellent translator, but that's different from playing through a game reading message boxes.
When I was in Japan my friend and I got a copy of FFV and worked through it together, story scenes took FOR-EVER, and that was when my Japanese was halfway decent :monster:
Anyway, really impressive.

And I may be late for this now, but anyone taking Mog's advice with putting Edgar in the back row and all, be sure to give his sword to Terra, she'll make much better use of it :)

You know, one thing I am glad we were able to leave behind in the sprite-based games is the size of the enemies relative to the player characters. It's okay with monsters, but when you're fighting humans it looks ridiculous. The boss at the end of this checkpoint, for example, looks like he got hit with the "Make it Grow!" thing from Power Rangers.
Not a huge deal at all, I'm just saying. Kefka gets to look badass as hell while you have still got the little 16-bit sprites :D


AI Researcher
Hito, sorry if this is a stupid question, but your Japanese really is that good that you can play in a reasonable amount of time? I know you're an excellent translator, but that's different from playing through a game reading message boxes.
When I was in Japan my friend and I got a copy of FFV and worked through it together, story scenes took FOR-EVER, and that was when my Japanese was halfway decent :monster:
Anyway, really impressive.
I'm not going to get through this post without it sounding like boasting :awesome:

It doesn't really take me any longer than I would playing in English, at this point. That does mean I understand everything perfectly all the time, though.

Example: In the opening it mentioned '蒸気 (jouki/steam)' which I wasn't sure how to read, though I knew the meaning, but guessed right with 'jouki' (because it's basically another word I know, 'suijouki' without the 'sui' and means almost the same thing).

Most of the time though, even if I'm not completely sure on what a word means I can sometimes guess it based on the context. The only thing that sticks out in my mind so far was the word ろうじょう [roujou], which n this case means holding up in a castle to protect it from the enemy. I wasn't familiar with that before, and it wasn't written in kanji so I couldn't guess it from that.

It also depends on the game (or whatever it is). Compared to some other things, FFVI doesn't seem that complicated vocabulary-wise. [Forbidden] Siren, the last game I finished, was more difficult for me than this has been.

Though I usually don't look things up while playing the game; I'll write it down to check out later, if that. If I don't play in a reasonable amount of time, it's because I suck at the game :monster:

But to make this less about me, something I found out while looking for a script to read through, about a mistake in the translation:


English version said:
OLD MAN: Imperial troops are pursuing her even as we speak.
This town is no match for the Empire.
Our independence can only be assured if we join forces with the Returners, an underground resistance movement.
That girl wasn't responsible for her actions. We must get her to understand our dilemma!
Alternate translation + notes said:
Old Man: She's being pursued by
 this city's guards right now....
This city has power enough to stand against
the Empire. But they're so autonomous
they're not about to join with our underground
organization, the Returners, either....
And they're not about to heed my argument that
the girl was just being manipulated by the Empire....

Where do I begin...? In order of appearance, in the original: City guards are chasing her, not Imperial troops. The town stands a fair chance against the Empire, rather than being no match for it (this should be obvious, since why else would the Returners want their help so badly?). The city's stubborn independence prevents an alliance with the Returners, rather than the city needing the Returners to maintain independence. The old man speaks to Lock as a fellow member of the Returners, not merely as a concerned citizen of the city. There is no mention of getting the girl to understand their dilemma, just getting the guards to listen.

Might be interesting to look through that site as you play through, see what kind of stuff might have gotten lost or altered :monster:

Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum
During this part Edgar hits on Terra and it's one of the first indications we get of her being a 'what is this thing you call love' sort of person. Though I don't really think it's indicative of some greater Eddy and Terra pairing, since Edgar hits on all the FFVI girls. To be honest, I really like Terra's whole mini-journey to discovering what love is. Other things I like: Locke's insistence that he is not a thief but a treasure hunter. Now call him that before he rips your lungs out.

I do like that, because otherwise he'd just seem a bit generic fantasy hero, vowing to protect the girl and all. I know you realize why and I personally found it interesting later, but at the moment, his promise seems like a generic fantasy thing to do.
Oh, and Edgar was also cool and I loved to have him on my party. And there's an event (SPOILER) involving Edgar, Terra and Locke during a battle that I thought it was quite funny...

I've always really liked this scene. For one, it's pretty hilarious especially with the sprite animations, and it's also a pretty big contrast to most RPGs where magic is taken for granted.

On an unrelated note, I've always thought Figaro Castle was really cool even if I didn't quite understand how it's supposed to work (but that's what suspension of disbelief is for :monster: ). IMO, it's actually pretty iconic. Like, it's a good example of how FFVI keeps some of the more traditional fantasy elements (castles) but adds technological touches so it's steampunk instead of straight up medieval-ish fantasy.


Higher Further Faster

w00t! My copy arrived in the mail today! :)

I'll get crackin' on getting to that checkpoint. :)

After I finish up some Destrillians stuff first. :/
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